Hey pol,how do we make Alexei Navalny new Russian president?
Hey pol,how do we make Alexei Navalny new Russian president?
What happen to his lips
Sadly, even if he gets admitted to the elections, he doesn't have much chance. "Elections" in Russia are a joke anyway.
looks like russia has its own salty democrats who can't accept the results of fair democratic elections
>fair democratic elections
Nice meme. I used to be an elections observer twice, so I know what I'm talking about, yes.
Navalny is way more right-wing than Putin btw, just so you know, leafy leaf.
>I used to be an elections observer twice
literally anyone as they have webcams at their ticket boxes
But he is Hillary shill. He literally supported her because she would go harsh on Russia. I used to like him back in time but now I think he is another liberal shill. Shame.
Nah, you need to apply for it.
And what really matters is the observation of unsealing the voting urns - that's when all the fun happens (like for example lights "suddenly" going off for a minute and shit like that).
>But he is Hillary shill. He literally supported her
Proofs please. His views on immigration and economics are way closer to Trump than Putin's.
he's on the wrong side of the history and doesn't understand importance of geopolitics
>supported her because she would go harsh on Russia
Btw, that's what Strelkov-Girkin did.
>(like for example lights "suddenly" going off for a minute and shit like that).
so typical russian stuff then I imagine. developing nations aren't known for their reliable power
>His views on immigration and economics are way closer to Trump than Putin's.
On immigration - yes and I support that part. On economics - barely so.
definition which pol would give is SJW
Literally WHAT?
Yeah, probably that is why he is being called a "fascist" by both putinists and bolotnaya liberals.
What are his views on Iran and China?
(((His mother))) on the pic.
Take him as a new president of Croatia.
>Alexei Navalny
looks like a typical russian.
A typical ageing "teacher"-type.
You should check under your (((bed))).
Was it a meeting of anonymous alcoholics?
(((Navalny )))
p.s he called us grizuni so another no
That's actually a rather polite term for you mountain niggers. Take back all your crimelords, taxi drivers and market owners from us, then we might talk.
>Hey pol,how do we make Alexei Navalny new Russian president?
genocide 99.7% of population that hates his guts
Yep, a typical (((teacher))), (((lawyer))), (((merchant))).
>implying there are any georgians left in that shithole
desu how is moscow with all these central asians and muslims btw?
No idea.
Negative afaik. China gradually takes over our eastern regions through immigration and economy.
Honestly, she doesn't look like your pic related jews. Just a typical slightly overwheight ageing woman. You're being paranoid.
Shit. That's why we ideally need Navalny to deport them all.
the population also believes kiev is controlled by jewish nazis.
This fucker is a government plant. Many were jailed for doing what he doing, and he still walks free. Putin's government quelled any real opposition many years ago.
>99.7% of population
Overstatement. The absolute majority of population doesn't care. Many in the province don't even know him. And those relics of the past that still watch the (((TV))), get their opinion shaped by laughable "investigation programmes" about the "ebil opposition".
>This fucker is a government plant.
That's what all the (((liberals))) are currently saying. The same ones that call Navalny a "nazi".
Sadly? are you nuts?
He's currently the only candidate that is better than Pu. But yes, sadly, his chances are non-existent, since "elections" decide nothing here.
No idea what triggered you.
/pol redpill me on him
You kow shit, my friend.
You talk of someone whos getting financed by People like Soros.
You would seriously like Idea of having someone like THAT as PRESIDENT?
He would establish the whole Liberal Agenda, mass Immigration, Political Correctness, all the other "Values".
We dont need that Shit in our Country.
>This fucker is a government plant. Many were jailed for doing what he doing, and he still walks free
He walks free because he didnt commit Crimes in order to get in Jail, it appears at least.
Even if he would go to Jail, someone else would take his Place.
Its that simple.
he's a pro-faggot liberal degenerate Western piece of chomskyite trash i hope he gets eaten by jackals
he forgot to lick his lips occasionally so they got dry & puckered
His brother is jailed. He's on the hook ofc.
Biboran Ansha Abdul
>He would establish the whole Liberal Agenda, mass Immigration, Political Correctness, all the other "Values".
err... no
He opposes mass immigrations and politcial correctness is literally not an issue in Russa. When it don't comes to our Caucasuan overlords .
There's no evidence of Navalny being financed by Soros or anyone from abroad.
>He would establish the whole Liberal Agenda, mass Immigration, Political Correctness, all the other "Values".
Why are you lying ffs? Navalny is vehemently against immigration, insists on introducing the visa regime with Central Asia, inner control for migration from North Caucasus, abolishing the Article 282 of the Criminal Code, and so on and so forth.
For all that he's been stigmatized as a "fascist" by BOTH putinists and old-school liberals.
You either don't know shit or lie on purpose.
>He opposes mass immigrations
Hes liberal, so he doesnt.
>politcial correctness is literally not an issue in Russa
Some people are in jail because they spoke in bad terms about the bible in VK.
Others because of an apperntly "Racist" meme.
You reading news?
>There's no evidence of Navalny being financed by Soros or anyone from abroad.
No, just the part where all Organisations are marked as foreign Agents.
But other than that. (KEK)
>Navalny is vehemently against immigration,
You dont know that. I could insist of all sorts of things, wouldnt make it true.
>inner control for migration from North Caucasus
anti-constitutional, would never pass Court
>abolishing the Article 282
You honestly believe that?
>For all that he's been stigmatized as a "fascist" by BOTH putinists and old-school liberals.
We dont have "Old School" liberals. (Germany and US has, our liberals dont go that far back in time)
We have a lot of "Old School" communists.
>You either don't know shit or lie on purpose.
Where is the Russian-Conspiracy Panickbutton?
fuck no
>Some people are in jail because they spoke in bad terms about the bible in VK.
>Others because of an apperntly "Racist" meme.
Yes, and Putin's regime supports that.
>Hes liberal, so he doesnt.
>You dont know that.
I do know that because I read his programme. And supported him back when the nationalist protests took place. He's an anti-immigration nationalist who tried to cozy up to the liberals to amass support, but ultimately failed because the jews still kept calling him a "nazi". And now they're calling him a government plant.
>We dont have "Old School" liberals.
By "old-school liberals" I meant the likes of Novodvorskaya and Borovoy, who hated Navalny vehemently.
Any more asspulled "arguments", you braindead vodka nigger?
Would be nice, but alas won't happen.
Putin is our only god, so fuck off navalniy
Must feel bad having a manlet for a god.
btw i'm a manlet too
Must feel bad
>tfw 195 cm
>Yes, and Putin's regime supports that.
Putins Regime hah? I dont know how i can help you with this.
> And supported him back when the nationalist protests took place.
You mean russian-march?
Everything else is not a nationalist protest.
>ultimately failed because the jews still kept calling him a "nazi". And now they're calling him a government plant.
He's Paid. No matter what they call him.
>By "old-school liberals" I meant the likes of Novodvorskaya and Borovoy, who hated Navalny vehemently.
Who gives a damn about them?
They could teach Gender-studies, nobody would care.
>Any more asspulled "arguments", you braindead vodka nigger?
Dont drink, no nigger either.
The only thing "asspulled" is your naivity.
nah feels soo good, recommend, try it sometimes
>Putins Regime hah?
If you don't like stupid laws like incarcerating people for a comment or for "offending" some religion, than you shouldn't support Putin, because that's his government that passes such laws.
The same's with immigration - the huge amount of mudslimes in our cities are due to the governments actions (and inaction).
>You mean russian-march?
This and Manezhka. Nationalists were also present on Sakharova.
But now it doesn't matter.
>He's Paid. No matter what they call him.
Again - you have no proof.
>how do we make ukranian jew, are new Russian president?
he walks free beacuse he's a living, breathing evidence of moral, intellectual and political bankrupcy of liberal opposition in russia. their divorce from the russian people and the national interest. a dimwitted twitter celebrity that roused the mob to pull out maidan-tier riots in russia. pro-ukrainian, pro-american, pro-eu and anti-russian on every foreign policy issue. pretty much all of his polcies entail collapse, disintegration, and surrender russia to foreign interest. jailing him would make him a martyr, letting him walk free exposes his irrelevance
Bcю вaтy c хapкaчa cюдa пocгoняли чтo ли?
Good. Now say "Chechnya rules!"
>If you don't like stupid laws like incarcerating people for a comment or for "offending" some religion, than you shouldn't support Putin,
Putin didnt came up with that law.
>because that's his government that passes such laws.
"HIS" Goverment works in such selfintrested ways, that i dont even know where their loyalties actually lies.
If it would be his goverment, they would do as they told, which, they dont do in most cases.
Platon is a good example.
>This and Manezhka
With the armenians in mascs screaming slogans against non russians? top kek
Massive provocations that day.
Provocation against Nationalism, for the Duma to pass laws.
>Again - you have no proof.
Look at his business. Thats all i say.
> jailing him would make him a martyr, letting him walk free exposes his irrelevance
I would say partly right.
A lot of people waiting for his place probably.
Your totally right though, its a Celebretiy-position.
Lel, she looks like Michael Moore
Oнa тyт c нaчaлa кaмпaнии тpaмпa.
Isn't he an ethnic Russian nationalist?
Are there any other nationalist candidates?
>Putin didnt came up with that law.
People endorsed by him did. And he didn't veto it.
>If it would be his goverment, they would do as they told
"Tzar is good, boyars are bad" - as usual.
>Look at his business.
Elaborate, which business?
Yes, he is.
No. There's Maltsev, but he is vying for a radical change in 2017 already, before the elections.
Why do you Russians support a manlet cuck over this Aryan cro-magnoid man?
Good question. And a rhetorical one, I'm afraid.
>And he didn't veto it.
He can veto on laws that are unconstitutional only. Laws which are considered to protect peoples dignity are valued higher as free speech.
Look at europe for example.
>"Tzar is good, boyars are bad" - as usual.
Sayings as arguments, as usual.
>Elaborate, which business?
The one he works in.
I thought you knew all about him?
(What aboutn Manezhka?, dont forget to tell about that one, you little shill)
>Yes, he is.
Well hopefully he can get some actual support
Every politician in Russia is shit, so who cares who wins
>The one he works in.
Which one? His anti-corruption investigation fund is no business and has been proved to receive no foreign aid.
That's why the government even tried to slander his parents' shop business once, before the Kirovles charges were fabricated.
>What aboutn Manezhka?
What about it? That was a real chance to change things but it was blown because of the libshits who refused to join "those fascists".
>you little shill
Wew, someone who shills for the manlet faggot calls me a shill. Noice.
He has huge support, especially in Moscow, but it doesn't matter in this system, unfortunately.
Hopefully Texan secessionists, BLM and Latino minorities will receive actual support too.
No he is not,
Merly a Provocateur.
Enough cases of right-wing people getting jailed because of him.
>What about it? That was a real chance to change things but it was blown because of the libshits who refused to join "those fascists".
A real chance to get al lot of people jailed.
Russia has laws, if you support unlawful actions that get people in jail, you are a shill.
>His anti-corruption investigation
>no foreign aid.
He gets finaced by same people who pushed the Globalist agende.
Our sovreignty is the only Reason Russia exists.
U mad?
Keep sucking, don't digress.
>He gets finaced by same people who pushed the Globalist agende.
I haven't seen a single proof of this yet.
>Our sovreignty is the only Reason Russia exists.
The "sovereignty" you talk about is a state of serfdom under the oligarchical system Putin and Co created.
Good goy, in other words.
Whoever think the represent a political opposition is a retard. There's no legit opposition in Russia, they're all either working with Putin and getting a share of power or making fools of themselves on public like some cartoon villains and I assume they aren't doing it for free.
>I haven't seen a single proof of this yet.
henry jackson foundation
if you dont look for evidence, you see none
>Good goy, in other words.
ok schlomo, i got you
That's the one you adore.
Keep being a serf.
wew lad. he just keeps rolling
>let's make a Yale World Fellow Ukrainian a president of Russia
Wow, sounds awesome!
Just fuck yourself. Navalny isn't any better than Putin.
Yeah, you retards are fun to poke sticks at.
JIDF again...
How did i not think of it in the beginning?
JIDF is in the Kremlin.
Troll confirmed
Suck dick you faggot
Apparently he's a Russian nationalist yet he supports all the anti-Russian shit today.
That's because "Russian nationalists" are people who most actively work to destroy the country.
200% kike.
>same shill
Fuck off
Any true Russian nationalist would oppose Putin.
Why on Earth would you think that?
Stay mad, brainless vatnik.
(Although at this point I have suspicions that you might be a proxyfaggot)
Because the interests of Russians (russkiye) as a nation does not coincide with the interests of Putin's "Russian Federation" and it's post-soviet supra-nation (rossiyane).
>t. halfbreed churka
>Russian nationalist
He is kike.
Stop this fucking meme.
He's no more kike than pootin.
Yes, just like any "true Russian nationalist" wants to dismember the country.
Russian nationalist wouldn't support Cuckraine though. It seems his nationalism is restricted to shitting on Central Asians for populist points.
>brainless vatnik.
Ukrainian talk, please get the fuck out of my country.
(and kill yourself)
Russian Federation is a nice cover for Russian state, so minorities don't get mad.
>Russian nationalist wouldn't support Cuckraine though.
Navalny is literally Ukrainian, His father is from somewhere near Chernobyl.
That also.
If someone talks sharia-law, police jails him for extremism.
Have you checked under your bed already? There should be ~2 hohols hiding in there.
The "minorities" realize it pretty well they most of them won't survive without us, so getting mad isn't really a viable option for them.
Real Russian nationalists understand that Putin is a stop-gap, a bandage to stop the bleeding, but he won't take Russia to the promised land. Russia needs a government that can protect the nation's sovereignty but also clean up corruption and liberalize politics. Tall, order, but it has to be done. The problem with Putinism is that it doesn't make the economy and culture competitive with other first-tier nations - so inevitably, there will come a time that the depleted economy/culture can no longer even support military parity with other nations. To head this off Russia must create a more liberal political and cultural atmosphere, but without making itself vulnerable geopolitically in the process.
No such thing.
>Have you checked under your bed already? There should be ~2 hohols hiding in there.
No need to. I dont cuck like you.
Fucking Liberast.