Aus/pol - Cory 'Make Australia Great Again' Bernardi edition

>Cory Bernardi set to ‘split from Coalition’ to launch Donald Trump-inspired movement
>Senator Bernardi met key members of US president-elect Donald Trump’s campaign team in Washington last month, including former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani and campaign manager Kellyanne Conway
>Attempts were now being made to convince him to stay with the party.

I like a Trump style party here but I worry it will take votes away from One Nation and further split the right wing vote. He should just join One Nation

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You can't bump your own thread without somebody else replying to it first.

fuck you mate, he can do what he wants

He can reply, post bump, put bump in the name field and bump a jar of vegemite up his ass, but he still won't bump the thread without somebody else replying to his thread first you cunt.

>bump a jar of vegemite up his ass
>swede humour
oh, sven. why must you take it there?

Is this man your best post-WWII prime minister, or was it the guy who banned guns?

our best post-WWII prime minister wasn't a guy

Trick question; all our PM's are garbage


I hate you

Surely there have to be some that are less garbage than the others?

I mean, for example, nobody would argue that the cuck Fraser would be the best.

Howard was good but muh guns


God save this nation, I was in..... Melbournes CBD, I was the only white fucker, now I dunno if that's good because whites are safe at home and the gook n spooks are out wasting money, but shieeeeeet.

I'll do what I want cunt, it still got the thread moving

Cheers m8

Bob Menzies. He was basically exactly the pol mix of right and left. But that was the 50s and 60s so every western leader was like that. He was in for a long time.

Dick Smith to join One Nation lads?

Absolutely unforgivable

No worries mate, our preferential voting system means that he won't be splitting votes. Put him 1 and one nation 2 and you will get one or the other.

Swedes would be experts on sticking things up their ass now wouldn't they?

I dunno m8 I reckon it might strengthen the right having 3 right wing parties. I think fuckin Gina is going to fund it. If cunts see ads on TV they usually go for it.

I doubt One Nation would ever get full power anyway sorry to say it.

I agree it's shit.

nah he wont do that, he's done enough
also don't talk to loud, faggot m ods don't want us to talk about him
we're on to something lads

I think the right needs to mobilize behind one party to maximize voting. The left did it with the greens. No more meme right wing parties and we'll overtake the greens easily

They consider it off topic hence the ban. Its pretty arbitrary what is and isn't off topic though

I've heard this mentioned but nothing has happened. It all seems to be based on his telling Waleed he didn't know what he was talking about.

Nah it's not gonna happen lots of right wing cunts want mass immigration.

I know I'm a Yank who's desensitized to this shit, but was Port Arthur really that big a deal? or was Howard always after the guns for some reason

Nah Dick just likes to talk about it and then no one gives a fuck. Good on him for trying though.

He should just take care of his family.

Austrialia your shitposting is always top notch. Certainly keeps morale up. Cheers m80

>voted LNP last election even though I'm on the dole
>now they're cracking down on dole recipients

Just how fucking dumb am I

I don't think many people cared that much no.

We also didn't have much of a gun culture so no one really cared about losing them either.

This bitch donated our money to Hillary.

You should do some survival courses so you can live off basically nothing forever

They're going to create jobs and Make Australia Great Again

We had a pretty big gun culture mate. Every man and his dog had guns. We don't nigger gangs killing each other.

i dont think a trump style candidate has a chance in hell here mate, id love a god emporer sure but our lefties havent fucked with the middle class anywhere near enough in aus yet so its just not gonna happen

no.... no they really arent

Fuck who wants mass immigration? Most people i talk to don't want more.

Maybe where you live. I knew two guys out of about 100 that had guns.

Either that or they'll kick people of the dole and have civil unrest on their hands.

35 people were killed, so it was a pretty significant event. There had been a number of 'mass-shootings' in the years leading up the massacre, but it was the massacre itself which provided the catalyst for the new national laws.

Fuckin old fart boomers. They've bought into the meme that the shitskins pay for their pensions. They're fuck heads.

Fuck, i live in the shire and i remember the line out the door at the cop shop. All my neighbors and family owned multiple guns.

t: Melbournian

I don't think they're going to do that at least not for a while yet, but yeah. Their logic of "slowly take welfare away and jobs will magically appear" seems fun at best to me.

More people have guns than you'd expect. I'm a licensed shooter, live in a large city and own seven rifles and a shotgun. Pretty easy to get a license these days with the online application.

I don't know, most boomers who are relying on the government bennies for retirement are shit cunts.

How do you feel living in a country full of

>numale cucks
>animals that want nothing other than to kill you
>the shittiest internet in the world

Is every shitpost a cry for help?

is clay shooting fun?

Yeah, pretty much.

I believe it was the beginning of the end of Australia, at least culturally

not for clay

This. 1995 was the last year of what I call "Real Australia". Howard was a mistake.

I like it

dunno, haven't shot clays before.

Senator David Leyonhjelm is the best Australian politician

Prove me wrong

Is he the one who told that anti-discrimination person to go fuck themselves?

He can't handle the bantz, plus some policies that LDP have are pretty aspergic

Nah I'm a Sydney fag. This was back in the good old days, or rather just before things started turning to shit, so people weren't worried about muzzies or the left going full Stalin.

>lots of right wing cunts want mass immigration.
Do you mean left wing? I don't know any actual right wing individuals who want mass immigration

Yes, i believe he is

He's a champion

They are they're senile retards. They think it's still 1980 or something and don't see any media outside of channel 9, 2gb and the telegraph. Clueless as fuck.

They're okay. Head n shoulders above most of the other parties at least

I dunno what the point would be ? surely he can achieve more as part of the liberal party ?

No I mean right wing. I'm talking about cuckservatives not One Nation people.

lol nah m8 thats like saying a lot of leftists want to ban abortion


I am inclined to agree. It was a typical knee-jerk reaction. Plus he just wanted to make his mark on politics. And what better way than disarming the law abiding, civilian population?

Jews already have too much power in Straya, don't need another (((Trump))) here.

Just stick with One Nation. It doesn't matter that Pauline is a bit thick, it's about building momentum for a right wing reaction in society not actually winning the next election.

The laws were drafted in 1991 according to recently released documents, they were just waiting for an excuse to pull the trigger.

Howard was always a gun hating POS. PA was bad, but it was never investigated properly and there are a lot of inconsistencies about it.

The net effect of the NFA was 20 years of gun hating and demonization of gun owners, which is the real purpose of 'gun control', since anyone with half a brain knows that the public isn't made any more safer because certain guns are banned.

Who are you lads voting for

No cunt the last year of real Australia was when they got rid of the White Australia act

how successful do you guys think that "left renewal" party will be?

id say it will be a socialist alliance 2.0 electric boogaloo and not affect anything, but i hope its enough to stir up the greens voters enough to cause the greens vote to split

good thing dutton is our immigration minister, the bloke is a champ. triggers lefties on a weekly basis.

Sporting Clays as in Field and Game are great. Next best thing to IPSC practical shooting or hunting.

My wife's son loves Pauline. Go One Nation!

Libertarians are always the best cunts.

Ah yeah, they'll always vote liberal anyway

election is 3 years away cunt

Who /Xenophon/ Here?

>the public isn't made any more safe becuase certain guns are banned.

Yeah if the terrorists like the sydney cafe cunt have easy access to LMGs it won't be any more dangerous than an old sawnoff.

How are people this retarded

tfw voting makes me nervous and I struggle to put the ballot into the box as my hands are nerves shaky
tfw the voting person had to do it for me

Nah, not for me m8. He's basically Labor in an orange tie.

That's because you never leave the house

You support white replacement ?

He had a pump action, technically a Cat C if it had ever been registered if it was a legal gun (it wasn't due to it being sawn off).

Collectors own full auto LMGs in NZ fine, there are thousands of full auto LMGs in the US, of which 2 have been used to kill people since 1934.

The end result of 20 years of brainwashing about guns is what has turned a run of the mill el cheapo lever action shotgun into both a best seller and a renewed push to ban more guns for literally no reason.

xenophon is a faggot

>career politician
>getting finding from gina "fatcunt" rinehart

completely missing the fucking point of trump winning desu famalam

tfw I'm shitposting

In all seriousness the one time the guy had to do it for me was because I was a retard he didn't fold the ballot enough so it wouldn't go in

I voted LDP lst election, not real keep on pauline

wew lad

I liked him a few years ago when he was local (SA) but I don't really know what he's up to these days

A lot of people might be too young to remember but this era of politician were overt proponents of establishing a "new world order", its where the terminology comes from. This was a part of that, disarmament.

What party is the closest to UKIP

Redpill me on LDP and One Nation

One Nation & LDP

I had real trouble folding the senate paper the first time I voted for some reason. It threw me off when, after folding it in half, it wouldn't fit in the box, so I stood there and folded it all retarded-like.

Yeah that was me, by the time I figured it out the guy was helping and I certainly felt like an idiot. Great first time memory for voting