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good lord
>the average woman is sexually assault in high school, raped in college by a taxi driver, and marries an abusive man who beats/ chokes them
I mean if Europe keeps going the way it is now that'll be true but not by the aryan cuties like they make it out to be in this video
plus the marriage will be forced and prearranged
Clearly that guy wasn't alpha enough to grab her by the pussy. Plus a fucking idiot. You don't seduce the typical woman by doing that first, you have to get her warmed up.
On a side note, I used to put my hands down drunk bitches pants in highschool, we were both drunk and then fucked afterwards but my oppressive white raping flesh needs to be stopped, right dad?
You fucking rapist. You fucking degenerate white male. You MUST have a print contract signed by the woman you are engaging in sexual contact with to show formal and mutual consent. This contract and sexual encounter must both be signed and experienced sober. You are a LITERAL nigger. Day of the rake can't come soon enough.
>Comments disabled
What a bunch of pieces of shit. Where do I even fucking begin?
First off, most of the insults of bitch, slut, whore that girls hear as kids come from other fucking girls. 95% of girls who are bullied are bullied by other girls, 5% is done by boys and that's not mentioning the amount of bullying girls do to boys nonchalantly while getting completely away with it.
Second, what the fuck is the whore doing getting drunk at 15 and wasted? Did everyone forget that you have to be at least 20 to drink in most places around the world? If you can't consent because you're drunk then how can your drunk bf consent?
Third, rape is pretty fucking uncommon unless you're around niggers. The penalty for rape isn't some bro hug or a stern talking to, rapist face decades in prison if they're not outright murdered while facing time. Enough with this rape culture BS, nobody likes rapist and pretending that men are somehow complacent when it comes to rape is pure, unadulterated bullshit from your Feminism 101 class.
I had to turn the video off there, this shit was just making my blood boil. I'm sick and tired of women always being the victim in everyfucking facet in life. There's a reason why so many men chop off their dick and dress in women's clothing, you have it made as a woman. It's living life on easy mode, everyone caters to your whim with a smile on, stop fucking bitching for two fucking seconds already.
What I don't understand is that they really could have just made it quick, simple, and easy. I understand that many boys may treat women poorly because of how they seen their dad's poor treatment of women. But even then in that situation most white males will recognize that this is fucked up when they see their dad hit their mom and most break the cycle of such violence.
I hate feminism but for fuck sake they could at least recognize we don't live in a rapist's wonderland. It's current year and women have never had more power then at any other time or place in history.
Obviously not a femshit
But I agree with this
Think back to highschool.
How many guys were complete fucking sleezey cunts?
Raise our daughters to be responsible and have sons to protect her.
>Third, rape is pretty fucking uncommon unless you're around niggers. The penalty for rape isn't some bro hug or a stern talking to, rapist face decades in prison if they're not outright murdered while facing time. Enough with this rape culture BS, nobody likes rapist and pretending that men are somehow complacent when it comes to rape is pure, unadulterated bullshit from your Feminism 101 class.
user, I'm sure you're probably young and I wish I could believe that you're joking but this isn't the case. Those of us that have gone to the pub, a club or had a group of mates are all well aware of the sexual assault and rape remarks we make but it's only later in life you're become aware of this.
On average a vicious rapist will have a sentence of 10 years, but will only serve 5 years in prison. The percentage of men who sexually assault women may be small but that few put statistics at 3 out of 5 women being sexually assaulted by the age of 21.
Now hop off reddit and Sup Forums and go hug your mother or your sister, tell them they're amazing.
>gets called a slut while wearing miniskirt
>gets touched because she gets drunk and flirts with boys at degen party
>gets beaten because she dates chad dickhead McGee
I don't know how it works in shitpost land but 8-10 years is the MINIMUM sentence one can receive for rape, several states don't offer any time off for "good behavior". You can also serve LIFE in prison for rape.
>The percentage of men who sexually assault women may be small but that few put statistics at 3 out of 5 women being sexually assaulted by the age of 21.
Horse shit
Crime stats show that 1% of women will be raped in a given year, nowhere near the 60% your numbers imply.
just like every women has a "I was spiked" story they will also know a woman who regret having sex AKA raped.
>gets beaten because she dates chad dickhead McGee
Well, story tells us what he's actually respectable white man with a great job and stuff, but she's just being insufferable bitch to him. And somehow his reaction on that is his fault.
>Director, Jakob Ström
>Jakob was born 1969 and raised in Stockholm, Sweden
The eternal nord strikes again.
>Published on Dec 7, 2015
>Published on Dec 7, 2015
Old as fuck