Is there any alt-right movements in Europe (or for Europeans) similar to those which exist in the US...

Is there any alt-right movements in Europe (or for Europeans) similar to those which exist in the US? I don't want to settle with Europe being cucked to the point of no return. Is there no hope left for us?

Didnt know pollacks were so concerned for stupid bosnian muslim girls who join isis. Are you bored or something?

In the Nordic countries yes, the one in the UK was banned. No idea about the rest, Germany obviously has laws forbidding such a thing.

You could join Overwatch.
But they're top cringe imo.

Fuck off jew.

There's an alt right movement in the US? Lot of shitposters on Sup Forums, and normies voted for Trump, but nothing I'd really call a movement. We don't have anything even remotely like Generation identitaire or whatever it's called.

No. Because we arn't racist biggots like the idiot hamburgers

That looks pathetic like some harry potter larping fest.

Yeah. There's Erkenbrand in the Netherlands. We're growing and have arround 150 members atm.

just join any nationalist group you have
and slowly redpill them out of being retarded skinheads into good nationalists

De inlichtingendienst houdt jullie compleet in de gaten.

>Yeah. There's Erkenbrand in the Netherlands. We're growing and have arround 150 members atm.

And you are larping LOTR

"Erkenbrand is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium. He appears in The Two Towers, the second volume of Tolkien's fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings. "

Generation Identity, they're far more organized than any US group

First time I heard of him. It's just a name with no meaning.

They should monitor muslims. I doubt they already know about our existence.

What are you talking about, the European Right has been around longer and has talked about the same points as the "Alt Right" in the US for a long time now, they were the original ones doing it. The "Alt Right" is basically just applying European-style Right Wing Politics to America. Europe's had ethnic nationalist movements for a while now outside of super cucked countries like Germany.

LOL Pac-Man

B8 or bust

I'm really tempted to go to an Identitarian protest with an Overwatch flag, but I don't want to get beat up.

fuck off toilet cleaner

Just like to say that Europe is cucked beyond saving. All not cucked Eurobros should come to burgerland and help us drive the cucks out of here. We can then fortify America and establish it as the new white homeland and later exterminate the shit out of the Muslims and take back Europe.

Why didnt they film her snuff?

what the fuck. dont tell me they base themselfs off that diverseblizzard game.

we have kowin hes more redpilled than most of the alt righters. that being said an inter european right union is lacking, but what would be its use in the first place, i only see problems.

t biggest interracial porn producer and consumer country.

Does someone have the picture with the two niggers with one looking through the window saying "tell them that Europe is lost and that they should come here, someone needs to pay for our welfare"?

t. 60% white country

That's because we are actually a big country therefore we produce more in general. Unlike the specs on the map all held by Merkel's leash like you guys. You can't fortify a coffee stain on the world map by yourself. Now can you. If you claim to be able to let's just have a look at those migrant import numbers