They're nationalists who are fighting the globalists

>they're nationalists who are fighting the globalists
>they're whiter than the USA, France and Sweden
>they're killing Muslims on a daily basis
>they're the closest thing to a democracy in the Middle-East

Remind me again why we hate the Israelis?

Other urls found in this thread:

Replace all the THEY AREs with WE ARE and it makes more sense. Fuck off Schlomo

Are you a nigger?

I guess they'd be cool if Mossad would stop being shady as fuck, and if they stopped taking in half the budget of Anglo nations as "foreign aid"

Actually Israel is cool but Jews in general don't seem to be

israelis are pretty based

It's not Israel we hate, it's the globalist kikes. Send them back or they get gassed

This thread again and again, each and every day. What does it mean?

/pol does not have a problem with Israel.

Open borders for Israel!


>tfw no israeli gf

Why do we care about kike women and obvious propaganda in the first place?
They are worthless by default.
Boring bait OP.
2/10 made me reply.

Because they're extremely tribal in that they place the welfare of their own people immeasurably above the welfare of any others and they hold tremendous political and social power over the West.

Hating them is simply a matter of self-defence.

Looking after one's own tribe over those from other tribes is perfectly natural and respectable. But; given the complete refusal of compassionate Whites to do so themselves and also the overwhelming dominance of Jews in politics, media and business; it's ultimately suicidal not to hate them.

>that bikini pic
Jesus Christ, that can't be real.

yes goyim, we have no problems here, remember? Embrace your brothers, see look how qt our meydls are

I wont fall for that

Everytime I see a Jew QT I fell in love. Why are you doing this to me.

That picture of yours demonstrates at the same time the brilliance of the IDF and the retardation of OP.

The IDF is brilliant in creating support for their cause by conscripting pretty women, having them pose for pictures and then sending them back to the safety of their homes (while the men, the real soldiers, do all the fighting and dying).

In the end, behind all their grandiloquence, Sup Forums only cares about their dicks. It's even what 14/88 stands for: we can't let the beauty of the white woman disappear.

Can you say "consanguinity"?

Israel did literally nothing wrong. Stormfags are just blind to the truth, they can only think in black and white.

needs more gas

We don't hate Israel. Israel is a fucking based country and they DAILY remove kebab from the premises. What we hate is the Zionist Aschenazim Juden that live in the west and spread their cancer in white countries.

nobody does, except stormfags and mudslimes.

hate is to international kikes only. 2be specific americunt and bongtard ones. and frogs too.

Why do jewish girls always have huge tits?


Pick one


I don't hold it against Israel to have basically the same kind of propaganda I would use. The flavor would be different of course, in that the women would be less obviously sexualized, but the desired effect would be the same. At the end of the day it seems to be a question of getting them to stick to Israel and to stop messing up our stuff.

They do have the unfortunate curse of having to put up with the jewish orthodoxy as well, which I imagine constantly tempts them to shoot themselves. Secular governments have always had that trouble with their domestic mainstream religions.

seriously these jidf retards should be banned for spamming the same fucking bullshit propaganda everyday



I support Israel and Trump.

20.1.2017 is going to be great.

jews are all james bond villains confirmed

I'm in for it!7

Ich kenne dieses Fühl, Bernd

I tried to pick up a small hot brown one with big tits during a club night. She seemed kind of interested but I was too stupid for successfully sealing the deal.


...and the patriots that have been paying attention to what the Israel lobbies have been doing to their country over the last few decades.

>not understanding the bedrock of oligarchy and the timeline of power
>not understanding the mass conversions of the 8th century in very white regions
>not understanding the global network of prosperity and demise
>still giving a fuck about muh jews like an 18th century drunk
>getting a hive mind to cry on a chinese cartoon imageboard

Sup Forums is dead.

>Remind me again why we hate the Israelis?

Illegal nuclear arsenal thats unaccounted for internationally.
The deliberate strike on the USS liberty.
The selling of joint military technology to China, putting the security and integrity of the US military at risk.
The radical influence of the US government through entities like AIPAC.
And they are not nationalists, they are internationalists.

I got MATZO'D a couple month ago. Jewish broads are absolutely savage in bed.


t. Ahmed Muhammad "free palestine" Hussein

The globalists and israelis are two sides of the same shekel you retarded goy.

We don't, even if most people don't understand it
>Israelis = Jews =/= (((Jews))) = (((globalists)))

>they're kikes

have a sage

Hes Canadian whats your point?

Can someone dump the jews getting caught like the doublefaced kikes they all are ?
You know the drill, "australia need to open borders/israel need to close borders" etc.

and the closest to a terrorist state as well
I'm sure every other country can throw you a few too.

>Remind me again why we hate the Israelis?
Because of this:
>they're nationalists who are fighting the globalists
In other words they fuck up and backstab every country they ever have relations with.

how do I get IDF gf ?

Wait guys, I just had an idea. If Jews control the world, why don't we all just convert to Judaism? The flood of goyim into their religion would effectively destroy it culturally while slowly giving goys greater power over its infrastructure. Plus all the Israeli qts.

What's the source on this image? Is this real

Israel is best country. I always said that. It would be even better if they deported all the Muslims.

>lives in israel
>writes for haaretz
>not isralei backstabbing scum

Can you elaborate please?


This is what JIDF propaganda looks like.

Remember to sage and hide these threads, these filthy kikes are attempting their propaganda warfare again.

You know they deport them into your homeland

the pretty once only make 10% of the IDF girls, and you dont stand a chance against the fuckers with ranks

>brown hair brown eyes

> (You)
> (You)
>You know they deport them into your homeland

Germany is already lost. I do not care. As long as Israel is Muslim free, the chosen people will be protected.


The average Israeli is based and ok, but jews are strongly tribalistic. They form global agendas against advesaries. The white race is the only opponent they fear, thats why the (((elite))) is destroying us with cultural marxism and multiculturalism, every diaspora jew and every elite zionist is attacking our sovereignty.. Hence its too dangerous to spare one jew, everyone has to be fought, at least every jew needs to get expelled to Israel and Israel needs to get isolated

Nice proxys JIDF

because it is filled with jews

spoken like a true modern german

JIDF unnecessary Propaganda

Kek. Nice meme. I'm german.

>brown hair brown eyes

literally perfect

>>they're whiter than the USA, France and Sweden

Give me a break you dirty kik, you're just feeling the oven heeting up again. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE

ye I'm pro-Israel, congrats Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona

Come back to Chechnya


because of what they do, not what they are

He is supposed to be the next chancellor of Germany if Merkel is not re-elected.

You know, I'd think that they were pretty cool if we obviously didn't give them free shit. I don't give a damn about what they do in Palestine.

Why do Jews hate America? Why can America be like Israel?

Their globalist politicians and lobbyists are what's awful, the people aren't inherently bad

As opposed to mudslimes, who have both bad politicians and bad people

Confirmed, fellow lusophone. This wave of posting young Israeli army women photos was at this peak after the last UN resolution decision about Israel illegal settlements. It even hit the Portuguese digital media too.

>asks ppl if they're nigger too

nice try muhamed

They act and think like nationalism was their monopoly and every one else in the world should be an internationalist kuck.

When Israelis start respecting other nationalists, they will get respect in turn.

Literally no one likes Ha'aretz, it's an extreme left newspaper. They have good content (culture, science etc.) though

Jews go away.

Israel, as it currently stands, is useful but not good. While it is currently under a right-wing government that can help us remove kebab in the region, it is also important to remember that not only is Israel sneaky, but that many of the globalist liberal elite Jews that we're actively opposed to have much tied up in the country, and that Judaism is still wrong even when it helps us.

The solution is to use them now, and then when the muzzies are finally defeated, use the vast Christian majority to forcibly convert the entire country and establish a Christian, not Jewish, state in Israel's place.

Being whiter than USA is not an achievement.

> Whiter than Sweden

We're >80% white.

Good goy

It means that they're here lad

I don't give a rat's ass about Palestinian children as long as my country doesn't get attacked and I profit in trade. Please, use something other than an emotional appeal to tell me why associating with Israel for profit is bad.

They're just models m8

Okay, that's bullshit. Give me a URL for that.

>caring about Palestinian barbarians

I stand with Israel.

You are what's wrong with this world. 0 % empathy, thinking only about profit. Capitalism needs to be eradicated.

I dont have a problem with Israel I have a problem with the Jews across the west that support globalization and refugees and control our media and congress.

Exactly this. I think they're too fucking retarded and barbaric to live, much less be a source of profit (other than to have land stolen from Israel of course). I'd rather just watch them die out as I watch the UN shitshow about ">muh palestins"

Isolationism, in very practical terms, is not giving a rat's ass about everything outside of your country.

Who the fuck am I to care that the Chinese are fucking my goats? The whole purpose of interaction with the outside world should be trade and fuck all else. That's how Switzerland got rich, lad.

>being attacked

only by your own citizens/immigrants, illegal or not.

Well, we're gonna get attacked if we keep up this "world police" bullshit! I don't care if there is a rifle behind every blade of grass, we just can't keep pissing off the rest of the world.

Donald Trump has already expressed interest in attacking Iran. You'll still be the "world police" and you will enjoy it because your reality star president says so.

>associating with/supporting israel
>not identifying as "world police"

choose only one

>forgetting 9/11

Lol you really don't get the world, do you?