The civil rights march from Dresden to Aleppo reaches Dresden. 45 survivors gathered in front of the Frauenkirche

The civil rights march from Dresden to Aleppo reaches Dresden. 45 survivors gathered in front of the Frauenkirche.


A little bit more explanation would be helpful.
I suppose giving that in English might be too much to ask.

I'm surprised that the Dresdenites tell them to fuck off.

They planned a civil rights march from Berlin to Aleppo and now they arrived in the city of Dresden and preached tolerance I guess. Dresden is the city I think where PEGIDA started.

There probably was plenty of police.

They only now got to dresden?
They will literally die of old age before they reach Aleppo goddamn

I bet they disappear somewhere in the Balkans.

they gonna get raped and beheaded b4 they reach the german border

Google says it takes 37 hours at walking speeds. Have they been walking from city to city making long demonstrations, or are they just that fucking inefficient?

So they are marching about 13km a day and they need to mach a total of 2600km?

Top kek, well it's just a big scam to get donation money.

lol they took a week to walk to the next town?

survivors of what

13km a day? That's like 3hrs walking max. Are they stopping to get enriched?

well, if they are serious about it they will never make past the Balkans. I just hope somebody records their deaths.

This. Like 2 weeks ago is when the last user made a thread on them. How the fuck are they still in Germany?


Who the fuck cares what 45 people think. Why do they even stop? They haven't even left the country. If they don't keep moving, the war in Syria is over before they arrive...

That's probably the plan. They didn't even decide to do it until Assad liberated Aleppo.


By the time they reach Syria the war will be over, it will be a newly rebuilt nation. I'm guessing that was their plan all along, maybe.

Good to see they ditched the sand niggers. Now it's a rightious all white march.

Damn kek really wants em dead seems.
Praise him!

anything that has "civil" in their name reeks from marxist agenda lately

>from Dresden to Aleppo reaches Dresden

So they just left the house so far?

It's almost as if these people can do this because they're unemployed and don't have to pay for what they preach.

is this the work of that german journalist who is mentioned everytime in /sg/ ?

haha nice, didn't see that

they have his approval, yes

Option one:
>libtards go home once they milk the attention cow
Option two:
>libtards do reach Syria and try to conveniently enter through Russian and Syrian lines who are supposed to be the bad goys only to be told by Assad to fuck off and go home saving them from their own stupidity
Option three:
>libtards reach Aleppo through Al-Nusra and ISIS lines according to which scenario the men in the march will get beheaded while the women will become sex slaves
Place your bets, Sup Forums.

the patriarchy ofcourse.

Commies are lazy.

45 survivors of what?
look at all those women, who gives a rat's ass about their opinion

dresden fag here


And free Starbucks. Don't forget the Starbucks.
The monsters.

actually, all three. at the same time.
>men in the march will get beheaded while the women will become sex slaves
>be told by Assad to fuck off
you barely have to leave germany for this

Probably option one, these people live of attention and due to their slow travel rate no one will care

I place 5 shekels

I think it was badly translated and they meant that of the massive march that left Berlin on the 27th, there are now only 45 people doing it as they reached Dresden.

>45 left

weren't there supposed to be like 2000 of them?