Be american

>be american
>get shot

>be poo
>can't loo

>be poo

>be indian street
>get shat

>be american
>get shot
>actually have to pay for healthcare

>be Indian

>be Indian
>can't poo in loo

>be Indian
>eat dead people

>be leaf
>be on way home and look through window to see wife getting railed by tyrone
>take off pants to jerk it
>get frostbite of the dick
>be on way to hospital
>get trampled by moose

C-C-C-C-Combo breaker

fuck your green text

>Be American.
>Shoot other American.
>We laugh.
>The police laugh.
>We go shooting at the gun range.

>Be indian

That's the joke.

>>be on way home and look through window to see wife getting railed by tyrone
projecting? reminder USA is 56% white and has 70x more tyrones than we do

>be Pajeet
>shit in street
>get shit on your feet
>too poor to own shoes
>your country hasn't figured out how to use loos

>Be Indian
>Find poo in your own curry

>ignoring the fact that leafs lead the board in cuckposting.
You could insert Mohammed for Tyrone, maybe that'll get you off easier.

>be chilean
>compare to ur neighbors

Americans are massive creatures boasting some of the largest volumes of all humanoids in the known universe which means even blindfolded you chance of shooting one is pretty good.

This leads to the question; if a bullet flies in America and no one is around to hear it, does it hit a fat fuck?

Protip: Answer is yes.

Mohammed? I thought Canada was around 90% Changs?

>Be Canadian
>Get 2 same numbers


Congrats, you're king of the shitters.
They are but their leader Weedman wants to bring in those refugees by the boatload. So many that we might need TWO walls.


>be Indian
>become a tech support scammer then take other peoples money through fear mongering and deception ultimately becoming the ultimate degenerate

Better being shot than being caught shitting in the streets tbq

We will build our wall out of treadmills. It's the only way.

Heh! A fat joke? About America!? Take my upvotes good sir, that finely tuned joke is certainly deserving of them!
May I ask, what is your 9gag username? I predict many 'keks' will be had by checking out your profile!

Yes but how to type ID with big sausage fingers?

>be tech support

How do you type with sticky syrup fingers?

Man o man! Your comedic genius is never ending! Keep 'em coming!

So, as an American I'll take the bait.

Done a bit of "underground living", if you will. I don't personally own a gun, but whenever you are going someplace you don't totally trust, it's pretty easy to get someone who carries and is militarily trained to come along.
Aside from that, there is a certain etiquette to behave by in "dangerous" areas. There are some places you just don't go, but for the most part if you know how to behave yourself in "the ghetto" you won't have any problems.
Yeah, we have guns, but so long as you show the proper respect to the property renters around you, no one will give you shit besides conversation.

>Be american
>get shot
>shoot other person
>Can't afford Healthcare
>Die as a deadfag

>get run over by truck of peace
>wait in healthcare line with the 40+ others
>die waiting