Welcome to all Americans! How is your night going?

*All non-american posters are not welcome here*

Can't sleep. Just watching Straya make an ass out of himself again.

nice thread you dumb cunt

East Tasmania, please.

>tfw you'll always be American

Wrong thread nigel

Go to sleep, Yankee.

checked. Also you should ask Ahmed's permission before using the internet

It's my birthday

>had succulent Chinese food
>called cops on kids on my lawn
>said kids shot .22 handgun across from house
>were white so not scared, just kids being kids
>forgot what thread was about

I'm feelin about 60% ok

Shouldn't you be prepping Tyrone to fuck your wife right now? Oh, and I almost forgot.

Delet this

I'm enjoying a nice breakfast of bacon and eggs. Its a shame that's haram over where you live

my mayor isn't a Muslim

>thank god for dat ocean
>English Chanel in swimmable
>ha ha ha

happy birthday

Thank you annon

Thirty godamn five on here with you autists

My family will clap for you

My president isn't a [word censored]

u old lol

Almost 5 AM.

Brits getting cycled already?

Please leave the thread. It's about time for your hourly prayer to Allah

No brownos or libs allowed

Friendly reminder that Texas will become a country once again, and we will be successful

Tell your family thank you and I appreciate it

Always funny how yanks throw this at us when your PRESIDENT is a literal nigger. Think about that one my friend.

You'll get there too frendo. My adive. Bang and make money. Get so tired of banging you make money to prevent yourself from getting bored.

55% white that is being generos,fat fucks,stupid,israeli lapdogs +being insulted by a gypsy BTFO how will america ever recover from zis!?

all of Sup Forums is american, this thread is an absurdity and it disgusts me

Howdy. 51st state reporting in, how my fellow burgers doing? Just having my traditional red white and blue breakfast , tub of lard with a spoon stuck in it, with a tasty insulin shot for after.

Happy birthday y'all

Doing great! Got a banging hot girl in her early 20's coming over to fuck today.

can't sleep, recovering from flu. Consoling myself with Moon Man and election night liberal break down videos.

>be British
>wake up at sunrise to the salat al-fajr blaring through every speaker in London
>wave at the CCTV camera while I'm taking a shower
>eat some shakshuka for breakfast because my wife's son says breakfast needs to be more diverse
>there's a letter in the transom saying I must pay my tv license because indoctrination isn't free
>take the underground to work and get blown up by an innocent refugee
>wake up in the hospital getting free health care
>wave to the CCTV camera by my hospital bed
>hospital food is harira and fried grasshoppers since it's halal
>get a notice I have to pay for my email license
>realize I've been circumcised while I was unconscious, Dr. Patel says it's more sanitary this way
>Sharia Police runs into my room and demands to know why my wife's son isn't wearing a head scarf
>try to mansplain that he's a boy
>my wife's son says he doesn't identify that way anymore
>Sharia Police kill everyone in the room
>my beheaded body is paraded through the streets while everyone chants "fuck white people!"
>The Guardian and Telegraph say they're worried about my public execution because it might cause Islamaphobia
>be buried in Highgate cemetery
>my bones are being monitored by CCTV
>have to renew my burial license next month

good post

You lost this great country guy. We are America. We have an ocean and walls and now Lord Trump.

You have a bunch of shitskins and a dead queen. Not to mention your women's are fucking ugly as sin. *sips jack and coke

u cray lol


More like early morning. It's 5:45AM in the Eastern time zone.

And my morning is going great. Had some coffee, about to head to work, can't wait to see what sort of damage was done yesterday by the airport closure. (I manage a hotel in Fort Lauderdale, and most of our guests fly in, rather than drive, so I'm betting occupancy is going to have taken a nosedive last night)






>Chubbers in high school
>chicks liked me for my attitude
>banged around and was shocked why they fucked me
>Started going to gym
>blessed being white with aryan genes
>fucked, married, and dating hot women all my life
>I lived a meme

It's my birthday annon, no negativity plz

Make fun of Islamic Brits

Gracias guy. My condolences on your Queen.

Happy birthday you cheeky wanker.

Be quiet, burger.

>be burger
>be bedtime
>finish 5th supper of deep fried lardburgers
>walk upstairs, diabetus leg comes off, throw in bin
>Climb into industrially reinforced bed
>wake up starving 10 min later
>bed fridge is empty
>remember diabetes leg in bin
>roll downstairs again, path lubricated my sweat and drool
>get ketchup and plate, go to retrieve diabetes leg from bin
>nogs have rustled it
>call police
>swat team rappels down my chimney
>get shot
>wake up in hospitall
>can't pay bill, get shot by doctor
>cost of bullet is added to bill
>dumped in gutter outside hospital
>get mugged and shot by nogs
>bleed out humming the star spangled banner

Thank you for battling the religious cake maker and getting the rainbow on it annon.

>blows out candle wishing for mass genocide race war

Just a few days ago I financed a 400 horsepower V8 powered car that drinks premium gas to be my one and only car to daily drive.

I love being in America

I'm typing

>don't wake up to mayor calling for prayer over the minarets


I moved to where I am now for my job. Lots of muzzies, never really come into contact with them before. Mosque opposite work. While I'm waiting for my interview they do the call to prayer, it was that loud I honestly thought the company was piping it round their tannoy system.

I don't want to wake up hung over. Ahhhh.

Just looked at clock, oh god why am I still awake?

How was *your night user*?

Stop calling it a "bin" if you're trying to sound American, retard.

>were white so not scared, just kids being kids
i they were black would you still say the same thing?

>no clapping

low energy

fit and lit. chadding it up. AMERICA NUMBER ONE YEAH WOOOOO

Going well here, user, how about you?




Who was Donald Trump's opponent in the 2016 election? I forget his name.

Think it was Mitt Biden

Why, where do burgers put their knives?

> (OP)
>>tfw you'll always be American

i'm thankful too brother. couldn't imagine being a third worlder, or worse, european.

It's going bretty good

Liberty never sleeps.


Dawn straight

dude's a sex machine. those are all his kids, aren't they?

why do you only take in non white immigrants americans, save me from this gun hating hell hole

Fuck, come on over, Britbro.

A German Leopard 2A6 and a Russian SU-35.. wat?




Actually, it's a MiG-29...