>ITT post yfw...
>ITT post yfw...
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Fuck yeah put an emu and some vb on the flag.
the new national anthem can be those abos banging sticks together while the tranny plays the piano
This could be potentially awful. I can just feel they'd do some shit like make our flag the aboriginal flag or something and can you imagine the fucking constitution they'd write? Jesus fuck
Did she died?
This is a Bogdanoff thread now
Long live the Queen
and the correct national anthem to go with it
This. We would have to spill blood to get a decent republic.
I used to be for a republic, but fuck it the commonwealth is pretty cool, except for the leaves. Like it or not Britain is our heritage and we would do well to remain linked to them lest we turn into a shitty version of America
Yeah, as soon as you become a Republic you will have thousand of negros coming to your country.
Hello is this a thread for WHITE and BASED Anglo Republics???
We've already got the equivalent of thousands of negro's. We have coons mate, I'm hesitant to say they're worse than blacks, but my god they're desert dwellers that we 40,000 years in the past when we found them.
Whoever looses the shitposting war gets to be a republic
Is he an abo rape baby or something?
Anglo-Irish Aussie Catholic reporting in. Quite happy with Liz despite all the Jewslave Protestant fuckery her dynasty perpetrated in ancient times.
No jelly and ice cream when Lizzy dies boys but i'll join a Republican militia and go to the barricades before I recognise that cunt Charles as King.
>but i'll join a Republican militia and go to the barricades before I recognise that cunt Charles as King.
reported to the IGA
Hopefully soon. I want that old cunt the queen to drop dead ASAP, that'll be the first step.
i'm more of a Woolies or Coles type of guy
Charles will eventually die too, mate. He's pretty old. He doesn't have Lizzies reptillian blood either. Lizzies mum lasted till like 103. I doubt that he will last till then.
The assumed action is he'll abdicate and let William take it. But then again, as I'm sure you're aware, it's been a long running joke in comedy in UK that Charles will do anything to become King, even killing the Queen to get it. So, we'll see.
A republic will be far more tolerant and diverse for the traditional custodians of the land
How do we dance
when the earth keep turning?
how do we sleep
while our beds are burning?
Tbh I think now that Brexit has happened the Commonwealth countries should work together more closely. I mean, we all speak English and shared passports and better trade relations would be neat.
I don't get it.
>russian education
Charles isn't THAT bad that I'd support a republic.
How do we dream when the gas keeps burning?
If only we could meme Harry onto the throne, he seems like an alright bloke
Also, like this guy says, you need a constitution thats at least 200 years old. Can you imagine the SJW bullshit that'll be written in if it was created today?
>Can you imagine the SJW bullshit that'll be written in if it was created today?
That could be a problem but the bigger issue is the overbearing state of our Government and it's attitude towards our freedoms.
We would end up like Britain on roids for at least 20 years before China annexes us.
Republic of ziostan.
>"shurt it dur"