a) is this a plot to turn us against each other? ( Im beginning to think this )
b) Do you guys really hate women or are you just discusted because thats whats shown on tv/movies/in music etc.? ( theres a reason they call it 'programming')
>women drive men mad for 6k+ years >Why do yall hate women?!
Jonathan Walker
Disgusted by what I see on most media, social and otherwise. I don't hate women, but I hate what is being promoted.
Nolan Morales
>Why do men hate women?! Because women are scum. The world would be much better if girls didn't grow into women.
Brandon Johnson
>childhoods The plural of child is children not childs
Ethan Nguyen
>is this a plot to turn us against each other?
Ofc it is. Divide et impera
>Do you guys really hate women
No. Hating women is gay.
>Do you think its natural programming?
Asher James
>wiminz annoyin since forever >we literally just sat in caves and gave babies
what moree did you want?!
okayyy. sure
Cooper Perry
Lol Yeah. Men hate Women. Ever seen what men do to each other to protect their loved ones (mostly the women in their lifes) ?
Brody Turner
cuz u gave us the forbidden fruit.
Noah Fisher
this nazi gets it!
Xavier Hall
The left's strategy is to manipulate women's emotions and hope the rest of us just go with it.
The gender wars over politics are getting ridiculous, and when Trump doesn't go Hitler, women will realize they've been had.
Robert Peterson
The war between the sexes promoted by feminism is an epi-eugenics operation. Instead of directly culling certain populations, you can propagandize them to cull themselves.
Gabriel Jackson
LOL wars started by men over dumb crap
>claim to be defending women
cmon now
James Williams
restore the order and make me some breakfast BITCH
Matthew Harris
i love these theories. i think its something like this
Joseph Stewart
Caves? What fucking rock did you come out under? Based Europeans were building massive buildings like these 5,000 years ago. This "living in caves" meme needs to die in a fucking fire.
Jaxon Campbell
>Women don't hate men, feminists do >Men don't hate women, MRAs do >Jews run both MRAs and feminists
Jace Diaz
We hate what you've allowed yourselves to become. Granted most men are faggots now too. General hate at current society. We know (((who))) is behind it.
Zachary Wood
Look at the German "Volkssturm" what did the Nazis propagandise to get my old Grandpa ( who was 15 at the time) to get in the Uniform at 1945 ? That his Mother, his Sister and his GF was in danger. The Assholes up top start wars for shit reasons thats a given. The average Dude fights to protect his Family. If you dont get that youre 2 Autist 4 life
Brandon Williams
I don't hate women. I hate most women. I hate most men. But I do hate more women than men.
>Typically more liberal >Far too many are whores >Few give enough of a shit about politics or history or civilization in general
I treat everyone as individuals and assume nothing but if we are going to treat it on a group basis women are fucking shit.
Once they sign up for the draft I'll stop hating women's feminist hypocrisy.
Noah Butler
read the SINCE FOREVER you greek pleb
Christopher Cruz
How did jewish people turn men gay (serious question)
Henry Nguyen
Look up r/k selection theory. Women turned into fags too.
David Price
there are still alot of liberal men lol look at europe men are also whores, agree? most men in the us care more about football than western civ.
so really youre just choosing women to hate more because youre on the other side lol. Divide and conquer is working on you
Hudson Kelly
I don't hate women from 1950.
I hate women from 2017.
What's going on is the culture changed, and women have reverted to their base, primal nature.
However, all human suffering on Earth is borne from women. So less quality women to marry may actually mean less human suffering in the longrun.
Jason Richardson
You sound like a kike faggot
Aiden Scott
yeh ive seen it. still not sure
i think: >gay people less than 1% of pop >put gay people in every show making it seem normal/popular >hasnt changed from 1%
Zachary Sullivan
Women used to be the fairer sex. Key word, used to. Where as we have always been how we are. There's a reason the sexual revolution coincides with feminism.
Owen Sullivan
The women were living in caves. You have to admit that, if anything.
maybe certain groups of women Are changed like that ie hoebags(certain men have changed too) but not all
im not like that. none of my family (i have alot of cousins and sisters) ,none of my friends, are trashy. its how youre raised
John Richardson
Also this
Justin Anderson
yea i see the kalergi plan alot on twitter. its pretty interesting
Carson Mitchell
>She asks, “How long shall men die?” Jesus answers, “As long as you women bear children.” Writers like Julius Cassianus take this as an implicit injunction to defeat death by ceasing from procreation. -John T. Noonan Jr
Eli Ward
>The left's strategy is to manipulate women's emotions and hope the rest of us just go with it.
This is far more important than people give it credit for. Appealing to emotion is 90% of how democrats get votes. Either from women or from men who follow women.
> giving women the right to vote has destroyed almost every first world nations that's done it
Cooper Powell
There is no hate for a proper woman that doesn't have penis envy and acts feminine and cooks and cleans and properly rears children and has no voting rights and legally cannot get a job.
But instead we got the diesel dyke loudmouth victim card waving whores of the modern era getting treated like they deserve. Modern women deserve a savage right hook to break their jaws and knock them the fuck out so they can have time to remember how nature organized things.
Christian Cooper
except they wont, they never do. women cannot be redpilled. they will always follow the herd. even if a civilization is invaded, and the men are slaughtered before their eyes, the women will gladly be taken by the invaders and assimilate to their customs. it has and always will be this way.
this is why pol "hates women". they are the anti redpill. they must be taken care of and talked to like children. they must be allowed a certain say in society, even though ultimately we all know that very few women will ever really contribute anything meaningful.
That is the truth. but women are necessary, we need them to continue our lineage. this is also why pol hates modern feminism and female culture. it discourages family values and drives women from the one thing they are truly necessary for in this world - to reproduce and raise children and to satisfy their husbands. no women are encouraged to be childless whores who slave away working a job that brings very little to society besides enriching the already rich elites.
Ayden Jones
aw come on now lol alot of men voted for hillary and she has more pop votes than trump so thats not really fair and without white women trump wouldve lost
Alexander Flores
This. If women didn't ever get the right to vote, we would be much better off today.
Adrian Ward
alot of us are red pilled lol ask boudica
Jordan Lewis
It doesn't matter how you're raised. No American women (or any country's woman really) can escape the influence of the mass media, the Internet, and smartphones -- all forms of peer pressure.
If you're a woman, I doubt you're a virgin, I doubt your sisters are virgins, I doubt your female cousins are virgins, I doubht your friends are virgins, and you've probably all had sex before marriage -- a massive change from 1950.
And if you think extramarital sex doesn't make you trashy, you're wrong.
Adam Cooper
Just saying. Also the men that voted for her were niggers, spics, or faggots.
Andrew Hughes
mostly a and b (i.e. the jews)
Although, I'm just jelly that I'll never get to be a woman, desu. Life sucks losing the genetic lottery.
Nicholas Long
but i agree we should satisfy our husbands and make lotsa babies. we arefailing in that
Leo Long
You can check literally every country in the west. Women en mass vote left. More immigrants, more welfare, more transferring of mens resources.
Hence why in the big picture, it would be much more beneficial to everyone, man and woman, that women never got the right to vote.
Grayson Rogers
Jaxson Roberts
Matthew Barnes
>If you're a woman, I doubt you're a virgin, I doubt your sisters are virgins, I doubt your female cousins are virgins, I doubht your friends are virgins, and you've probably all had sex before marriage -- a massive change from 1950.
>And if you think extramarital sex doesn't make you trashy, you're wrong. this desu
Luis Williams
>boudica dont know who this is
a small amount can be. and a small amount are also brilliant and contribute great things in their professional lives.
however, in general, women do not form as strong convictions, and are far more susceptible to group think and to social influences. in a society as carefully engineered as ours, women are the easier sex to indoctrinate.
Asher Sullivan
actually i am. im deeply catholic( even thiugh our current pope is a nutjob communist) and believe sex should be for marriage
Connor Harris
It's good to point out that they would be just as well off.
The worst lie we've ever told women is that getting a career will make them happy.
Landon Flores
She was a British celtic 'warrior queen' who revolted against the Roman Empire. They wrecked her and put her in her place.
tits or gtfo
Jacob Scott
I hate women because they don't respect gender roles and are literally fucking up everything they get near - from politics, to macaroni and cheese. If women stopped trying to cross gender roles (and genders, for that matter), I would have the utmost respect for the work they do. In the home. As they are, they're just a joke and a leach with no benefit to human kind anymore, other than their wombs.
Jaxon Phillips
You have to be dopey to not realize that women are generally less intelligent and more emotional/crazy. its a basic of law of nature and your sad face will never change it
Camden Sanchez
This At least 90% of women lose their virginity before 18 The rest lose it before they are 20
Ryder Smith
Lucas Adams
and how many of those were on that womens vote map ;)
Alexander Young
It's more than 1% you dumb fuck.
Nicholas Russell
When did 'we' tell them that? Last time I checked it was kikes in academia and media.
John Harris
what do you mean?
Wyatt Perez
>most men in the us care more about football than western civ
Most men in the US are completely jewified, and they don't even fucking know it. Little zogbots everywhere. Hardly an ounce of Aryan left in their souls. Sad.
Aaron Parker
I doubt you are a virgin if you are over 20 If you aren't lying you are literally one in a million in that regard
Asher Allen
Good for you fellow cath. Also easier for us with jq
Angel Howard
The war exists in a few feminists head because they didn't get a CEO job when they are done with their gender studies. Don't make it a bigger issue than it actually is.
Adrian Myers
its 3.8% gay in america. no need for rudeness
Brayden Flores
Sour grapes because I want something that isn't possible.
Luis Morales
Brayden Roberts
It's not all women, just modern women. And I don't really hate them, despise would be the more proper word.
If you are not a modern woman there is nothing to worry about. It is getting harder and harder for women to remain traditional with all the propaganda, temptations and social pressure around. Therefore if you manage to remain traditional it is that much more respectable. Find a man who knows to appreciate that and you're set. Good luck.
Colton Perez
im not over 20. plus,those polls arent accurate
just like the ones that said hillary will win 97% sure
Nolan Turner
Lol you sexually repressed christfags can't get laid and so you resent the people that do. Face the truth.
Gavin Brown
If so, you're probably among like 10% of Catholic women, or less.
What percentage of women these days save themselves for marriage? Almost none.
All of society, all of the media, even other women, are telling them to do whatever feels good right now, and that they shouldn't be ashamed for doing what feels good right now. Future consequences be damned.
Connor Walker
no that's retarded. why would women want to turn us against them?
yes I hate women
no it's a byproduct of the society we gave them
Isaac Smith
>The worst lie we've ever told women is that getting a career will make them happy.
This is the summation of the problem with modern first-world femininity. Not only does it lower the birthrate and degrade society, but it makes the women themselves unhappy.
Many women feel inadequate as mothers because they are pressured to work a full job and take care of their kids and it is impossible. It is a corporate lie to draw women into wage-slavery. It makes 2-income households the norm, and today often a necessity to support a family. Meanwhile a select few profit off the increased work hours.
Women also lose their sense of femininity and are stuck in an unnatural cycle of having to compete with men professionally, yet also try to maintain some degree of feminine identity.
Furthermore, it mostly affects the smarter, middle/upper class women - therefore depressing their birthrate, while the stupidest and least useful members of society do not work and breed at much higher rates.
David Gomez
Alexander Evans
want what? asian waifu? lol
Asher Rodriguez
pls be my ai gf
Aaron Smith
ya but men are also sluts these days lol
why dont you hate men?
Dominic Williams
I hope you die of aids
Hudson Edwards
I do
Landon Bailey
Yeah, just like people hate murderers because they're so jealous of all the murder they're not having.
Jaxson Kelly
uhh beep boop lol
Luis Peterson
No you can't face the truth? At least you admit it.
Elijah Russell
Wow great false equivalency.
If you actually see that as a valid argument I feel sorry for you.
Kayden Edwards
oh crap. you hate yourself? lol
Ethan Miller
> be unfaithful coal digger slutting around > get several children with no father > find some white moron to raise her kids > file divorce after several years of drinking his blood > scam him out of his entire fortune, make him pay most of his income as aliments and child support > wwwwwhy you fucking sexist bigots hate me? It must be your genetic chauvinism!
Levi Nguyen
>wanting a soulless asian
I think you misread what I wrote.
Ayden Bell
Men have always been that way.
There is a double standard, its biological and perfectly okay and natural.
Key that unlocks many locks - master key
Lock that gets opened by many keys - shitty lock
Aaron Lewis
so you blame a gold digging slut for tricking an idiot? lol
who falls for that?!
Camden Jenkins
Mason Diaz
Most of the women I know have lesser discipline than men in all ways, rely on emotions to guide them in all serious matters, and manipulate situations frequently with their sex appeal.
Had an entire family of women. Wouldn't recommend it.
Carson Gonzalez
lmaooo.sorry im tired and also not asian!
Adrian Cox
We're just holding onto getting catgirls real soon
Jordan Rogers
Kayden Martinez
Jews did this with Hollywood programming women are more susceptible because they're fickle by nature
Jaxon Rogers
women use their sex
men use money/smooth talking
Nicholas Morgan
It is the natural order for men to try and spread their seed, it's produced quickly. It's natural for a woman to be choosy with her once a month egg and the results of her choosing to spread her legs. Women that go against nature are a cancerous and abhorrent affront that destroy society, culture and real progress such as technological advancements that keep mankind on the top of the food chain.
If they want to be cheap two bit whores they alone should bear the consequences of those decisions. No child support or other parasitic pit parties. They only deserve scorn and shame.
Owen Fisher
Post feet or gtfo
Anthony Myers
The more I think about this the worse it makes me feel.
This isn't fixable within even 50, maybe 100 years, and that's only if things don't keep getting worse.