>tldr Gavin calls out bigoted rednecks
>yfw Gavin is single handedly saving conservatives from themselves
>thanks Gavin! we need more people like you!

Other urls found in this thread:


i hate him more than i hate jews

Same. Also, why do Canadians obsess over US politics? Is it because they live in a meme country?

You know it's serious when you see that written under a German flag.

Gavcuck Mckikeness can get fucked
Gapin Mcanus

We need more people like Gavin to start calling intolerant people out!


Gavin "Drunk Drives with a big black didlo up his arse" Mcinnes calls out neo nazis


Calling Gavin out for being a degenerate faglord who speaks for no one but thinks he does. Milo too.

>tfw I literally warned Sup Forums months ago that cucks like Gavin, Milo, Cernovich and these other alt-lite faggots would turn on us as soon as the election was over

>Now they've done it
>Richard Spencer is being hammered from all sides
>TRS gets doxxed
>All that's going to be left are softcore civic nationalist faggots who refuse to name the Jew

Should've listened to me desu. Congratulations, you've allowed the greatest shift to the Right in history to move in the worst possible direction. A bunch of fag-enabling atheist Jew-lovers. Give yourself a round of applause you fucking losers.

Weak replies all around. Sad!



He was never anything to us, but a piece of shit.

Blaming the wrong people, their support didn't come from Sup Forums

>Islam says we are a bunch of fags
>lets disprove them by being fags

Civic nationalism is just multiculturalism rebranded, if not worse. It's forced integration of people into a vapid monoculture not rooted in race. Alt-light needs to fuck off this western chauvinism shit because western culture is already inherently jewed.

Always kill a traitor before an enemy he was always a sheep in wolf's clothing you could sniff him out

Did this really fucking happen?


Let's also not forget he starred in a movie where he glorifies drug use, theft, cheating on your wife, and being a total asshole to your kids. Its all "comedy" to him.

To the jew, this poison is just a laughable joke they inflict on others.

Also his asshole looks like its been blown the fuck out many times is only a few squeezes from prolapsing.

This is just a temporary setback. The left was beaten and the establishment right was put in their place. It's completely natural that during the period of consolidation, the establishment right is going to try and restore the status quo.

There will be a sort of "alt right fatigue" in the general populace as the result of the election being won. The alt right shouldn't become civic nationalists who love jews, but they should adopt a more longterm and resolute strategy for the duration of the Trump presidency. The average public will think that the audacious Pepe stuff was what we needed to win, but now that we've won, that we ought to settle down and get to work.

Damn this guy is SO WESTERN

truly a western classic liberal conservative capitalist multiculturalist

we should all sing kumbaya with john mccains bangladeshi daughter and paul ryan and open our borders

who actually gives a shit. this guy is a fucking loser- a faggot loser at that

Gavin's faction of the new right is just as bad as the left.

gavin is a homosexual

I've never paid any attention to him.

Minor amounts to Milo when he was useful.


Name your post from an archive or I don't believe you, then again there's no way to prove you actually posted that months ago without a screenshot of the post itself with a timestamp in the filename so this post was not only self righteous but useless at the same time congrats dickhead you managed to say the obvious

Yes. I was hoping this picture would be posted. Gavin is a fucking degenerate. Only Jews would allow him to do this on a show. His masters are okay with this.

whats wrong with this?

Implying Trump is just as bad as Obama.


Gavin is nothing like trump at all

I'll be as self righteous as I want, since that burns the faggots who didn't believe me. Anyone who had an ounce more sense than a billiard ball knew it too.

They are both alt-light.

These are the people who are fucking with Ghoul

FB Page: a

Name:AB Khim
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Server @ LeadBelly: Contemporary American Pub
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Jade Guinevere Myatt
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Lifeguard @ Armbrust Family YMCA
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Marc Momo Whitlock
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Deli Clerk @ Baker's

Name: James W. Craddock
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: First National Tower
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Brian Franck
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Hebro Tinner @ Standard Heating & Air Conditioning

Name: Julie Hoscheid
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: International Agent @ Travel and Transport

Name: Nate Van Fleet
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Barback @ O'Leaver's
Drum Teacher @ School of ROCK

Name: Matthew Bryan Parker
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: University of Nebraska at Omaha

Name: Kaden Trosper
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Hi Times Liquor Mart

Hello /leftypol/ shill

Are you aware that this (((activist))) owns Gavin?

>from germany
>claims to hate jews

Its a shitskin, Hans doesnt exist anymore

>their support didn't come from Sup Forums
You're wrong. It most certainly came from Sup Forums with a heaping side of reddit.

Gapen McAnus needs to fuck off, as well as his degenerated tabloid site

Milo is Catholic

gavin is going to fuck himself

Gavin is a disgusting, sub-Howard-Stern tier shit eater. Zero talent, 100% hopping on a bandwagon. Worthless.

I realized I don't want to be part of any movement actually. All I want is a little freedom and not being told which pronouns I have to use. And I don't want the collapse of society. I don't want to sit in a fucking church either, even though you can sit there if you really want to, but don't start preaching to me like you unlocked the secrets of the universe. Which is part of the reason I don't like 'serious' muslims, considering they seem to think they figured it all out looking at clouds or whatever.

I'm not even that right. I think I'm a capitalist, because I believe there should be competition, but on the other hand I think companies like google and monsanto have too much power and there should be rules to the game.

I'm not even right actually, but only started to become associated with the right because I don't believe in the far left ideology and speak my mind freely. I'm not really left or middle of the road either, I just think problems can be solved from a technical standpoint, where as ideology itself won't even fix a dripping fosset.

Eh, whatever cunts.

mcinnes has the same principles as the left but disagrees on how it should be actualised
and the "muh small government" battlecry of the eternal cuck is retarded, theyre too cowardly to recognise that less government means less gibs for niggers which is why they instinctively are for it
libertarianism is a proxy for less niggers and they dont want to admit it

If you don't import poor people with no skills from poor places just for giggles having a nice safety net is pretty great actually. Keeps the crime rate down and we still had plenty of opportunity to become wealthy.

Can't have welfare state though without borders. And foreign aide is a completly different story.

the problem is that you dont have the option to be a "moderate"
what are you going to do when mudslimes who are willing to die for their faith get enough traction on this god forsaken continent?
nobody would fight for competition or something like that
The fascists before WW2 had to decide wether they risk getting steamrolled by the soviet union or become as ideologically extreme as their enemies and thats the only way to fight them imo

>implying I care about eceleb drama

Notice leftypol can't touch Gavin because we know everything already so they have to run these threads back to back trying to get us to hate him?

It's not gonna happen you stupid weens.

>everyone i dont like is a leftist
kys faggot

These alt-light guys literally just want things the way they were 10 or 15 years ago. It seems like all they really want is to say inappropriate things without getting called racist. That's not what this movement is about.

Idk whats worse . I think jews are worse than roaches though. Roachers aren't as formidable as you.

What a fucking faggot.

Calls for unity as he attacks nationalists under the same breath.

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

Classic, fuck this piece of filth.

This is that hipster faggot that shoved a butt plug up his ass. Figures he was a punk rocker growing up. Punk rock has and always will suck dick. It's literally full of a bunch of 90lb druggies proud of how horrible they're at their instruments. Hated that shit growing up

If we were usind the laws we already had and got rid of the dual citizenship the problem wouldn't be as bad. Basically all of them would have to go back to turkey if we took the law seriously.

Also the government has been supposed to create a french secularism style system already 100 years ago. And yes, even the french aren't really enforcing their system, but that's another story too. No burkas, speaking german in schools, no headscarfes in school. No crosses in school either. All that shit doeesn't belong there same as political opinion shit. Not talking about teaching kids how the government works.

The irony being that they call out Pepe posters/tweeters when in reality most of the people who are into pol for the lulz ARE Pepe posters. It isn't serious white nationalist/nazi individuals who are making twitter accounts about frogs lol

Those guys are all based. Richard Spencer is an autistic faggit and so are you.

He doesn't seem so bad desu. A weirdo for sure, but we align politically.

This has always stunk. No one is dumb enough to blow the right apart 2 weeks before trump gets in unless it's been subverted.

None of you are legit. If you are, you've been played you fucking suckers. And I mean leftypol too. You're just fucking pawns as well.

The guy doesn't really realize that the people he criticises basically are the same people that made him popular. Look at all the free marketing Sup Forums did for him. Doesn't mean he should suck the dick of those guys, but he needs some perspective.

>anarchist screeching

And who is this faggot again?

>defending TRS when they asked for it over and over again

Trust me, if TRS tried to pull hald the shit they attempted at cripplechan over on our shores we would have 8 conspiracy threads and would have doxxed them ages ago. TRS should have stopped fucking poking the bear and trying to wear the "alt-right" crown with their autistic LARPing.

Without the climate of chaos and irreverence to anyone or anything Sup Forums would not even exist in a form that would allow the kinds of redpilling that goes on here. Even if it was for good intentions TRS tried to tamper with the system and put a leash on African wheelchair repair forums as well as here for their own pack of meme frogs to generate mana for to use as they saw fit.

Road to hell is paved with good intentions, even if most of the people at TRS were based and had the right ideas, it would have been only a matter of time before they got kiked into controlled opposition or try to drag the movement down with their own failure.

>le don't punch right meme
I.E. let stands slip and don't accept criticism for your dumbass Nazi LARPing.

Everybody is a pawn. If you think you're too smart to get manipulated in one way or another you're about to get played left and right.

>the government has been supposed to create a french secularism style system already 100 years ago
keep in mind though that the idea of secularism was implemented when france weas still a christian country and secularism is compatible with christianity(e.g. render unto caesar what is caesars and to god what is gods)
meanwhile in islam non believers have to be subjugated and can only exist in an islamic country if they pay the djizya tax
> Basically all of them would have to go back to turkey if we took the law seriously.
do you think the people who rule in europe dont know this?i refuse to believe that they are this ignorant, their track record shows that they consistently ignore laws and democracy if they want

please me more tolerant. we are all humans and all bleed red. the world HAS to be more inclusive! bigots like u are stopping the world from being peaceful.

It's kind of a catch-22 for him because he's deeply involved with liberal media, but has been forced to align with the right. He is actually a relatively hardcore leftist. The only reason he opposes the SJWs is because they represent the authoritarian left - to fight them he'd sooner join the libertarian right.

>naming the jew meme

Jews helped creating white society and they have the most to lose from liberalism and muslim invasion

>b b b but all those goldsteins promoting pedophilia and gays
If you see a white liberal you don't say all white men are liberals, but you do the some for jews?

Grow up

Fair enough. But every other religion besides islam and scientology maybe does integrate into western notions of secularism though. It's just that islam for instance has totally different values that are opposite to humanism, because they basically don't consider you human at all if you don't happen to be the right kind of muslim. So lying, slaving, raping, murdering etc. becomes ok because you don't count. Western society developed in theory at least to value all human life and don't rape because of principle.

You might argue that the ideals I described might be attributed to out christian roots, but I actually doubt that. It's common sense some parts of the world just lack and considering we had harsh conditions where being nice to your people is necessary because otherwise your just dead. We just managed to extend our niceness to universal principles due to the enlightenment where as others are still stuck to tribal shit.

Nothing! Gavin is doing God's work. As God-fearing conservatives we must not let intolerant people represent conservatives

wow good strategy. trying to police your own group for the sake of progressiveness is what led the democrats to win in 2016! oh wait..

what a fucking queer

Yeah, there's also a lot of money to be made. He found a niche that works out for him financially. Same as the other VICE guy.

I think they just went with the times and positioned themselves at the front of large groups of people and shouted "follow me!" like they were the leaders.

no they fucking didn't


I'll kill you traitors first though

These are the people who are fucking with Ghoul

FB Page: a

Name:AB Khim
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Server @ LeadBelly: Contemporary American Pub
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Jade Guinevere Myatt
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Lifeguard @ Armbrust Family YMCA
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Marc Momo Whitlock
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Deli Clerk @ Baker's

Name: James W. Craddock
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: First National Tower
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Brian Franck
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Hebro Tinner @ Standard Heating & Air Conditioning

Name: Julie Hoscheid
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: International Agent @ Travel and Transport

Name: Nate Van Fleet
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Barback @ O'Leaver's
Drum Teacher @ School of ROCK

Name: Matthew Bryan Parker
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: University of Nebraska at Omaha

Name: Kaden Trosper
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Hi Times Liquor Mart

I think that's mainly the case. With Gavin though I always got the impression he was somehow salvageable - not like Milo. I just think he gets put off by autists who tell him they want to kill his kids or whatever. I can kind of sympathize with that.

I don't give a shit if Antifa gets wrecked but


>Jews helped creating white society
you mean they helped to destroy it
there are no jew renaissance painters,no great jewish conquerors,no grand poets before modernity
and modernity is when everything went to shit for us
it doesnt matter though
the damage is done,there are millions of muslims in europe who see themselves as conquerors in the making and with every generation and with every "refugee" there numbers in relation to ours grow
your ideals wether i agree with them or not are meaningless when muslims are a majority or a significant plurality in europe and that seems to be the case
which means that in an ironic way in order to save modern western societies we have to abandon the western principles

I think civic nationalism is kinda like technological civilization, it can be made to work, but there are sacrifices.

It sure as hell can't be made to work by liberals, not even classical liberals. Only fascists can make civic nationalism work (ie. like Singapore).

Jews invented the computer you are using, a jew called moot invented Sup Forums, and you are probably alive because of a medicine invented by a jew

When blacks say "white people season chicken with water" I automatically think of people like Gavin McInnes or Cernovich.

Lmfao i didnt know he was a Fucking Faggot

so they should be subservient to us is what you're saying, because they're so useful

>ignore the fact that we vote left ten to one goyim

Everybody would I suppose. Also it's probably biologically impossible to be racist if you have mixed kids.

Spencer may be autistic, but the only way you could possibly think those other fags are based if you're a basic bitch conservative who thinks arguing with 13 year old feminists online is edgy

Anyone who thinks that either the left or the right are inherently better than one another is retarded. Anyone who isn't willing to criticize their own ideology's faults is just as bad as the SJWs.

In the words of the prophet of Kek, Jordan B. Peterson, Liberals and Conservatives need each other. Radicalization is horrible, and if you have any sense you'd know that there are both strengths and weaknesses to either the Liberal or Conservative ideologies.

Gavin is pointing out the retardation of the right. He has also pointed out the retardation of the left as well. This is wrong, because? I swear, Sup Forums is full of more autistic people than /r9k/ and Sup Forums in so far as how "infallible" they view their political ideologies

Good, take all our refugees, save them from us.

You are aware that Von Neumann only described a computer designed by white guys, with another jew "accidentally" publishing the paper without giving co-authorship to the white guys even though they did in fact help with the writing?

Only the modern jews in Israel, which are essentially natsocs, contribute much value to computing.

>Anyone who thinks that either the left or the right are inherently better than one another is retarded.
kys faggot
when one side is trying to demographically replace a people through immigration than the other side is objectively better

>Jews invented the computer you are using

I knew you northern gypsy faggots were retarded, but holy fuck, not this much.

Jesus fuck i know that there are jews living in your country but i didnt think they were literal kikes.....

So fucking cringy.
And this is not right-wing, people, not even close.
They are bunch of liberals trying compromise the whole movement.

Gottfried Leibniz invented the binary code so you could argue he basically invented the computer.

Nice try Hans, but last time I checked, the "Liberal" party in Canada has actually reduced immigration several times in the past. When Harper took over in the 2000s, he increased it greatly, and then sploogdeau increased it again. Immigration reduction is a bi-partisan issue you moron. It just so happens that the conservatives are, in this day and age, often advocating against it. But thanks for proving my point that people here don't understand political bias. It happens on the left, the center and the right. You're a moron, congratulations.

Always stab traitors before enemies

He is a racist neo Nazi. He said mexico and Africa are crap because they're inferior. He said women are inferior as well and need to be married to be happy.

He's not Canadian anymore.

test. did i get banned again?

Reported for being jewish

>the eternal fencesitter strikes again
youre just a coward,theres nothing else to it faggot