Redpill me on Ancient Egypt
Redpill me on Ancient Egypt
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They wuz kangs n shieet
Apparently they wuz kangz, or so I've heard.
>Barely anyone could write or read.
>elites, scholars, clergy could read/write
>two sets of written language
>one of the elite, one of the poor incase they tried to get educated
All ancient civilizations were built by slavs.
The leaders, the educated and upper class were Nordics. The rest such as the slaves and lower classes were generally blacks and sandniggers.
Yeah those KANGZ sure built it in 20 years to that precision. Watched that documentary I linked multiple times has a lot of "coincidences"
They discovered and named Kek, pbuh, who recently made a surprising resurfacing to our plane.
Also likely the origin of Hermeticism which influences western civilization to this day much more than most people realize.
is this the one with the french or italian lady with the informant or whatever
user, this isn't the right place to find out about ancient Egypt. Wikipedia is better.
Here's something to think about: between the height of the Old Kingdom in 2500BC and Alexander the Great's conquest 2000 years later, there were multiple total collapses, more than two dozen dynasties, the religion and culture evolved past the point of recognition, technology rose and fell cyclically (all of the greatest monuments are the oldest), and that Egypt hasn't always been as barren as it is now.
i don't trust anyone but Sup Forums
I think there is a French historian who they take the piss out of a lot
Will try to explain
Basically there were many, many dynasties in "Ancient" Egypt that would truly need to be differentiated between but I don't have to go as in-depth as to describe every ruling dynasty but this is more or less what you need to know.
The people who built the pyramids are not the same people we have documentation on. The real Egyptians are largely a mystery. This is because Egypt was conquered in 332 BC by Alexander the Great and turned into a Hellenic city, ran by the Greek Ptolemy dynasty (whom Cleopatra was apart of). Native Egyptians at this point were considered less than lower class citizens (in fact even the Jews in the area had more rights apparently.
Then Julius Caesar arrives to Egypt after conquering Gaul, defeating the Senate and whilst chasing Pompey (Egypt was Rome's #1 supply of grain), when he arrives he finds out Pompey was murdered as a gift for him. While there he settles disputes between the various factions who were at war with each other and stopping the flow of grain to Rome, he instores Cleopatra on the throne, Cleopatra gives him a child. THEN after Caesar's assassination, Mark Antony also allies himself with Cleopatra and in the end this goes wrong. Octavian Caesar (Julius Caesar's "son" but really his nephew) gets into a war with Mark Antony who is refusing to supply with Rome with grain. They end up fighting at the Battle of Actium, Cleopatra and Mark Antony lose terribly, they commit suicide, and from then on Rome becomes an official Roman province (it had been for around 20 years really but officially and all).
That's all you need to know. The guys who built the pyramids we know NOTHING about. They left very little written dialogue that we can understand. Although there was a concrete slab that Napoleon's Grand Armee brought back from Egypt which was deciphered but it didn't help with much else.
The native Egyptians were very likely Coptic Christians.
Pyramids are magick:
Required Sup Forums viewing almost on par to TGSNT.
They had black Nubian pharaohs at one point. Then they lost power, and spent much of the rest of their existence trying to reconquer Egypt, and failing every time after.
It was built by black Africans who immediately abandoned it, went south, and focused on making thatched huts.
The pyramids align geometrically with stars and shit
Are much older than hypothesized
Gave us some pretty cool Kek fan art.
used jews as slaves so theyre alright imo
i want my future wife to look like this girl
>coptic christians
>ancient egyptian empire 3100-332 BC
>christianity formed 1st century
Hence why I talk about lack of ancient writings.
And Coptic Christians aren't a religious, they're a people who happen to be Christian and have become associated with Christianity.
At least they wuz before they fucked everything up.
He meant that the ethnic ancient egyptians live in the genes of the modern coptic christians (which he is right) on. Most of todays egypts are arabs or arab rapebabies.
>Ancient Egypt
Contrary to modern had no muslims and no arabs
White Australia built it
Almost two hours of speculation, misrepresented facts, outright lies and pseudo science. Never actually answers anything, just poses more questions while trying to look mysterious.
This video is 'research' for people too dumb to do research. Plus the narrator's accent is fucking annoying.
"Required viewing for Sup Forums" - yup, sounds about right. Dumb fucks.
The Egyptians were a Sun worshipping race of men that Kek walked among 4500 years ago. They got the silver medal for inventing writing, but won gold in architecture.
After Kek built the pyramids and left they let a woman become Pharaoh and she invited in a bunch of Sandniggers who ruined the country.
After that the Egyptians chimped out and conquered all their neighbours but they let too many niggers into their empire so it collapsed a second time and the sandniggers came back.
After a bit the Egyptians chimped out again and this time they got as far as the Euphrates, where they discovered the Hurrians.
The Egyptians and the Hurrians couldn't conquer one another so they became best buds and the Royal family became progressively whiter because Mittanian brides.
Then there was a religious war and the winner became the Ramessid dynasty.
The Ramessids got their shit fucked up by the Hittites, yet another group of Indo-Aryans.
The Egyptians fucked off home as the Mycenaean Greeks and Syrians arrived and fucked everybodys shit up, and after that Egypt became everybody's bitch.
First they were conquered by the Assyrians, during which time the Israelites wrote a bunch of shit about them.
Then they were conquered by the Persians, during which time the Jews wrote a bunch of shit about them.
Then the Greeks made Egypt sort of Great Again, with Alexandria and so forth, and then the Romans came and turned their country into a granary.
And then the Arabs arrived, and the country has been shit ever since
It was a lot poorer than Rome, just because it had this uber controlled economy and never had its own republic phase. The romans really hated it.