How do we fix the woman problem in America Sup Forums?
Why are women so degenerate?
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I don't know because I'm a degenerate too. I've been on a fap binge lately with redheaded women, which is strange because I'm gay but god damn they are hard to resist.
>which is strange because I'm gay
I have bad news for you user
They have one job.
You're straight, you just think you're not because of the brainwash (maybe even r9k), think about it.
So? More straight men watch gay porn than they're willing to admit.
Culture has conditioned us to believe that female sexuality is totally fluid whereas male sexuality is completely set in stone.
Also OP if you're gonna diss females at least be more specific. What specifically is degenerate about them?
And if all that makes me sound like an SJW, so be it.
Not to be a degenerate or anything but please tell me this is from a full image set and there is more
Thicc, pale, redheads are my absolute weakness
Mass extermination of sluts
Maybe that's what you tell yourself you fucking little faggot
Realistically? Invent artificial women. Then betas can finally create the stable family environment they actually want with a beautiful, ageless loyal fembot and have genetically engineered kids using eggs they bought from some catlogue of hot ivyleague athletes.
Fembots are our only hope of preventing what would be the inevitable collapse of society brought on by turning women's sexuality loose. Every other society that has ever had a 'sexual revolution' and done away with monogamy and arranged marriages has collapsed or been conquered by people with stricter sexual morals. Technology is our only savior once again.
Pic related.
Oh for fucksake it's a nip
Thanks OP
What the fuck? Is this what (((they))) teach in universities now?
No joke if I was married in my late teens or early 20s I would have been up to 5x more productive which would have just benefited society.
I created a business, bought two houses, but wound everything down as I couldnt get married or find anyone serious. I got a bit depressed and basically just did the bare minimum for almost 10 years until my libido/hormones/perspective/philosophy changed then I started up a new business thats moving along and growing. It essentially helps the lower class save money and I prioritize the users over profits.
I imagine if I didnt go through the 'no gf' zone I wouldnt have lost track for so long.
i reccomend tineye in the future
says the guy with "f(a)g" in his id. Just because I like THICC readheads from time to time doesn't mean I'm not a faggot user. I'm only attracted to the female aesthetic.
Remove feminism no really remov e it stop making them unaccountable for their actions
Marry a male and use surrogates only if you feel so compelled to do so. Don't forget you must also wed Christ
Is there someone in the bed?
>w-w-women have sooo much sex now adays!
no you're just an incel
That seems more like your own psychology. Marriage is extremely likely to fuck us over nowadays, so it probably would have been even worse if your wife divorce-raped you and took half of your stuff. You made the right call, staying single.