Stop watching porn

Stop watching porn.

Keep watching porn.

Keep welcoming refugees.


I---I'm sorry...I just masturbated

Stop circumcising your children.

Everything in moderation.

Nofap turns you into a ball of bad choices.

Stop hitting kids more like

There's LITERALLY, and I do mean that, literally no healthy aspect of porno.

He doesn't like either of those things



stop stopping

Porn is healthy for you, goy - I mean, young man.

Hentai is the BEST!

Start sucking Muslim dick.

I'm trying. I havnt watched porn for a full week now. Its crazily difficult.

You can jerk off you know

Idk man I've seen a few things in porn that ended up feeling pretty healthy trying out later.

He can never shut up about hitting kids tho

i know i jerked off when i woke up this morning without porn, now its 10:37 pm and im home alone on saturday night. in years gone by this is the exact situation that would result in hours of binge watching porn.

Sounds like a good time

I have so many books I've yet to read, but I still choose to jerk off anyways.

I feel cursed sometimes.


>ITT: Nerd Virgins

You and the dutch get along great

Real big faggot lovers


lol ur a cuck faggot

Go with Christ my hip nip

Religion is a Myth, stop suffering and be Happy.

You have no room to talk savage

Your people commit suicide in higher rates than anywhere else in the world

And only around 1% of your population is Christian

Hmmmmm, I wonder why?

I don't take advice from convicted felons

Amen. 2017: a year of personal cleanliness and self control ... by God's grace.




If you think watching porn is wrong, then you probably have OCD.


Don't get trapped in the shadow zone

stop letting niggers breed

>meanwhile, thousands of chronic masturbators break/desensitise their dicks/brains and fail to procreate, ending their lineage in a pathetic cum covered basement

>implying thats a bad thing

you know what overpopulation is?

That's a pretty shitty argument man

Lmao enjoy going extinct pasta fag

>you know what overpopulation is?
its just a meme

for a month I'm gonna stop doing everything the varg meme tells me to stop. Wish me luck, goys

>stop being relevant all the way back in 1994.

Stop saving thumbnails

In the green areas it's the Muslims and other migrants reproducing. Especially in France. Here's a picture of a French school.

How about her?


Who she? Nice cosplay though. Or is it real.

[desire to mutilate dicks intensifies]

I have about 5 currently that I begun, but never finished, even if they were exciting, its just so much easier to GRAB YOUR DICK AND DOUBLE CLICK. I think abstaing from internet in general would help.