He's going to be the most criticised president in the history of the US, ain't he?

He's going to be the most criticised president in the history of the US, ain't he?

Other urls found in this thread:


He'll also be the best

*for israel

probably, but not by real Americans, just by faggots, niggers, kikes, spics, and other parasites that infest the nation

It comes with the position
Tell me the media didn't have a field day with any of them

The man's confidence is unshakable. I know I would question even my own ability to take a full on nonstop multichannel multimedia shit blitz from the left wing, and I consider myself a very mentally strong person.

I can't see him serving two terms. He is getting old and he's going into office with no "honeymoon". Rough.

He's not gonna get into office
Obama's gonna start a war to get a 3rd term

where obama polarized or incited controversy over his policies, it was never about his personal life or character.

all the others, particularly trump, are less noble creatures.

Says you, Deutschbag.

Obama reduced usa influence to the lowest levels. Even the president of philippines dared to insult him. The fucking philippines man.


Yes, it's annoying as hell you can't talk to anyone without them bringing him up.
Typical conversation with a retard liberal girl
Hey, what's up?
Because I want to punch Trump in the face
Most butthurt people on the planet, I didn't see anyone act like this when Obama or Trudeau won

Which you conspitards said Bush was going to do

If he can upend the system the way it needs to be you bet he will.

>planned parenthood already crying
>teacher union will be crying
>beaners will be crying
>chiner and mexico will be crying
>envirofags will be crying
>baby killers will be crying
>fair share pussies is will be crying

It's safe to assume. He'll be heavily criticized as he stops them from robbing us blind.

>Even the president of philippines dared to insult him. The fucking philippines man.
Duterte is also the biggest retard alive

+1 Worst Korea bro.

I nominate you for honorary American.

Donald is a good goy. He'll do fine.

>for past 8 years call obongo a terrorist Muslim
>Trump's going to be criticised, it's so unfair!

And the most well hung, and with the hottest wife.

>>for past 8 years call obongo a terrorist Muslim
>>Trump's going to be criticised, it's so unfair!
Fucking this

>no personal attacks

McCain had to remind a redneck woman Obama was not an Islamic terrorist.

Is that Bruce Jenner? Stunning and Brave.

No, if he got through TPP Obama would've successfully guaranteed China's rise as peaceful and stopped them from being a hegemon. Now RCEP is what all the BRICS and Asian nations will fall in after.

the first part might be true.

but given duetre's batshit insane nature, is it possible he might have said the same thing if he felt the exertion/hegemony of the USA playing humanrights police?

Every Filipino is

It wasn't the media who called him a Muslim terrorist, bro.
It was suburban and rural retards.
All the city people loved Obama.

>Let's change the system
>The system helped me win, why change it?

>Put Hillary in jail
>Nah, she's fine

>Let's build a wall and make Mexico pay for it
>Well it's not gonna be a full "wall" and I doubt Mexico will pay for it

>Too many big businesses run Washington
>Here let's have these business executives have high offices in my cabinet

Gee, I wonder why


Although in your defense talking head say everything under the sun.

>Dissing based Dirty Harry

This man has done more for his city and country than Obama ever had

nah, there was this one dick that legalized assassination of american citizens, fuck that guy.

During his administration? Absolutely, so was Lyndon Johnson, but Johnson won the culture war that came afterward so the history books rather than look on him as a fucking asshole who sold every part of america down the river in less than a century they simply don't write much about him. If Trump does a lot of good and people like NPI, American Vanguard, Heimbachs ppl, Daily Stormer, and independent Sup Forumslack IRL pro-white activism win the culture war that comes afterward he'll be looked upon kindly and his criticisms minimized.

considering the current alignment of the media and his personality, of course.

I wonder if Colbert, for example, will tire of complaining about Trump. I'd tire. Or if the american public will tire of listening to him complaing about Trump

Similar to Margaret Thatcher in a way. She saved the UK from Union control and turned the country around but Liberals/Lefties never stopped screeching about how evil she was.

media doesn't challenge anything obama says

Any national leader who speaks out against Obama and the UN has his heart in the right place.

Hey for 6 years I liked Obama.

and the best

Not if he does the right thing and purges the jewrnalists

Yeah. He ran roughshod over the media and political establishment of both parties and broke pretty much every "accepted" political practice, rule and convention to do it. The butthurt will be eternal.


>Obama acts like a terrorist Muslim for 8 years
>Nobody in the Media calls him one

>Trump isn't even in office yet
>Media already calls him the worst president ever