what's his end game? I don't understand his motivations
What's his end game? I don't understand his motivations
fuck off faggot stop spamming yourself here
severe autism and comfiness
[spoiler]Alright Youtube[/spoiler]
Lamestream media
the americans are into talk radios, don't judge them by your standards.
this shit doesn't work in other countries
i actually find this very funny
he loves the limelight and being a rockstar. And so he should, he makes good vids
This is actually very funny to me.
he realised how autistic lamestream was and replaced it with "legacy"
Dyel-lord Styx never says that anymoar. I want a fucking refun.
Also, fuck his Minecrap videos. By god that's autistic as fuck.
I think the worst thing is he'll do videos with his shirt off. It's terrible
he just talks about politics
>what's his end game
100 million billion views.
this. he does this every fucking day.
Crafting mines.
>he just talks about politics
Yeah right after a good session of gay tier occult videos and a session of minecraft
My guess is he's trying to figure out how to reconcile being an anorexic NEET who looks like a tranny and talks like a 14 year-old outcast being drawn into an edgy death cult with his overwhelming pathological desire to view himself as a great and noble wise leader who's a forerunner in ushering in a spiritual upheaval capable of putting the world's most brilliant and prolific religious apologists as well as the vast majority of normal people to shame. Must be hard and explains why he gets stressed out so easily when people troll him, and why he feels the need to project a supernatural level of power in order to feel secure in his ability to post hundreds of hours worth of childish rants on YouTube. If he hadn't ridden Trump's coattail to reach the subscriber count he has now I don't think he'd still be posting content to laugh at.
This desu
this, also he fucking deletes comments and blocks people.
> explains the jacket by saying he feels really cold due to a past trauma
> removes shirt
>Truth bomb
Evidenced by his many humble- and not-so-humble-brags
He's Alex Jones tier