Is there any hope?
How do we fix the modern doggo?
truly we have been had
>dogs no longer kill nazis
Sounds like an improvement to me desu
Just don't get a pussy small dog and you'll be fine
>muh heritage pure Aryan blood 14/88
You need to stop fixing doggos if you want to fix doggo. #protectdanutzXD
>+1 upboat
I'll c myzelf out :DD
Buy a German Shepherd or a Rottweiler
Worse looking and weaker than Pitbulls
Real Question: Why have people abandoned real dogs, in favor of purse-tier doglets?
Has the (((media))) made our dogs weak?
How can we make puppers great again?
Useless dogs have been around for a while. Many dogs aren't used for work or hunting anymore. Since dog breeding became a big thing, women have always wanted useless shit-assed garbage dogs. We still breed a lot of these genetically fucked up dogs so women can have their expensive and cute little shitting and barking accessory. Most of them don't even bother to train the little shits either.
>How can we make puppers great again?
Choose a redpilled breed of doggo.
>Im 14/88 aryan!
aren't those things overly violent just like nig bulls? A better breed if true would be either a German Shepard or like Husky or something. If a europoor, just get a guard doge.
Stop breeding rathonden
>overly violent
No more so than any other LGD breed.
Here's a difference from a smart German Shepard and a ratty purse dog.
>not choosing the white man's dog
Should we blame Soros or Putin for this sorry state of affairs? Were the dogs hacked at some point?
>come home from dog park
>brother is in his doghouse playing his xbark console
>woof at him and ask him when he is going to get a real bitch
>he whines and tells me to leave his territory
what are we going to do about these litter-x nudogs
^ everybody post this ^
>killed nazis
what a shitdog
>Killed nazis
Gtfo Goldstein.
>Killed nazis
Umm a you a jEW XD
The species needs killing and starting from fresh. Re-domesticste the wolf.
>keeping a big ass dog in a tiny apartment
Chows have a higher kill rate than pitbulls, they are just much more rare
It's true, those little dogs need medicine to survive firecrackers. They sell pills for dogs to make them calm.
HAHA I made it into a meme lmfao!!
These rats are regularly BTFO by cats. Also, they're affraid of mice, firecrackers, living, people and plastic toys.
German Shepard has been almost complete destroyed by show breeding. Get a Malinois.
as a liberal who voted for Hillary, i'm quite pissed about this, too. I go mountain climbing and sleeping -10 degree weather while my 100lb Akita keeps base camp safe. Fking comfort lap pets.
this is why we're so fking weak and losing.
>not being no pet masterrace
This time of the year is perfect for it because its getting dark so soon outside. I usually make some "special" meatballs that I throw out on my front lawn. The secret is to make a variety of meatballs, I like to mix in some broken razorblades, rasins, chocolate or some of my antidepressiva. Works like a charm.
more like caucasian shepherd
Just get hunting dogs or dogs bred for a job and work. Rat terriers were bred to kill rats and yeah they are small but not pussies like pugs or other yappy purse dogs. what im trying to say is its not the size of the dog its the job attached to the breed. fucking wiener dogs were bred to hunt badgers ffs.
And weiners are little shitheads who'll bite your ankle
A dog is like a gun, it's tool for murder, not a toy for kids
Its all fun and games until you have to shell out 250$ a month for food because it eats more than a bodybuilder.
Isn't 250 euros a month the average salary for a Pole?
Szarik is that you ;-;
It's 918 average. Minimal is about 400. But our cost of living is much lower.
Dunno why I checked flag, quality too high for Canada and content too low for Australia.
Good job OP. Would you mind deleting your thread?
a dog is like a tool for a job. If that job is being a toy for children they have breeds for that. if that job is aggressively attacking a vicious badger then there is a dog breed for that. Its not that dogs are ruined its that we now have a dog for every job. there are still dogs bred to rip people throats out and hunt bear and herd sheep and the such. More jobs for dogs to do and more breeds to do them all. we as humans have customized them in that way.
It is illegal to own my preferred dog breed, in a lot of places and even countries.
This is now a doggo thread
It would be a britcuck that posts this
>wahhhhh why is the world so shit? we just wanted our Jew overlords to run the world banking system! we gud boyz dindu nuffin!
that was a missed opportunity
Dog in WW 2
>rode a tank
>held a general's rank
>when the Blitzkrieg raged
>and the bodies stank
Can I save this?
Uhh yeah sure
Stop posting from Facebook Norway cunt
My doggo, rip
My other doggo
My Brittany spaniels I had as a kid were competent as hell, smart too. I live on an island so the beach isn't too far away, and my Brittanys would get our gate open by themselves and go down to dog beach when they wanted to play. We never really worried about them cause they'd always come back the next day and we'd find them sleeping on our patio covered in sand and leaves and shit. Also we took them bird hunting occasionally when we lived in Michigan, and I still remember one of them catching a bird out of the air mid flight
>nigger of the dog world
how do we fix doggo degeneracy pol? my doggo won't even dig for mice anymore, he just wants to sit around and sniff other doggos butts. this has gone too far and i weep for the future.
Your women are shit.
lab = master overall family / hunting dog
Cute little guy wouldpetallday/10
a rare 3d doggo pepe
You see this dog right here? This is the hungarian sheep-dog known as a Komondor.
Let me tell you a bit about this dog. See those dreadlocks? Those are natural, and that's not for looks- it's armor. This dog can fight wolves and win every single time, it is a warrior, they cannot bite through this armor.
This warrior-dog was almost wiped-out during WW2 because they always fought the soviet invaders on their homestead and farms.
They were also used as fighting dogs in war and their hair could stop low-caliber bullets from a distance.
They were bred to defend a whole village
Dogs are whatever you train them to be.
>Sup Forums complains about "nigger dogs being too violent
>Sup Forums complains about dogs being to winpy and small and not attacking nazis enough
K.. keep me posted!
>tfw no time machine to travel back to the 1900s to procure a pure non-mutant pug
GSD yes, Husky no. Biggest escape artists out.
I've got a Spaniel/Poodle cross.
He looks the same as a Springer Spaniel but has the size of a Poodle, intelligence of a poodle, but the energy and gun dog abilities of a Spaniel.
Top notch, sounds super aggressive when the door goes but is nice as pie. Had our house nearly broken into but he went fucking bonkers and the burglars bolted for it.
Working dogs are (and never were) cucked. "Palace" dogs are (and always have been) cucked.
There are lots of breeds that are fearless and still good with families, including most Terriers and Schnauzers.
>german shephard
>killed nazis
Oh God, how can you be sad when your dog does that?
Except pitbulls.
They are the nigger of the dog world.
They commit 80% of ALL dog attacks and there are countless stories of them snapping without a history of aggression.
Dogs are for insecure beta faggots.
>Lovecraft was a catfag
Yessssss... Don't have children white man, adopt the furry jew instead. You'll be so much more satisfied that way.
Bunch of retards.
Cat people are betas that live alone in apartments.
Jokes on you. I'm dead.