Mexicans aren't civiliz


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Mexico is a semitic shit-hole

Stolen from blancos.

>a bunch of buildings and lights make a country civilized

I could put a nigger in a suit, does that make him smart?

Mexicans aren't civilized.

This is how civilised people spell civilised: Civilised.

I guess the UAE is civilized too....oh wait

bunch of poos making food. ewww

Obama is.

Obama thinks he on some dark carnival shit, but he a neden hole 4 real.
He best step the fuck off, b4 he gets smacked in the nuggs.

He's honestly not. He's just part of a (((group))) that lets him get away with "his" blatant bullshit. Everyone with an IQ over 70 sees through his crap, though.

Somalians aren't civiliz....

mexicans are not christian like we the gringos.


Yeah I know, I've been to Mexico. Some places are pretty aesthetic. I still wouldn't walk the streets at night like I could here at home or at other places I've visited.

what city did you visit?

Guadalajara and Morelia. We were following the Rick Steves guide.

*gets decapitated*

you missed Puerto Vallarta. Yeah I watch his show. Did you liked mexican girls from Guadalajara?

That looks extremely 3rd world. Your country is super cool though.

If I could go back to Mexico that would be the number 1 reason. When I went last time I was with family but one day I'll be back to contribute to white genocide.

not only that but the exposure on the photo is super long, like how they take bright pictures of the milky way but if you were outside it'd be dark

>Literally rioting, looting, and murdering right now

>Post high class areas ran by the remaining white upper class
>country is sitting at %82 nonwhite
>Politicians have a higher mortality rate than a soldier in Iraq

Thats a really beautiful architecture and natural scenery. Two super huge probably non volcanic but not too pointy or snowy mountains with sweet hong kong style buildangs. Only not cheap and Chinese

hahahahahahaha Mostly people from Guadalajara are from Spanish and French descent.

I wonder how many of those buildings are abandoned?


They're probably used to propel rockets from.

poos aren't civili...

Mexicans are savages.

that toilet is from chynah.

Came back from Monterrey a few days ago, the place is an utter shithole, full of decaying streets, buildings, businesses and the entire place smells like sewer. Worst part is that you will get to know it really well because the traffic is an absolutely clusterfuck beyond reason and the city layout wasn't planned at all.

Mexicans cant build bridges.

that's a big toilet bowl

whoa a skyline at a night, i guess that proves everyone wrong! Here's Johannesburg at night, looks nice right? it's a pure hellhole

You've got one of the richest countries in the fucking world, full of natural resources and yet your country is a violent hellhole full of poverty and sprawling ghettos. Mexico city has an air pollution problem on par with China. Your government is far more corrupt and perverted than ours, and it shows. The cartels openly run your country. The oligarchy owns you peasants and when they can't pay their bills they just slap a %20 tax on shit at the end of the year.

I mean USA is corrupt and shitty too, but your country should be so much better. You have no excuses. It's a playground for the ultra-rich and the rest of you just sit there and take it or even perpetuate your own misery. No surprise though, the lesser races are so much easier to and much more content with being subjugated.

>literally shaped like a toilet


Mexico has great gun laws and is a really really safe country to visit.

They don't even have a drug problem.

I married one, best/worse decision of my life.
>Soy Mestizo Americano

OP's pic makes me yearn for the cyberpunk days.

ay chancho los pinches gringos insultaron mi paisito nomas virgencita de guadalupe miren que linda la ciudad de México DF(tm) pero ignoren todo lo demás wey pinché trump voy a saltar la valla

that sums the entire board's threads

Is it safe to go on holiday to Mexico?

Designated tourist areas are safe and protected. Anywhere else is at your own peril and you'll stick out like a sore thumb.

Paco im thinking f travelling about one day. Make your case why mexico would be a good choice.