6 millions
It's real or is real?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes, six million is a real number
It was real in my mind
Red Cross at the time quoted 250,000.
The figure has been distorted way out of context, try say that in public or dare investigate the history though...
Can you explain this?
All white nations are infested with Jews and niggers. Niggers want white women which will inexorably destroy our race. Jews want this too, since their Jew ladies only fuck their mothers first born cousins.
What about the katyn Forest
I'd be more willing to accept that number if they didn't call you a racist or anti-semite for investigating what happened.
Freedom of speech, senseless act of evil
Well if you ordered the knecking of many many people the only way to escape legal consequences is to tell people don't look here
they are obsessed with the phrase "6 million" (pic is before the "holocaust")
more lies (6 million used dozens of times 40 years before it finally worked as a lie)
(((they))) even admitted to previous lies (pic)
What a tragedybut what about the Holodomor genocide
6 million of Poles with 1 million of jews
Why is (((six))) such a thing with them
6" Noses that can smell money from 6 miles away.
Six million in Jew steel stolen in new year's day, what a coincidence
Red Cross at the time did not quote 250,000 as the total. The 250,000 number you are talking about in the red cross report of 1948 was only of germans and german jews, not including jews from other countries. Try looking at sources that are legitimate and that don't just reinforce your preconceived conclusion of a vast conspiracy.
Maybe (((six))) had some significant need to the Jew
they worship saturn, the 6th planet from the sun.
Good research but no matter your sense of decency, more more Jews being eliminated would have been optimal
You should delete bis
f p b p
>there are people seriously thinking the death was caused only by crematoria
>leaf education
Confirmed for never reading book about holocaust
ITT: "holocaust never happened which is why we need it to happen again"
and for the last time, cremation is a means of disposing bodies, not killing.
Not understanding that it happened but it was massively over reported. Had 6 million died maybe things would be better
Why does the Jew star have six points?
>Posts a screenshot from jewfag on Sup Forums as proof
Leaf behaviour.
“We had to dig the bodies out and burn them. A big fire was made here with wood and petrol and we were throwing them right into it. There were always two of us throwing the bodies in, one holding the legs and one on the arms. The smell and the stench was terrible. The bodies were not only bloody but rotten as well. We were given some rags to put over our faces.
“The SS men were constantly drinking vodka or cognac or something else from their bottles. They couldn’t cope with it either. It was terrible.
– Otto Pressburger, Auschwitz survivor"
The need for large-scale efficiency, to cope with the astounding number of corpses produced by the gas chambers, eventually led to the design and construction of new crematoria, and daily capacity rose from as low as six hundred forty eight per day ( Müller's 1942 figure) to a high of over ten thousand ( Höss, Gricksch), but, as Feig tells us, the SS eventually had to employ large pyres and pits to dispose of the mounting pile of bodies:
There is literally so much proof readily available for people to find online about the holocaust that anyone who asks for proof of its existence is willfully ignorant. Try looking at real sources. You can start on wikipedia if you want, they can dumb it down for you (or you can look at other sources, I won't spoonfeed you something that you can easily find).
A jew can't keep up with their own narrative, that is all I need to submit.
As early as June 13, 1943, all was not well with the new installation. ... Eventually the ovens seemed to fall apart. Crematorium Four failed completely after a short time and Crematoria Five had to be shut down repeatedly. (TWC, V:624) (Between 1945 and 1962 Polish officials found five manuscripts written by Sonderkommando members before their deaths. The published manuscripts and documents relate to the specific process of extermination at Birkenau, and provide detailed descriptions of the crematoria and gas chambers.)
The scientifically planned crematoria should have been able to handle the total project, but they could not. The whole complex had forty-six retorts, each with the capacity for three to five persons. The burning in a retort lasted about half an hour. It took an hour a day to clean them out. Thus it was theoretically possible to cremate about 12,000 corpses in twenty four hours or 4,380,000 a year.
But the well-constructed crematoria fell far behind at a number of camps, and especially at Auschwitz in 1944. In August the total cremation reached a peak one day of 24,000, but still a bottleneck occurred. Camp authorities needed an economic and fast method of corpse disposal, so they again dug six huge pits beside Crematorium Five and reopened old pits in the wood.
Thus, late in 1944, pit burning became the chief method of corpse disposal. The pits had indentations at one end from which human fat drained off. To keep the pits burning, the stokers poured oil, alcohol, and large quantities of boiling human fat over the bodies.
All that math falls apart.
It is underreported on Sup Forums because it was in fact 11mln, with many real people like Poles among the victims.
>6mln is overstatement
There were over 3mln Jews in Poland '39, after 45 300 thousand left. What happened?
It is irritating when the kikes expect the trickery to work
It was definitely 6 million.
Just look at pic related
....so what you're saying is that they had less time to cremate the bodies using faulty facilities....
and there was a planned crematorium indicating that it was never built.... Go on, keep disproving me.
the Talmud (jew religious instructions/superstitions)
if you really want to know what they think about Christians and Christ
Just going to leaf this here.
But where the bodies aand mass graves at ?
>But where the bodies aand mass graves at ?
Jew secret
>death caused by crematoria
you are unironically retarded