>In male-dominated industries in particular, such as engineering, mining and oil and gas, such banter can often venture into derogatory realms. I personally find this also occurs more so in rural and regional areas where 'political correctness' is dismissed as un-Australian.

>There is a prevalent sense in some areas that one should be able to brush off comments that come your way and dish out equally as much. It is seen as part of a group dynamic and is more often than not at the expense of someone else. If something is to be said, it is usually disregarded as oversensitivity.

>It is important to also ensure that our banter isn't an mask for racist, sexist or any other discriminatory mindset.

At what point will these things change such that the political discourse will be able to effect proper social change?

With the election of Trump, and his wife's campaign to end bullying, will the Aussie bantz finally die and allow the world to become a better political paradise?

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't like it? Then get the fuck out and go back to your desert, cunt.

I look forward to the Trump lead Australia-US Banter War.

Infringin upon aussie banter is recipe for civil war.

Why don't you check your privilege?
Kids are killing themselves over da bantz. We cannot have a better world so long as we tolerate bullying!

So I am an Australian far-leftist - I am active in Socialist Alliance and also spend a fair bit of time with anarchists. I was on the co-ordinating committee of a capital city's anti-Reclaim Australia protests. Sup Forums definitely thinks I am a cuck.

And for sure, banter can go too far when people are cunts. Let's avoid the sex/race stuff and just think about situations we've all been in at school or work where people have tried to bully the youngest, the weakest, the non-normies, whatever. That would still happen in the perfect straight-white-volkisch-male NatSoc world, and it would be just as stupid there. And it would be shitty to pick on a woman or an Indian or a third-generation Vietnamese in that way too.

But holy shit we need to get a grip on this stuff. A healthy culture for me is characterised by a grubby, all-in, sometimes-everyone-gets-offended approach to social equality. I want to be able to give the Asian dude shit, and I want him to be able to turn around and banter me about being a pasty white dude or whatever. The right approach is NOT to just go around speech-policing everything. That is shitty liberalism and it kills left solidarity and workers movements.

Zizek has a good line on it (and Zizek is recommended by alt-right/NRx sources like Nick Land):

Australia never change.

I think Trump's wife will do a lot to eliminate bullying with the same success that Mrs. Obama has done with obesity.

The world is becoming more progressive, which is good, and we will soon be able to no longer worry about kids hurting themselves due to bullying.

The Aussies will assimilate or we will let the gooks take over.

Sure everyone loves to give the green horn some shit here-and-there, but at what point do we say enough is enough?

People are becoming more introverted and doing crazy shit when pushed over the limit. Oz had to ban guns because the banter was pushing people to do horrible things.

"We Australians"


So here I am going to beat my political drum. I get your joke and I think it's funny. And no, I'm not going to pull the "but aboriginals were here first and we genocided them" card. But where do you come from?

Have you met the cunts who have ancestors who came over as First Fleet officers? Go and hang out with North Shore Sydneysiders, or their equivalents. To those rich old money cunts, they think the same about you. To them, either you're from convict stock (and not "one of us Australians") or you're any kind of immigrant (same again).

Why should she have to leave? Australia has made great progress and welcomed her and her family. Perhaps if you weren't so dumb, drunk, and racist, then you would see the benefit that she provides.

time to smash some leb amirite?

>as Australians
Reeee you arent Aussie you raghead

i dont care what hew race or ethnicity is, people should fuck off if they cant handle the bantz and want to push political correctness, especially in rural areas

fuck these cunts

I live in a rural town and I and everyone I know says whatever the fuck they want whenever they want. Melbourne is the containment city. Build the wall. Build the wall around Melbourne.

Can't handle the bants

You joining?

Fuck off

You can take the australians out of australia, but you will never take the australia out of australians.

Wait. Australian 'blue bloods' are ancestors of prison wardens?

That's the closest thing to an aristocracy we have, apparently.

>Have you met the cunts who have ancestors who came over as First Fleet officers? Go and hang out with North Shore Sydneysiders, or their equivalents. To those rich old money cunts, they think the same about you. To them, either you're from convict stock (and not "one of us Australians") or you're any kind of immigrant (same again).

There's the same thing here in the US with the old money cunts in New England. It's sad actually, but one day these guys will wake up and see the truth.

hahaha what the fuck why do shitskins always take themselves so seriously? there is no such thing as too much banter, soft retards dont know how bullying looks like

>It is important to also ensure that our banter isn't an mask for racist, sexist or any other discriminatory mindset.

But that's exactly what it is. Racism, sexism and discrimination are just funny in general. These pooftas need to take a spoonful of concrete.


>Yassmin Abdel-Magied
>"our Aussie banter"
>Yassmin Hijab Abdel-Magied

bitch, please, you aren't Aussie, you just got here

its true. people need to harden the fuck up. I met a swedish girl on new years and she took everything i said personally when i was just trying to talk about lord of the rings. I said she should go live in hobbiton with a round door and she stormed off

getting fucking cucked again ausWORMS

chug down that muslim slop like a good little piggy

I want that breakfast right now

>heelp mee i'm a fegut

HAHAHA, they got $2 velcro gloves at wollies

I suggest they get a concrete enema. Harden the core and loosen the fuck up.

Banter is retarded because when i moved here from leafland, my friends got really personal with the insults, so I called one of them a manlet and he kicked me out of their house and wouldnt stop crying about it for a week

>Yassmin Abdel-Magied is an Australian mechanical engineer, activist and founder of Youth Without Borders.

she was born in sudan yet it calls her "Australian", not even sudanese australian

>read this post in Bill Shortens voice.

>Sup Forums definitely thinks I am a cuck.

That's because you actually are. Not even ironically or in a bantz sense. You're a cuck. Directly working against your own self-interest because you think it's in your self-interest.

This woman's face makes me nauseous.

saved to my american banter folder lads

>author is a sandcoon whore

No surprises here.

>It's no secret that as Australians WE love to 'take the piss' out of everyone and anyone. Whether you call it tall poppy syndrome or a disdain for authority, all over the country, WE constantly and unapologetically make fun of each other and WE particularly love doing it for a laugh.
Why do these ugly inbred rats feel that they are entitled to come here and then redefine what it means to be us. Chew on a bullet cunt

stop bullying us, oz-kun ;_;

>Australian mechanical engineer
i think today that means she slid through some shit tier uni with a 4 (2.0 for any burgers in the audience), never had a job in the industry, and writes salty articles online

The question is, why are you so jealous?

What the fuck is this guy even talking about?

i got distant relatives in straya, one of my great uncle got captured by the Allies and deported there, at the end of the war he got to choose if return to italy or stay in straya


>youth without borders.
>calls herself Australian.

Needs to fuck off back to the Sudan, stop with the nationality labels, and practice what she's really preaching.

What a lucky fucker to get deported to the best country on earth.

Is THE LEAF behind this?

>a former leaf cannot into bants

aw yea m8, i know him. grandson's in uni. sick cunt

She's looks Malaysian or Indonesian. Fucking hell I wish China, Japan or India would just go Imperial and rape those hell holes.

Thanks for the (You) but before we proceed maybe we should check your Paki intelligence.

You'll have to create a folder first

>hello fellow australians

>as australians we

This is basically at the core of the entire fucking feminist movement. Women are oversensitive, fragile cunts, and interpret everything in a literal sense.

All men banter, regardless of their culture, and women just can't deal with it. This is easy to notice in any group settings where women are present. Men banter with each other, but rarely involve women. If they do, they usually go much easier on them. If it's in a work setting, the women will cry about harassment, or a "hostile work environment".

My gf's family are that exact First Fleet officer stock you describe and they couldn't care less.

Stop making shit up you leftist wanker.

>tfw no waifu

the problem is comparing which is bigger, 1/4 or 1/3

obviously just eat the cake, she's your wife but she's getting fat. just say something like woah, you wanna eat the WHOLE THING? how many cakes you want, 9, 10?

Fuck off, you whiny cunt. Australians are white. A muslim shitskin is never going to be Australian, and to imply that she's part of the group or belongs to the culture is insulting.

>a former leaf bantzes back
>the natives are btfo like a leaf during day of the rake


How do you do, fellow Australians?

You need to fuck off you cuck

>based Norway

Was about to annex Bergen in my Civ VI game but I've decided to let them live now

I will kill every single person that tries to take my precious Australia's bantz away, fuck women

Hmm. I live there...

Man, I was going to make a fry up today, but my fridge is broke and bacon got spoiled. REEEEEEE
I wanted fried toast and mushies FFS

Just share the cake?

>but aboriginals were here first and we genocided them
so were rocks, everywhere

>Australians are white.
Unfortunately, we're multicultural. Not sure who the fuck you think you are. Any Australian who agrees with your notion is in denial or stupid.

>Quintessentially Australian

Fuck off, chink.


if by multicultural you mean every town has a chinese food restruaunt im fine with that

>I'm not going to pull the "but aboriginals were here first and we genocided them" card.

I never understood how this was ever an argument. Aboriginals weren't Australians. Aboriginals were 200+ different countries. Australia didn't exist prior to 1788 so there's no way they were the first Australians.

And then they got conquered and their land seized. Rights of the conqueror, if they want it back go and start a civil war for it.

If you can't handle the bantz then stay out of the country.

Just take your (You).

You're so fucking mad. Come over to Australia and visit the big cities, we aren't white any more.


>Unfortunately, we're multicultural.

1. Culture is not race
2. Australians are white. White people founded Australia, built Australia, kept Australia safe. Australians are white.

I said I was avoiding this shit, didn't I? I'm not really interested in Aboriginals, I am interested in the whole fucked-up working class.

Thank god faggots like you can barely leave Melbourne without getting the shit kicked out of you.

indeed (except for the fucking spiders)

Go choke on some rice, Chang. You'll never be Australian.

big cities are in noway representation of culture maybe before first world war they were, now they only represent this magazine in a can culture

> tfw you realize that banter is the only arena in which men are universally better than women at interpreting and manipulating social cues and understanding
actually makes you think

>I am interested in the whole fucked-up working class.

Then why the hell are you a leftist?
>hurr let's make a working-mans australia
>hurt let's also make sure everybody is equal even if they don't want to work
>hurt let's not be discriminatory even though other people seek to undermine my entire country

It's a Jewish-marxist concept that all people are equal and share the same inherent values. Muslims don't want a working mans paradise, they want theocracy.
Aboriginals don't want a working mans paradise, they want some weird tribalistic white guilt complex.

Then that's not Australia

Sure you are mate!

Do you live near bunnings darlin'? why don't you pour yourself some cement shoes and take a jump off a pier you dirty sandy muff cunt.

Like Anakin says, I fucking hate them sand niggers they seem to pop up everywhere.

Only if you're a dumbass do you even get bit by a spider let alone die from one.

Just don't leave your shoes outside and always tip them upside down and give them a good few whacks on the ground to make sure no sneaky ones crawled in there.

Are you pro immigration? If so, you are not fighting for the working class, but against it.


Don't buy into the myth that women are complex or better understand social situations. It's like claiming a dog with rabies is a complex social creature, just because it behaves in an aggressive, erratic manner.

why'd you say the same thing twice cunt?

>Look at me I'm the Australian now.

>with the same success that Mrs. Obama has done with obesity.

So no success whatsoever?

oh man

even a leaf would do a better job than your poor excuse of an attempt at shitposting
have this (You) out of pity