He's gone too far this time.
He attacked people who are suffering from depression and basically told them to "Get over it".
I've been through depression and its no joke.
He's gone too far this time.
He attacked people who are suffering from depression and basically told them to "Get over it".
I've been through depression and its no joke.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off fag. kys
He's a complete cuck of Jones.
your feelings matter as much as black lives
The vast majority of people who claim they have "depression" are just feeling sad and should simply get over it.
Depression is also a real disease, I have also suffered from it myself, but that's not what the general public thinks of when you say that word.
I think the best solution is to invent a new word for that disease.
I have a clinical depression and there is nothing wrong with what PJW said. Get over it.
If you're baiting ok you got me rawr xD
If not bait then you ameritards are indeed mentally challenged.
If you're so dumb that you can't understand he's talking about poser depression fags then you should seriously consider killing yourself.
He literally sounds like a disgruntled Ringo Starr.
I can't watch his video's without thinking he's angry that he got passed over to narrate Thomas the Tank engine.
I have bipolar, its fucking shit but theres a point after you first crash that you have to man up and fucking put up.
If not, enjoy the despair, self destriction only you can free yourself from cunt-nugget.
Fuck I hate victimhoods
back to Tumblr faggot
We get the meme; fucking die already.
fucking forget pic
look what we got here
Isn't the video just saying there are very few people with real chemical depression and the rest are just shitty boomers to millennials thinking that being sad about your shitty life is the same as being chemically unable to be happy and energetic?
Someone is trying to Millhouse.
>mfw normies think depression = being sad
>mfw normies think you can "just get over" depression
>mfw normies think saying "cheer up" is a non-zero amount of helpful
Your feelings hurt? Nobody cares, they are your feelings, be an adult and figure out how to deal with your own shit.
Fuck off.
His points are good.
I dont like PJW but in this case hes right
There are a lot of fucking bitches who claim they are depressed for attention and video clicks and gibs.
Real depression is about isolating yourself in a room for 10 years and fantasizing about suicide every day while the hatred for yourself grows and you completely forget how to interact with humans
>我的表情当国内的人也他妈上Sup Forums灌水
Should have killed yourself when you had the will to do so you retard.
>Real depression is about isolating yourself in a room for 10 years
h-heh yeah who would do that
He's a kook.
>I think the best solution is to invent a new word for that disease.
Not gonna happen. Tumblr tards also took over PTSD & being triggered. I have PTSD and the word trigger or shellshock used to be quite apt because it describes our sudden violent outrage where recreate the warzone in our mind endangering everyone nearby in the current reality.
Now in days, being triggered just means that you're a butthurt faggot who was literally shaking because you saw a Trump/Pence bumper sticker on some fag's car. These fucking SJW losers are completely ruining the effectiveness of the language that we used to use in order to accurately describe a specific event.
Like depression, PTSD is a real thing that can destroy your life. I can't even have a proper long-term relationshit with a woman due to PTSD episodes where I'll suddently treat the bitch like an enemy who has to be subdued.
Then I see these fucking tumblr tards appropiating my mental disorder and I'm like they're just spoiled brats who have never been through any real hardships. They're just self-important pansies who want attention without accomplishing anything worthy of it.
Get over it.
>all of those mentally ill people getting butthurt in the comments
Top Kek.
Honestly Watson looks like he suffers from sleeplessness and depression himself. He seems to be projecting because he's triggered by all the depression memes.
Hold the fuck up fellow nigger gypo, you mean to tell me you suffer from REAL GENUINE DEPRESSION?
I hate my life and I often think of different ways to kill myself that are a good mix of little pain and minimum effort. Exit bag for example is way too easy, hanging is too hard.
Am I depressed?
ah the fuck man i hate myself alot lately my interactions has gone back a bit and lately ive been thinking to die would not be such a bad outcome.
Worst of all is the train of thoughts usually comes completely by itself
I suffer depression and I never tell anyone about it. I learned how to "cope" with it like you can cope with anything but it's still something that's always there. No one tells me I'm brave or cool and if they ever see the scars on my arms they look at me with disgust. "Why would you do that to yourself?"
These same people then post "I'M DEPRESSED :D" on Facebook and get a million upboats from friends and family saying "we here 4 u u r so brave :)" and then they go out drinking and get laid and win the lottery.
Fucking Tumblr and normies need to be gassed.
Hey mates at least we get to witness the birth of the trumpenreich
Literally one of a handful of reasons I never offed myself. I can't possibly abandon this amazing timeline we've been thrown into.
My potions are too strong for you
He has some sort of a point when he talks about people going over the top with their depression in certain cases. however he's often consistently made a fool of himself when he makes a video of anything with scientific (or pseudo science if you want) study involved. He says it's just not true that depression can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, why? what studies has he conducted to support this? where can he point to? whats his reasoning? in psychology or neuroscience it's to do with your brain stopping or slowing the production of the chemicals/hormones that cause happiness in the mind, this can be caused because of long term psychological problems, or just simple stuff like living a boring empty life, eg. see the modern era for most westerners. This is why anti depressants are prescribed, to supplement the lack of serotonin in your brain. The problem however is when people take a course of these drugs and then don't do anything in the mean time to change their circumstances to make sure they aren't depressed when they come off them. That's why therapy is important however like he said yes many of them won't care about the patient or are pretty shit at their job, the true change comes from within, requires a healthy society too, something lacking today. Whats he's complaining about this time may as well be what he criticizes most times, an empty and unhealthy society.
man the alt kikes are eating themselves as much as lefties
>ha ha look at all these dumb depressed people whining
>b-b-b-but I'm completely different because I have REAL DEPRESSION. Everyone else is faking
Every single whiny millenial sop on social media holds the belief that everyone has shallow fake depression and their sufffering is the only real suffering.
So how are you different from them?
The chemical imbalance myth is a meme pushed by pharma companies. Depression isn't an "illness". Like he said, there is no way mood can be ever seperated from outside circumstances. Stop flaunting your depression and fix your shit.
Wipe your crocodile tears that are running down your semen stained chin you cuck. Depression is for weak beta males or females
Nice meme.
Pail Whiplock Flabson knows what's what
but he was right
>Stop flaunting your depression and fix your shit.
That's easy for you to say, faggot.
Do you realize how arrogant you sound?
well it becomes a problem when you do extreme things to escape these thoughts. Repeated psychological events over a period of time or extreme psychological events spaced out can both lead to clinical depression. It alters your way of thinking in a Pavlovian kind of way.
>interact with people, get ostracized, rejected, avoided
>stop interacting
>reach out after long periods of time
>rejected brutally harshly
>reach out to friends
>friendship lost
>build up internal catalogue of horrible things people have said to you
>repeat this internally all day every day
>lose interest in future
>lose hope
>lose reason to be alive
>keep living
>just fix your life
Yeah man I'll get right on that.
Self righteous cunt.
You people need some arrogance
You need at least one voice in your lifetelling you to man up in the sea of 1000 voices telling you how much of a special snowflake you are and that you don't need to change
depression has been recorded for thousands of years, criminal island
>unironically saying special snowflake
Who tf is this faggot supposed to be ? Looks like a tranny, why do you even know who this is ?
>He attacked people who are suffering from depression and basically told them to "Get over it".
>I've been through depression and its no joke.
everything he said is right, there is a strong narcistic trait with depression and "getting in touch with your emotions" is being promoted too much - it can help occasionaly but most often best way to deal with it is to stoic it away.
t. melancholic person
hows it a meme? Alt right is infested with fence sitting degenerates like the left
>PWJ is a dumbass sometimes
what else is new?
you're a fucking moron
depression is numbness of emotions
it's a self-protection method to avoid feeling extreme loss and pain but it also prohibits feelings of joy, happiness or peace.
Cancer is a disease, AIDS is a disease, Ebola is a disease, Depression is not a disease, its a disorder connected to specific emotional states.
So did this guy fuck that alt right tranny or what?
"muh depression" really is a sacred cow for millenials, isn't it?
They all lose their minds when you question their ways.
That's why this generation is so neurotic. Because no one can adress it. You are just supposed to accept their mental illnesses as identities.
That's the driving force behind the "mental illness chic" trend that has exploded.
I hope this meme ends soon.
he did oversymplified things regarding the chemical causes of depression doe, but I get him
>you're a fucking moron
>depression is numbness of emotions
but that is what I said you twat.
>I think the best solution is to invent a new word for that disease.
historically it was called melancholy.
>You are just supposed to accept their mental illnesses as identities.
>as identities
that is where the problem lies. its like having a tooth cavity and identifying you self as cavitious. there is nothing wrong with feeling down here and then and admiting it but people really treat it as a permanent part of their personality they dont want to overcome.
I'm not fluent in PJW, what's he saying?
Stop being depressed
I used to be just like you goys, but now I'm a #CRUZMISSLE
By the way I think he's on opiates. Check his pupils.
What drug causes small pupils?
The fancy medical term for this phenomenon is abnormal miosis. Opiate class drugssuch as Heroin, Fentanyl, Codeine, Methadone and Morphine stimulate the parasympathetic side of the autonomic nervous system and cause pupil constriction.
Transitory bouts of low mood caused by loss or other outside circumstances has been observed for thousands of years.
Modern, depression that is caused by nothing and is an chemical imbalance that lasts a lifetime and can only be treated by inexpensive and effective new pills available in your local pharmacy ask your doctor today has only been around since the 60's.
Coincedentally, at the exact same time these pills came on the market.
Forgive me if I'm skeptical.
im going to be honest with you, the only time i didn't feel depressed was on opiates. It was wonderful. It wasn't that I enjoyed the high so much, I just felt okay. I didn't feel depressed at all, it was just "gone".
I never did anything crazy, I just did some hydros i had from surgery and listened to some music and went to sleep.
This guy is a huge fucking cornball. Jesus Christ it's embarrassing.
He'd be fine if he just stuck to his script, but he says everything in such a cringeworthy, super angry tone. Combined with his accent/voice and especially the high pitched voice he does, he comes across like a fucking idiot.
You can't redpill normies when you talk so fucking angrily about everything.
He's just a meme version of Moly.
Depression is just natures way of telling you something is wrong. It's natures way of reprimanding you for failure. One solution is to change what you are doing or how you do it until you stop failing.
It is natural though, it is part of the bereavement process for example. It has a function that perhaps we don't appreciate like pain (which lets us know we are hurting and risking damaging our body). It is not something to 'cure'.
ITT: Depressed faggots who find it easier to feel sorry for themselves rather than actively pursue the change they want in their lives.
Woe me!
Fuck off Paul
It's no difference from gluten allergy, for example.
A tiny percentage of people get very sick from eating gluten.
But the gluten-free industry can make a lot more money by convincing everybody benefits from avoiding gluten, no matter if they are allergic or not.
A small percentage of people really needs antidepressants to function properly.
But the pharmaceuticals are marketing antidepressants as magical happiness pills that everybody should take.
Being depressed myself I think it's a self induced placebo based on self loathing and the comfortability of laziness.
When you do preoccupy yourself with hobbies or social interactions you fly less and less from depression, but technically everyone is depressed.
Everyone is just working to forget they're slowly rotting.
He's lost. He's a rambling and raving alcoholic. Pretty soon he'll lose his position at Infowars, if it's not already happened. Sad, he's an otherwise handsome and (verbally) gifted individual.
>I'm talking about faux depression-chic pushed by social justice warriors and popular culture, not actual depression caused by cancer/loved ones dying etc.
>The fact that I have to add this proviso is DEPRESSING :-D
>A small percentage of people really needs antidepressants to function properly.
Not convinced by the permanent dopamine production damage argument. SSRIs are dangerous and basically a permanent chemical lobotomy even after people stop taking them.
Some people do just need a kick in the arse.
Paul Cuckson was never good OP.
>He's lost. He's a rambling and raving alcoholic. Pretty soon he'll lose his position at Infowars, if it's not already happened. Sad, he's an otherwise handsome and (verbally) gifted individual.
I think he is on a drug of some kind.
He's just about the only one of these youtube personalities that I can watch more than a few minutes of. He's not stupid or an NPD like most of them
Why does he always sound angry? It's almost like a dildo is shoved up his ass during every video of his
You're an idiot, depression is caused by people not having a reason to "man up". Why the fuck should I work hard or do something when I don't give a fuck about anything? What's in it for me?
This, every "I wish people would STOP trivializing my TRUE suffering" need to take a good look in the mirror.
>Why the fuck should I work hard or do something when I don't give a fuck about anything? What's in it for me?
Not getting a big kick in the arse.
Not legitimate form of protest