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Gee, that would be concerning if he were at all the current president of Mexico.

>Mexico BTFO anyone

Would you kindly STFU. Nobody is impressed by what the failure of a president of a failure of a country thinks lol.

>racist monument
Alright, then tear down the wall between Guatemala and Mexico.

shit thread has been here all day you stupid fuck hole

As if he'll have a choice lol.

When are Mexicans finally going to rebel against their shit government?

Walls are racist monuments guys. KEK. Your house is surrounded by racist monuments

>implying this guy isn't just an attention spic looking for his 15 mins of fame

OP has no idea what tariffs or Trade deficits are


>Caring about the opinion of a shit former president of a shit country.

How, exactly, is Trump going to get Mexico to pay for the wall?

>racist monument
>he wasn't talking about the wall, he was talking about the statue of Vincent Fox taking it up the ass that is currently being built in Phoenix

>not realizing that trump will just take the money out of Mexico's next aid payment

go back to your siesta padre



Yes, surely, if mexicans were a bunch of 6 foot blonde haired blue eyed nordics of equivalent socioeconomic stature, trump would love them. Just like he thinks white defectors to ISIS deserve capture over death and a gracious readjustment period for becoming normal again.

Nor do you, apparently. Do you know how much of our consumer electronics are built in Mexico?

mexico is a shit tier country and has no power to decide what happens with the wall. the wall is being built, we are going to toss all their illegal immigrants over it, and we'll reimburse ourselves however we want through trade negotiations and there isn't anything they can do about it.

I can't wait to see what they say about not receiving their usual $50 million a year in aid from us while we use it to pay for the wall.

Frozen cartel assets

Remember when this guy said Trump wasn't welcome in Mexico and then the ACTUAL president of Mexico invited Trump to come and visit?

How, exactly, is Mexico going to deny the country they mooch everything from?

Outlined on his website

isnt it 206 million?

Look, spics, you either build the wall for us, or you help pay for it. If you resist us, D.F. gets the nuke.

>The wall

You mean fairly secure fence patrolled by drones. Our border fence is pretty decent in spots, and nonexistent in others, and the same goes for the guards, hence all the illegals.

Fences can still get pretty expensive though

fucking beaners stealing american cash..

could be used on more tendies ffs

>racist monument
>that would conspire against current efforts to send the biggest amount of useless niggers possible to the other side of the border
>if you don't keep our niggers and make them YOUR problem then you're racist, Murrica

>Hey, gibs me dat Mexico

So this guy doesn't understand what tariffs are?

Why the fuck would cartels keep their money in American banks? They aren't stupid.

it's easy to figure out, just look for the ones that don't work

There is no wall between Mexico and Guatemala.

>Do you know how much of our consumer electronics are built in Mexico?
Artificially kept there by Nafta and China beats out Mexico in production and trump is handling both as he should.

Once we demolish that bill, send back illegals, cut federal aid to Mexico, build the wall so drugs and other illegal activity cant get through, make Mexicans pay more on visas, and make every factory gone to Mexico come back through aggressive tariffs. THEN you can come to me about the leverage Mexico has over america

mexico just fucking told him what they are doing about it

if trump was actually a man and not a retarded little baby cuck, he would have told them they are paying for the wall in person. instead, when trump met with the mexican president, he sat there and got told like the cuck bitch he is. trump is a retard and a liar, and all of you are worse because you believed him in the first place.

even better, tear down the wall around Israel and the Vatican

My God, weren't you going to go to Canada?
Oh wait, there's a wall blocking you.

>Fences can still get pretty expensive though

that's why you build steel cage traps into them, you can sell what you catch

apparently we give them 50 million bare minimum every year, but sometimes more. In the past few years, we've given them $200 million a year.

That's enough for the most glorious wall ever

Didn't he say he wanted a bullet train to go over the wall

unlike you, i'm an american. i don't leave when an enemy threatens my country - i take action. and us patriots are coming after you traitorous pieces of shit.

Don't you fuckers realise how easy it is to make Mexico pay for the wall?

>Hey Mexico, pay for the wall or we invade you
You think Mexico, or anyone, is going to fuck with the US Military?

Great, more manufacturing and jobs that we can take back.


I'm pretty sure the Mexicans would side with us if we'd exterminate the cartels in the process.

While I would personally love to see it happen, I don't think anyone would allow us to just invade Mexico.

President Trump was elected within all legal precedents of the US Constitution.

>Hey, Republican held Congress, pass these insane tariffs on our neighbor and one of our largest export markets.

Should go real smoothly.

Take back, how? Do you know how expensive it is to produce in the US?

When Trump says he's going to make them pay for the wall, he's not talking about money. He's going to destroy their economy so hard, they'll be back in the stone age.

>I don't think anyone would allow us
Who is going to stop you?
The United Nations? Canada? Russia? China?

No nation is going to risk their state for fucking Mexico.

only thanks to red/green tape, which can be disposed of

Do you think keeping your money in a currency that is literally in a constant state of decline, next to the golden paradise that is america is smart?

Did you want trump to go up to the President of another nation like "YER PAYIN FOR THE WALL FAGGOT BEANER JUS LIKE I SAID YOU WERE DAMN SPIC" instead of letting his actions speak for themselves

He's right though, the wall will never happen.

That was just to win the vote from gullible rednecks.

Doesn't really hold much weight when there are riots in his country over gas prices. Not to mention the only reason there is an illegal immigration problem in the US is due to spics fleeing that shithole country. Mexico would get absolutely destroyed in a trade war and their tune will change very soon.

The country is getting flushed down the toilet at the moment. They should probably be kissing trumps ass and begging him to help instead of antagonizing him.

He BTFO himself honestly. Now that he is asking congress to pay for it he looks like a fucking fool. The former Mexican president is just kicking him while hes down.

>previous president of Mexico, no longer in power
>d-d-das rayciss

Wow it's nothing

Isn't that the former president? Who gives a shit what he says?

How's a wall racist. Wouldn't matter what race was on the other side of the behavior was the same. Fag.

He's already renegotiating nafta so yeah I think he can convince Congress to listen to him for this one thing

What tape, exactly? Be as specific as you can.

They aren't keeping it in Mexican banks either, dummy.

the election doesn't preclude him from being an enemy of the country. and the fact that he puts other countries and his own financial well being ahead of the prosperity of the american people proves that trump is an enemy of the US.

trump spent a year saying exactly that to millions of americans. did i expect a candidate for president to keep a promise? yes. the fact the didn't, and his actions since, prove he is an enemy of the US.

Wait who cares anyway? Even if US does pay for it it gives some of you blokes a bitta employment??

Cut all aids to mexico ( yes the US gives free money to mexico )


Tariffs will harm Americans though, since they're the consumers of cheap Mexican imports.

I think a trade war with Mexico might not be the way to go. The remittances seem like the best target for wall funding.

>who's gonna pay for the wall?!?!

we are...
the peotus is a shitstain, fuck you ignorant racist uneducated shitsippers who voted for this pig

shit like this just proves that you trump memers should be rounded up and spayed/neutered

>Be Vicente Fox, expresident of Mexico
>Enjoy your drug money and troll the President of USA on Shitter
That's life

You're my fave jap

>le reddit orange hitler wannabe wants to build new berlin wall

>Hey Republicans held Congress, wanna stop the flow of illegal immigration that's changing demographics in the country to the point where you will never gain control of the government again?

Yeah, you're right that will go smoothly.

This bean would be BEGGING Trump if he completely closed any trade, or tourism coming into, and leaving mexico.

how the fuck is a wall to keep out illegals racist

This is why Mexico will pay it back. Mexico can't pay for US government labour, the US will pay for US labour and then Mexico will pay the US for the wall.

He's going to meet resistance and sabotage at every fucking step, do not kid yourself.

>What tape, exactly? Be as specific as you can.
we call them regulations here in canada, maybe you have a different word for them. google obama regulation and you should get the gist of it. companies will just move to an other country rather than play by insane rules

He met resistance and sabotage at every step of the primaries too.

He's been meeting resistance and sabotage since he started running for president, it didn't seem to stop him then now did it?


Where the flying fuck is all this magical new American production supposed to go to?

>Now that he is asking congress to pay for it he looks like a fucking fool.
You're a fucking idiot

He's asking Congress because we already have money set aside for something like this

You're very intolerant man.

Couldn't he just put a tax on anything coming over the border and call it the "wall tax"? They wouldn't really have a choice then.

He said "be specific". Using a synonym isn't specific. Which regulations specifically are driving up the cost of domestic manufacturing? How much are they estimated to cost specifically?

He rode a wave of popular resentment into office. Now he has to play with adults with actual power and it's really not going to go well for him.


wtf i hate drumpf now

He already took 2 billion from Mexico and he hasn't even been sworn in yet.

At this point I don't care who pays for the wall, I just want it built



The imports are consumed by Americans because they're cheaper than domestic equivalents. A tax on anything coming over the border (a tariff) harms US consumers, not Mexican exporters.

But he can put a tax, or outright block, remittances sent by illegal Mexican immigrants back to their families in Mexico, which numbers in the billions of dollars annually.

>He said "be specific"
An other word for "go away". If he was interested a simple search would provide all the information needed. This isn't grade 7 social studies, grown ups have to teach themselves

Why can't we tear down the wall between our hearts

why can't people understand this as an option?

>adults with actual power

Who? You're shilling a loser ex president of mexico who hasn't done anything in 10 years.

Capture mexicans who come over illegally and sell their organs

Problem solved

Hahahahah stfu you faggit, and stop getting your arsehole BTFO by Tyrone

So you have no sources at all.

I'm not the guy you were originally talking to so I can't comment on his line of thinking, but I'm legitimately looking for the research. Are there any studies showing that regulation X drives up the cost of domestic manufacturing by Y% or is this all just baseless conjecturing?

>Now he has to play with adults with actual power and it's really not going to go well for him.
Mexico ain't shit, China ain't shit, Congress ain't shit, also the majority of Congress agrees with him there's just the select few who don't. I never said he wouldn't face adversity but i do know he will not fold under pressure and he knows how to handle situations where the odds are against him