Potheads are the cancer of western civilization
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you already made this thread faggot
nice tits, who's that lady? More pics?
They should be arrested
Drug dealers should be whipped and jailed
Drug producers hanged
But I like smoking pot.
I commit no other crimes, I take care of myself with zero assistance, and generally don't bother people.
Why is it bad for me to smoke pot?
fyk off cunt were all good
That's the type of body I imagine the average poltard has
The bible says you should always have a clear mind it also says your body is a temple to the Holy Spirit would you desecrate this temple?
yes, they are the most bluepilled of them all
You have your work cut out for you. Hope you can identify the "neck" of hundreds of flora an thousands of fungi.
Define "clear mind"
i'm sure he's very sorry for not being totally up to date on the latest drug dealer lingo
burn all the plants that get you high from the ground up to sky leabibi bibi yat
pothead nation
Does hanging a banner desecrate a temple?
Playing a song?
I am making my temple more beautiful through drugs. I do not play games with my health.
smoked when i was younger..
just sad seeing adults smoke it and talk nonsense like they are enlightened or some shit.
Those are taxonomic terms you literal retard.
you are willingly associating with lowlifes
What are you talking about? Find a man growing pot in his farm hang him
Find a man making meth in his kitchen hang him
More beautiful by destroying your mind? God gave us the most advanced mind of any creature on this planet and you would ruin that? Sad
Okay, so think about it this way:
When was the last time you felt deeply enlightened by some occurrence in your life?
Was it a pleasant or even awesome feeling?
Do you wish you could experience it again?
Congratulations, you know understand why some people smoke pot.
Oh my god, i'm so high right now. Where am i? Who are you people? Is OP always a cocksucking mentally disabled person? Is this even real life?
>i'm supposed to be happy all the time and if i'm not i'm doing something wrong
it's called forced positivity, and you're a victim. even pewdiepie talked about it, that's how mainstream it is now
escapism. i knew that burger.
You can feel all that if you read the bible instead and accept God into your life
I can say without a doubt in my mind the greatest event of my life was when I finally realised the bible is the complete truth. Nothing has gone wrong in my life since
When you're writing music weed can help your mind work at double speed, but there is a trap of doing extremely gay or douchey shit that feels good to a mind reduced to a titty baby state, so I would say it makes the dumb dumber and acts as a stimulate to thinkers like coffee.
For or against people make a big fucking faggot deal about it, it's not bad, and it's certainly not that great, and none of it is worth going to jail, shooting, or even spending money on (it grows, idiot, don't you know how to farm?)
As an occasional toker and drug user I completely agree.
Fuck everyone who makes a lifestyle out of their substance abuse, you give a bad name to everyone who indulges in responsible degeneracy every now and then.
and youve lost me.
stoners and religious nuts are pretty equal in terms of their lack of a grip on reality.
Say's who? I grow my own shrooms. I currently get my weed from a childhood friend who gets it from his childhood friend (lord knows what that poor bastard gets up too). I grew up in a white-flight upper-mid suburb.
Further, you basically answered my question by ignoring the question
You already presupposed "drug users are bad" and when I asked why I am bad you again assumed because the other drug users I associate with are bad.
Do you see this pattern in your thinking? Your mind is so made up you respond to a conflict with an subconscious negation.
Don't you ever think about your thoughts, man?
This is what weed does to your body.
there are too many people halfway to the redpill but are too drugged to make sense of anything and end up believing wacked out bullshit and nonsense, drugs, weed in particular makes one too stupid and in a haze to reach the full red pill (for most)
Look at ol Joe Rogan, though his face does look like it is permanently sweating olive oil
any white man with dreads needs to die. they look like complete losers.
That simply isn't true, some of you are trying way too hard.
That's wrong, the religious have a better grip on reality than any degenerate atheist
thats nice.
when you meet god please give him a big thanks for giving children bone cancer.
Seems mildly over-aggressive.
What do you not like about drugs?
In what way have I ruined it?
Okay, I'll bite. I am a "victim" of "forced positivity". In fact, I've spent time and effort over the years into honing my skills of forced positivity, and I think I am pretty damn good at it.
Why is that a bad thing and how does it apply to drug use?
>Hardmode: don't expect me to watch a youtube video by a famous videogame player.
If you are in a situation with no money and zero immediate rewards I think it can be productive. It kills rumination and self destructive thought patterns. It depends on your situation and how you handle weed. Self medicating is usually bad, but for me, I have next to no friends these days, I apply for jobs/exercise/do household chores. There is a limit to how much I can fill the hours in a day given my situation, and weed can give me a break from my own brain. Maybe I am wrong, but in moderation it seems to work for me. If weed can just relax you like it can with me, it can be productive. But you have to push further with every week, weed can let you sit in the same place for decades.
Drug use is fine, it should never be apparent
Christianity is a religion designed to castrate the mind at a young age so it never fully develops a capacity for critical thinking, reasoning, and ability to act without timidity. The biggest cowards are true believers, the biggest Christians are the most casual, and liars too.
>It kills rumination and self destructive thought patterns
No it fucking doesnt
I did acid, now I feel like that on a weekly basis even without weed.
>feels good man
I somewhat agree. Not the bible, but prayer; sure.
But have you ever prayed to god.... on weed? I feel very connected and it feels more like a dialogue than a simple missive. I don't "hear the voice of god" but my prayers seem to be guided towards practical ways to help god help me.
Truly a beautiful experience. I can't wait for my next mushroom trip where I will pray for the first time ever on mushrooms.
yeah it is, weed makes you a more stupid version of yourself my man
>le drugs are bad meme
Gooooood goy
I agree with that, but it only makes you retarded if you're already not that smart. Most people are already retarded, and they don't deserve weed.
What a fucking wretch
Didn't even mention that many people around the world get it from tax-paying local small businesses.
Hardly the scum of the earth.
how many times you going to post this shit you nigger
No I don't smoke weed and I don't smoke at all I would not destroy my body in this way
What bad is the plebs that take them
I am literally High as fuck on Heroin and cocaine 24/7
Don't let those fat pussy motherfuckers be the person you use to stereotype people who are on drugs.
I'm the gentlemen junkie and I've been getting high on opiates every day for 10 years without having my name dragged through the mud in the process.
Ask me anything
weed smoking cunt stole his fit big ass brazilian gf - he will not stop imo.
have you ever considered the fact that you are on par to an aboriginal that sniffs petrol everyday?
I'll assume you don't drink alcohol, do you drink caffeine? Prescription meds?
Pretty much anything short of your least favorite vegetable will have more long-term impact than smoking some marijuana.
The high is completely imperceptible between 3-6 hours after smoking. Drug tests from weeks later are actually picking up psychedelic-inert metabolites, not remnants of the drug. This is called 11-nor-9-Carboxy-THC. It has painkilling and anti-inflammatory effects which last for days to weeks.
Coffee has never touched my lips
I do drink a glass of beer maybe once or twice a month which is not forbidden in the bible, but being a drunkard is. I'm happy to say I have not been drunk in nearly a year
you fucking degenerate ethanol junkie.
I could afford to reduce my alcohol intake I agree
That's true.
But not smoking it at all, when I smoke Weed it makes me feel more comfortable or/and it changes my mood. I'm only doing it like 2 - 4 times a month. So I don't see a problem here...
Congratulations! I take it you've had some trouble in the past and it's great to move in a direction that betters yourself.
I'm not one for caffeine myself, but I do drink on occasion.
I would say that on all accounts, even a bit of the brew is worse for you that a puff or two. The excess calories and liver load not to mention the dehydration is pretty rough short term, and the long term detriments are obvious.
Why do you make exception for alcohol but hold no quarter for my quarters?
I bet you eat food and drink water too fucking scum.
Not at all and it's because I'm white and my drugs are top shelf not third world like the abo huffing gasoline or a Mexican beggar huffing glue.
You should only Eat what CNN tells you to.
Goddamned wierdos not wanting to be perfect.
Drugs, have an immediate negative effect no matter what. Yes alcohol might dehydrate the body but is a glass of wine damaging in anyway? No in fact the opposite, it has positive health benefits where as inhaling smoke has zero health benefits. the difference is a glass of wine or beer can be enjoyed without becoming intoxicated, drugs are designed to intoxicate. Nobody would take a hit from a joint for the taste would they?
I would
Mate, you're a third world muppet. You don't need to be commenting on Western civilisation because you're not part of it. Hope this helps.
Obama Youth
Now Kneel and Face Mecca
Haha. Maybe you should trying reading the Bible you dumb cunt. Exodus 30.23. Hebrew. Now fuck off.
>burn all the plants that get you high from the ground up to sky
and feed me overpriced pills until i die
What the fuck is your problem Brazil? A pothead steal your stinking hippie gf you keep posting? I dig potheads. They're funny cunts and I don't have to constantly make fucking police statements againt them like I do with my pisshead mates. They constantly get arrested for being fuckwits and starting shit they shouldn't. They're my buddies, but alcohol is fucking 50x worse for causing actual measureable social issues.
I feel like you have skirted the issue.
anyways, while I certainly smoke to get high I know pleny of people who just have a taste for relaxation and sociability (like you would with a beer).
What negative effects do you think comes from one puff versus one brew?
Your lungs are miraculous things. A pack a day smoker of 5 years can have brand new lungs if they quit for 5 more.
Livers are much less impressive. Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. And the damage can be done over time too; it is literally a ticking time bomb. Again, the dehydration, calories, etc.
I'm just not hearing any substantial negatives from you, just vague proclamations.
the things in your medicine cabinet
a drug
a plant
and fuck yes it tastes good idiot, why do you think the strains are called blueberry and pineapple
i'm playing on easy mode
I don't understand why you guys are so against it. If you legalized it more libfags would become complacent than republicans.
And if Trump decriminalized it and made it a state's rights issue they'd be less likely to push against him during re-election. Only the die hard SJWs, kikes and illegals would be left.
Exodus 30:23
Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty shekels,
>myrrh is used as an antiseptic in mouthwashes, gargles, and toothpastes.[6] Myrrh is currently used in some liniments and healing salves that may be applied to abrasions and other minor skin ailments
>calamus has been an item of trade in many cultures for thousands of years. It has been used medicinally for a wide variety of ailments, and its aroma makes calamus essential oil valued in the perfume industry
And we all know what cinnamon is for so I don't think I have to go on Wikipedia for that. So where's the drugs?
I don't have a medicine cabinet
So you would have a toke with your meal and say wow this weed pairs nicely with this meat? It makes no sense, and no this is typical pot head behaviour. People smoke to get high that's it
charge your motherfucking phone or take screenshots better ffs
>Exodus 30.23
Paste the full thing don't edit the bible.
imagine the smell
I did though
7/10 would get a handie from
Weed pairs nicely with everything, that is where the fabled "munchies" come from. In fact I will take a quick hit before eating (if I planned on smoking later anyways).
Everything tastes better. I've never liked drinking while eating. Both taste worse.
This is what we call an addiction, your denial is just further proof of this.
n numerous places in the Old Testament, such as Genesis 37:25 and Exodus 30:23, myrrh is mentioned as a rare perfume with intoxicating qualities.
Don't lie like we all cannot google it.
Kaneh Bosm
> This is what [s]weed[/s] overeating does to your body.
And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Okay then, I make the same accusation about your drinking and we've gone nowhere.
You have a serious mental block about this. I am trying to see it your way but you've backed a far more destructive and addictive drug as okay and given me no reason why marijuana is actually bad.
Just explain your position to me without presupposing your position. Tell me why you feel this way about this issue.
smoked because of this thread, thanks user