No one is saying the Bible is true. Any imbecile today can see that.
Just as Santa Claus makes children good, Christianity makes people good. The effect of the myth being present in people's lives uplifts the human condition. If these myths were to disappear, society would degenerate into brutal chaos.
We need Christianity to order society and to stop people from masturbating and having premarital anal sex.
Christian Taylor
>children are bad because santa isn't real
are you mentally ill?
Robert Sanders
Children are good (in the developed world) because they know "Santa" will be good to them if they are good.
Grayson Morgan
OP sucks dads cream
Bentley Sanchez
It goes down so smooth. Everyone can enjoy some of ol' dad's cream.
Landon Wilson
i wanna be a christian tb.h but it's pro racemixing and pro jew and says israel will form a one world government so there's just no way i can subscribe to that shit
Nathan Rivera
I miss Richard.
I can't believe Steven killed him over nothing more than a Taco Bell bill.
Joshua Gomez
spinoza - ethics
Jeremiah Morris
It's OK. It's not literal. God knows race mixing will never work - it's destined to fall apart.
And God has a plan for Jews.
These things were included to make the Bible more palatable, to lessen any backlashes our followers might encounter.
Evan Phillips
Maybe parents should stop lying to their children by telling them Santa Claus and the Easter bunny are real
When they group up they'll have these retard atheists mental issues which are akin to my little pony mental issues and they won't believe their parents when they tell them God's real and He loves you
Gabriel Reed
>If these myths were to disappear, society would degenerate into brutal chaos.
Huh, is that why the most atheist countries are the most peaceful and the most religious countries are complete shitholes?
Benjamin Cook
He's with Dad now, sucking on ol' grandad.
Jonathan Murphy
New chatline when?
Leo Hughes
when they grow up (typo)
Matthew Roberts
Was the story of Noahs ark true?
Colton Green
The bible is true.
Joshua Howard
No. Nothing in the Bible is true literally. But it should still be believed in order to keep humanity from becoming savages and having gaity.
Carson Collins
>No one is saying the Bible is true. I am. I'm a genius. Prove me wrong.
Bentley Perry
Am I real?
Cameron Morris
No, you fucking retard. Raise and discipline your child. Teach them about consequences and friendship. Don't lie to them and hope
Grayson Jenkins
Yes. You're real my son.
John Sullivan
Dude i get what you are saying, but why not raise children with a focus on science instead of religion. With education comes so many benefits. You tell your children that santaclaus exists till they're 6, then they realize he is imaginary, like jesus, god, mohammed whatever. They will realize that religion is bullshit if they get an education
Lincoln Jackson
Steven Chilton started a new show called "Haulin Ass" but it sucks in my personal opinion.
Ian Williams
That's exactly why the most athiest countries have the most amount of refugees, SJW elitist cunts, and a diverse moral compass:
No one can agree on anything. If you have a moral compass like Christianity, everyone agrees with everything. In atheism, you can't tell me that killing babies on tuesdays is wrong.
Carter Rivera
Hes making a come back you know?
He did a reddit AMA and said he was working on a new show.
Leo Gomez
Because scientists say it's OK to be homo.
Christopher Ross
Buying their bible was the best thing that happened in my life.
James Price
While I'm not disagreeing with you, I believe we need a clear definition of what is "true" As in there was a great flood But where there was a Noah and he gather all the animals and shit Im not sure
Logan Anderson
This is joyous news! Let us all rejoice!
Dominic Sanchez
>Santa Claus
You don't understand Christianity if that's your view on what the belief system is. At least try to provide something noteworthy rather than a strawman.
Jaxon Myers
so you're proposing double think? you're suggesting that we believe the bible is true, and uphold it as the basis as our lives, despite understanding that it is untrue?
why the bible? i guess if we are to pick a bunch of stories to live by, why the holy bible?
Bentley Jackson
false equivalency
Wealth plus education plus ethnicity is a much more accurate predictor of non violence.
Russia and Eastern European countries are among the least religious yet most violent.
Andrew Robinson
People are good when they're born with empathy. Those who lack it, go to prison or have a lucrative career in appropriate businesses with or without religion.
Easton Long
Who are you to tell me?
Nolan Robinson
>just as santa claus makes children good >you have to be good because if you dont get presents/go to hell >only reason to no go on a killing spree is because there is hell >you belive in hell r-right?
Dominic White
Why do we need to stop those things? We r overpopulated as it is.
Matthew Rogers
That leads to another problem. The cat is out of the bag. We need to limit scientific knowledge because it disproves the myths.
James Kelly
Sort of. There is evidence of a very large localized flood which is the source of numerous "great flood" stories but that doesn't really matter because the first 11 chapters of Genesis are not a literal account of history. The proof is in the text itself when you see how day and night existed before the creation of the sun. It's part mythopoeic expression and part "popular description" that expresses fundamental truths in a figurative language and it parallels mythological traditions of the ancient near east of the times.
You can't read these books without studying literature.
Zachary Butler
The fact that it is failing means that it is no longer effective. We need a new system of coordinating the beliefs and efforts of people. Right now we lack one, and so society is unraveling.
Carson Powell
People can believe what they want, but when I hear them saying that the Bible / Christianity is important as a moral compass all I can think about is how they're basically telling me they'd be running around raping and pillaging if there weren't any consequences.
Sure, guidelines like that were important up to a few hundred years ago when people were still uncivilized, but when it comes to morals (specifically) it just isn't needed anymore. That's not to say there aren't any benefits, but I think good people are good and bad people are bad whether they have found room for religion in their lives or not.
Grayson Lopez
I propose Scientology. Let's become Scientologists and enslave the dirt dwellers.
Cooper Anderson
the thought of a world where scientology is important is scary
Colton Brooks
Christcucks are mentally unstable. What did you expect from people who need a big man in the sky to give them purpose and stop them from doing bad things?
Alexander Jackson
>all I can think about is how they're basically telling me they'd be running around raping and pillaging if there weren't any consequences.
That's not what people are saying when they bring up the moral argument. Religious people are not saying that you need to believe in god or their specific religion in order to be a moral person, because morality is written into our hearts. The moral argument seeks to show that objective moral truths cannot exist without an objective foundation in a perfect person like god.
Asher James
Learn how to debate... A strawman is irrelevant.
Christian Myers
What does it mean to raise kids with science instead of religion? That's like saying you should raise kids with math instead of history. They're both separate but important fields of study and a well rounded person wouldn't lack an education in either.