Murder on Kikebook

Can't zukerberg get sued for this shit?

i dont got facebook faggot!! make webm

can we get bean to translate?

found why this happened :
I've read in other comments she stole money from Brazilian drug dealers she was pleading for her life and said she would pay it back then they shot her."


Can we get a spic to translate what she said?

Damn shame no one deserves to go out by spics

>she stole money from Brazilian drug dealers

Literally how fucking stupid do you have to be.

What a waste of titties.


Video from Fortaleza in Ceará, Brazil shows a woman pleading for her life with drug traffickers, but her pleas fall on deaf ears. She gets shot without much hesitation, and finished off at close range with more gunfire. As is typical of Brazilian extrajudicial executions, the shooters’ guns jammed, so one appears to smack her over the head with his instead.

The woman said to the traffickers in Portuguese: “It wasn’t me who stole those drugs, I’m going to work to pay you anyway“. Obviously, she didn’t come across convincing enough to change their minds

it says this on bestgore

fuck you savage. This chick just got snuffed and all you gotta say is nice tits? come on man

someones edgy.

>This chick just got snuffed and all you gotta say is nice tits?


really sucks but this is darwinism, I mean who fucks with a bunch of drug dealers that murder without consequence, when she was talking to them she seemed to be almost smiling, poor girl was stupid, immature, I mean fuck thank god I don't live in a shithole like that, to watch my sister in that position, the girl didn't realise shit was real



What the fuck are you retards expecting? This is Sup Forums

Believe it or not Sup Forums used to be more than just a political Sup Forums

This is Sup Forums not fucking Sup Forums

Fucking newfaggots


8 billion people, don't act like you care about them all.

you are the newfag
Sup Forums is not Sup Forums

See, thats how women think.

She was sure she would get a pussy pass on this.



I have enough compassion to care when I see someone killed. I think seeing an actual death is different than knowing someone died.

> When you're so ashy it comes through the mugshot.

im tired of seeing this shit i can stomach it but fuck it sucks.

>haha pussy you get pissed when seeing someone's life get ended by a group of spanish niggers haha what a faggot

>Expecting empathy for a dead shitskin on the politically incorrect subsection of a Burmese sheepcooking board

You came to the wrong fucking site

So you don't care about someone who dies if you don't see them and didn't know them?

Enjoying your first week on Sup Forums?

Think about the poor drug dealers though

Death is sad either way, it's more shocking to actually see one on video though. holy shit it's like you have no social skills whatsoever


Most responsibility is passed on to the user. Hosts sites can argue they did all they can to remove it.

Its how Jewtube still stand today

If you want to have your feelings protected go to reddit. No board has morality here you fucking normie.

Roll this around

More so meaning if you read "someone died on a traintrack this weekend" You sit there and go damn that is a horrific death. Vs watching a video of that happening. Watching the person die and suffer possibly twitch. The reaction feels different. You are seeing something terrifying that most don't come across on a daily basis. She may have been a moron who should have known she would have been killed for being so foolish, but that doesn't make it right or less unnerving to see someone die before my eyes.


[pearl clutching intensifies]


I mean we all have to go to work with them to survive. Maybe theres more to the picture than just being a good (((goy))).. What you say makes sense in the past when our worlds were more civilized but the barbarian hordes would have gotten us all if we all were sitting in our high good (((goy))) castles in our imaginations watching our (((goy))) produced propaganda while shunning those politically incorrect rednecks while getting pats on the back from other good (((goys))) doing the same thing. NOT SMART.

We need to discipline the savages, not just be good (((goys))) and to do that we must first be in control of them, unlike we are now. We must be totally in control of disorder.

I'm drunk on /pol at 6 am, I have no need for social skills.
You better get used to death, time goes on and you'll see Mortimer.

I am not new here been going on Sup Forums since around 2009. But seeing shit like this sometimes and knowing people are so numb to this and think nothing of it just sickens me sometimes and I can't help but say something.

You need a face to feel and you claim I am insensitive?

We're numb to it precisely because we've all been here for so long and seen it happen over and over. And quite frankly, she got what she deserved considering she was probably fucking around with the people who did it.

Nope, try harder.

Lol eat shit and go back to your safe space.

>watching someone die
no big deal
>liberals disagreeing in opinion
starts a shitstorm

fuck this board

>druggie thief
good ridance

nothing of value was lost

yup they'll never see their dope or money back... totaly unfair.

>got what she deserved
Victim blaming cuck.

Thats cow you faggot animals are wayyy different. It's not a matter of blood or guts, it's the fact that knowing a human life was just ended.

>you people are telling me you have no empathy whatsoever K

blacks are ugly asf nothing new

>Thats cow you faggot animals are wayyy different.

Animals are more innocent than humans. You don't have compassion for animals now?

Wow. What a monster. I just can't believe someone like you could exist. I am so offended.

*clutches pearls*

That is actually kinda hot.
I know I am insensitive, I think the shitskins need to be controlled more so things like this don't happen. It still doesn't mean I am going to be numb to it. Maybe one day, but not now.

>victim blaming
Nice buzzwords lad

So you can place a value on life?


Why's it so unbelievable that you don't want people getting gunned down like dogs in the street by gang bangers even if you've never met them?

Very funny how Sup Forums drops the morals act as soon as it's not in an edgy context.

>That is actually kinda hot.

She's got a cute ass desu.

still fresh enough for a quicky

What the fuck even is that question? All human life is priceless. God gave us dominion over animals. I thought this was a fucking christian board

For a while I found death funny, then I gave it no thought, then I felt pain for those who die, now I accept it as a chemical reaction and nothing more. The only thing that is unnatural is the human arrogance to assume we are capable of doing anything unnatural.

>extrajudicial executions

That's a new one, I like it though

the girl seemed to be connected with the gang to me

Sup Forums was never about morals, newfag. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Maybe you've been reading too many christcuck subversion threads

Regardless of the logistics involved we are living in a time period where this kind of barbarianism is a movement, a kind of invasion. If we all had the mentality of you, you filthy cuck, we would all meet our demise in the same manner and then be conditioned, like cucks, to think we are making mistakes by not appeasing these people as if they were royalty. We would do this all while tearing down our fellow whites who did have more appropriate response and initiative by saying they are plebs for not being politically correct enough.

There is a such thing as initiative and your type simply does not posses it. Without this initiative, we are fucked.

Ive spent alot of time with this initiative and energy involved being torn down by brain dead dickless cucks who feel the are above me because they are more politically correct. These people are stupider than niggers. They have accepted the dumbing-down of common core and political correctness hook, line and sinker.


The same people who freaked out about the kidnapping and wanted blood for the poor kid are the same ones who are numb to people being killed. How does that work? Can someone tell me? Why is seeing someone tortured horrible but not someone killed? Is it because he was white and trump was a motive?


Most humans are worth less than a cow, you can eat a cow and not get the jitters.

I love when these underaged moralfags get upset at this narco shit

see, this is where you are wrong

she had a cute ass.

I wonder if she shoved any meat up her pussy

>not new

Fuck off


ok dont bring politics into it faggot it's not about that shit

>gun jams
>keeps squeezing trigger until it fires again


There's something seriously fucked up with this board. Maybe now I can actually get a social life and a gf. Cya pol

BTW im the guy who kept posting this yesterday:

Why dont we as Sup Forums, as Trump supporters, have the initiative to rid our countries and the world of this evil known as BLM, hatred towards whites, globalists, sexual violence towards us by our own women and so on and so on?

Its because we dont have cohesion and unity between us, which is what they want. When we are pursuing pleasure, when we have mental security that we fall asleep in, when we have our ambition or egotism and we feel rewarded for being pat on the back by blacks we dont have this kind of cohesion and initiative, which is necessary. Without this initiative and its resulting movement of cohesion and necessary action amongst us we are inevitably fucked. It may be 4 years, it may be 30, but if we dont fuck these people when we have the chance, we are invariably fucked.

We must rid these people. Fuck em, they deserve to die. I think most of us can agree on that.

But when we try to one-up each other, when we are arguing amongst ourselves and vetting each other (for example throwing rednecks under the bus while feeling proud to be pat on the back by blacks) we're fucking our whole race. That is not intelligence.

We need to fuck these people and fuck them hard.. We dont have time for cuckservatives.

P.S. Those black people patting you on the back are laughing at you behind your back.. we all know this. Lets stop lying to ourselves and fuck these people hard.

i agree but she knows what she got herself into by stealing money from them.

>steal drugs/money from notorious criminals
>lol oh guysss stop ittttt xD u know im gonna payy u back teheee!!!! just workin my jobssss :DDdd
>get shot dead

i mean, what did she expect really.. seems like she's never been in a situation where her tits and fuckhole weren't enough to play the get out of jail free card

>Why's it so unbelievable that you don't want people getting gunned down like dogs in the street by gang bangers even if you've never met them?

Because it's in a 3rd world country and I don't give a shit.

>God gave us dominion over animals.

Oh ok. So that means you wouldn't feel shit if someone set a puppy on fire.

Now who's the one without empathy? Better you than a dog, fuckboy.

>The same people who freaked out about the kidnapping and wanted blood for the poor kid are the same ones who are numb to people being killed. How does that work?


Jesus christ what a waste of bullets def niggers who did this. Is this just normal in poor areas across world? Makes me glad I live in America.

An innocent retard being kidnapped and tortured is much more upsetting than a druggie whore who stole from a fucking cartel and thought she'd get away with it.

Im talking about food faggot. Jesus you people are dense

no one actually cared about that retard

we were more interested in the event itself, as it gave us more firepower against niggers

I think it was El Salvador or some shithole country around there



damn that FN FAL is dangerous

For some reason with no sound i thought she was saying "i will start the diet tomorrow i swear"

You cuck yourself to the murderer & blame the victim, so you're a victim blaming cuck, what part of that don't you understand ?

>giving a shit about a bitch that I'm not in a relationship with
>a minority no less
And you're saying that this will inflate to allowing whites to be killed in the same way? I didn't know whites had street gangs that do this shit for fun. You're using logic on the illogical, my dude. If the circumstances were different I'd be obliged to agree with you.

>Im talking about food faggot.

You're talking about animals.

>P.S. Those black people patting you on the back are laughing at you behind your back.. we all know this. Lets stop lying to ourselves and fuck these people hard.

This, also the turks and muslim scum do that here. Do not trust them, it is an illusion if you think they are your "allies".