>Muslim shoots up airport
>is a terrorist
>non Muslim shoots up airport
>not a terrorist
Muslim shoots up airport
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Maybe I'm just not up on current events, but has a masked crusader ran into an airport lately and started shooting random people while shouting "praise Jesus" and "death to the saracens"?
I don't see the problem with this.
>isis made me do it
>i like killing
Pretty different, one is an organization actively seeking to cause terror, the other one took too many redpills
>kick out whitey
>niggers don't know how to farm
>food shortage
ah shit you were faster
>implying said muslims don't all do it in the name of ISIS or other dune coon terrorist reasons.
I think "food shortage" is kinda an understatement
>>is a terrorist
the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
The white kid is just brainwashed by metal probably and doesn't shout ALLAH SNACKBAR
every mudskin who kill people is a terrorist
Ignore the hate Zimbro at least you can walk around in your town without fear of terrorists like these cucks
He's just a troubled person that needs medical attention and a lot of love and care. He will be released in one year having made the plea deal, you'll see. Just like that Englishman who tried to assassinate Trump in Vegas.
Leaf trash
Least we can fucking eat three times a day because we have people here who know how to actually farm
Muslims are terrorist even if they don't kill anyone
What's the matter Aussie,Emus kicking your ass again?
Holy SHIEEEET, fucking rare
How are things going down here, white man?
>man walks into womens bathroom
>woman walks into womens bathroom
>not a pervert
>doesn't know the difference between NZ and Aus
Lol we don't even have emus here, you're a bit off. I see your country has gone pretty far since the end of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
He's pretty eloquent for a nigger, I'll give him that.
hello fellow african brothers
How many suicide bombings have French people committed in your African shithole?
>Be Rhodesia
>The breadbasket of Africa
>Country given to niggers
>Now it is shit
For sure. If he can read and get on Sup Forums he's pretty smart for a nigger, we can't knock him too much. Wonder where the OP has buggered off to...
true, even a muslim knifing is considered terror attack while a white guy shoots up a mall its just mental illness
>too many red pills
Woah, when did you guys get internet service? I think my parents bought a goat for one of your countries when I was a kid, did you get it?
> (OP)
Speaking of the goats that world vision tried/tries to get us to buy for Zambia, my father bought a duck for some nigglet in Zambia, you guys get it?
that would damage obama's claim that there hasnt been a terror attack on US soil in 8 years
So many africans in here that I can almost hear the African folk music. All these rares, man.
Mainly because the white ones don't run into their particular killing field shouting "Allahu Ackbar" or having a Qu'ran on their person at the time of the attack, coincidentally.
Sure I can Australia is relevant and your not
Fuck, like Zambia is relevant? Last time I heard anything out of there was a thing about Guy Scott and everyone there chimping out about it.
We can excuse your saltiness to a lack of clean drinking water. Congratulations on the decent English though, I guess UNICEF really does help you guys.
>he STILL hasn't taken the red pill
> I guess UNICEF really does help you guys.
still not enough to form a functioning society
I don't know how anyone could say middle earth isn't relevant
back away from my neighbour, you sheep shagger. you've made your decision to only be aligned with senegal, malaysia and venezuela. you're of not competition to us.
Evidently a nigger in the middle of Africa can, although to be fair, I see ads about starvation in Zambia while none about such in NZ, so I guess Zambia is more relevant in that way... Like that's a good thing
>implying what our dumbass foreign minister does (apart from stuffing himself down the UN's backside) represents all of us
I didn't vote for that nutjob and his party, and I won't be this year. Least we haven't got a president with multiple wives who spends taxpayers' money on his residence, sound familiar?
you know the difference between Maori and niggers?
Maori arent subhuman
Eh, they apparently didn't like Rhodesia, so we just let them do their thing now.
I'm on blackpill.
Get on my level.
(If you're SA white) How's it feel to watch your country fall apart in front of you?
(If you're SA black) How the fuck can you even read?
stay strong zambia, we're always with you!
With you in the gutter. lmao
Kek. Beat me to it.
GTFO Obama relatives
Looks like a mixed race subhuman to me
The BBC literally tells us he was from Puerto Rico and was a former Alaskan National Guard member.
He's probably a Muslim.
Fuck was this thread about in the first place again?
Oh yeah, 'why are Muslims called terrorists?? :((('
Remind me how many other religions out there encourage jihad? How many other religions have spawned hundreds of terrorist organizations in the past 10 years? We label you terrorists because you're ALWAYS THE ONES FUCKING DOING THIS SHIT. Don't complain about being called the bad guys until you stop killing people for Allah every 3 and a half minutes.
white south africans are on average wealthier than white americans. and we have a much lower white poverty rate than you do. we will btfo you, go away poor white man!
>white south african poverty percentage 0.9%
>white american poverty percentage 10.1%
Nice proxy
>implying Zimbabwe has the energy to walk
It's not your country though. Only 9.1% of South Africans are white, that's why your studies are skewed. Your poverty rate is set by the 85.8% of your country that is Sub-Saharan African. Of course you seem well off by comparison.
>falling for the bait like an newfag
>How's it feel to watch your country fall apart in front of you?
What about you, 60%, how does it feel?
Feels bad man.
>Muslim shoots up airport = terrorism
Yes because there's a stuctured ideology and system driving it.
>random shoots up airport = not terrorism
Because it's a random nut job who chimped out finally.
this is not so much a race but a class issue. in zim's case, it is aligned with both race and class.
how you should read this is the withdrawal of the intelligentsia, whether economic or cultural producers, will collapse a society.
where one reads its as Randian trickle down economics, the real (more influential) intelligentsia is the liberal left--the rebels, risk-takers, the innovators, the curious, imaginative, the artists, thinkers, etc.
not the white working class, who is so intend on destroying it.
Jesus, that's too easy. Goddamn I love my 95% white county. We concentrate our niggers in cities. You concentrate them in cities and they drive trucks through them.
20% of our newborns have muslim names
We're not any better than ameribro
i'd like you to kindly state the poverty percentage within your white population, then do so for mine. we're also /brics/ so we could btfo you properly.
Beautiful white NC would welcome you, baguettebro.
> Muslim attacks an airport in order to inflict physical, political and economic damage on a countries people in retaliation for that countries military action or general religious beliefs
>gets called a terrorist
>non Muslim attacks an airport become he's off his rocker
>doesn't get called a terrorist
Really caused my synapses to pass on electrical signals
>mfw actual african niggers on Sup Forums
see for figures. would you perhaps post the white poverty percentage of american and then mine?
D-don't tease me like that user.
You already did bud, I'm not arguing with numbers. I'm trying to tell you that demographics skew those numbers. I have no doubt that the handful of white people in your country are comfortable, it's that the other 86% are making you look better in the shithole.
I could offer to wire you just $2 AUD if you kill yourself on live stream and you'd probably contemplate it for at least 10 minutes.
>not the white pill
The definition of poverty differs between countries, for example, in one, it might be earning less than a certain amount, and this amount I am sure will be different in different countries. Furthermore, what's the black poverty percentage like there?
enjoy getting genocided because of your skin color
Has nothing to do with demographics Ahmed. South Africa has always been a majority nig country, they just used to keep them in check.
All pleasantries aside, you are a insignificant speck in the largest shithole in the solar system. I really wish you guys would leave Africa, you'd be so much better somewhere else. I have no problems with White South Africans, any white country would welcome you.
Why are you so surprised?
Sup Forums is a very diverse board.
whats up my rhodesians?
You're right user, we should impeach Trump before all the intelligent liberals move to Zimbabwe.
gorgeous town
would be a shame if someone culturally enriched it
Probably because only 40% of Zimbabwe has electricity, and Zambia is barely at 22%. There's about a 75% chance they wouldn't even have a computer.
Thankfully Boone and Asheville are the only towns within 50 miles of me that have pretty much any black people, and it would be a poor fucking decision for them to move anywhere but the college towns.
It's almost as if there's just more Muslim terrorists, and that there isn't some systematic racism meant to label your beloved Muslims as terrorists.
>belong to a terrorist organization