Soooooo........ why do we hate islam again ?

Soooooo........ why do we hate islam again ?

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We hate all mud people, not just arabs

You tell me.

Because Islam doesn't fancy itself a supplementary culture, it fancies itself the only culture. The racial aware right supports our race not only for the ethnic advantages we have but also the culture we create.

...but I guess there isn't much to argue with mentally challenged people, such as yourself, after all.

Because Islam is invading our lands and filling them with degenerate, uncultured and stinking muslims. Just because their values are similar to ours doesn't mean we have to like those people.

>guise, islam is totally the master rice! trust me, I'm autistic.

Because arabs like you are subhuman fucks and need to be exterminated.....


because they dress weird and look ugly



Cause we're not in charge of it dumbass


EqualRightsAdvocate is an insane tranny freak who wants to "reclaim the left" from "the regressive left," AKA a faggot in denial that the left is and always was garbage

pic related

It's really very simple you hormone-addled autistic mental defective, the alt-right doesn't want to take over the entire world, Islam does

Not complicated

>Nor is there male and female

jesus was an SJW confirmed

God those threads are the worst

Because Islam is the opposite of true western values.

>western civilization

>islamic civilization

Islam has too many requirements, I cbf pilgrimaging and fasting and my knees hurt

On the money!

>comparing pedo worshipping savages to normal civilised folk


oh the outrage ooh aah ooh aah
I'm so outraged and yes

We also both want control of Europe.

you forgot that radical islam wants the entire alt-right dead.

It's us or them. I'd much rather be the one oppressing than being oppressed.

You have a good point there. We both share a common enemy.

>against immigration
So why are so many Muslims migrating? Why are they all so happy to drop their shit and move somewhere else? It's a two way street, it's hypocritical to say immigration shouldn't be allowed while millions of your people are migrating to foreign countries with completely different cultures.

Islam seeks to dominate others
Alt-right wants european peoples to be left alone

I dont want to practice your stupid voodoo. Fuck off.

pol is full of cucks and kikes.

That's the difference between fascism and national socialism.

Fascists are glory seekers, natsocs are defensive pragmatists..

>Want a return to monarchy
Some do, most don't
>Women don't have equal rights
Some do, some don't. It's mostly around if they should vote though. Not about forbidding them from going outside without a male.
>Thinks the Jews control the world through banking
They do own most of the banks m8
>Hates Israel
Maybe if the people who own the media wouldn't push immigration and expect us to support their ethnonationalist state, maybe we would support Israel.
>Opposed to other cultures integrating
Either they assimilate or get out, no integration. If the demographic majority of the native population is threatened, repatriate.
>Believe husbands should work and provide when their wives stay at home
Women do have a choice, it's obviously based on a case by case basis. But there are studies that show women are happier as stay at home mothers.
>Reject the old testament for being written by jews.
Only pagans and atheists say that.

And unbeknownst to many, Islam makes it perfectly okay to practice pederastry and homosexuality. They think raping little boys and non-muslim men is fine as long as they're the one doing the raping and not being on top.

For a religion that supposedly denounces homosexuality, it sure does a lot of gay shit.

Prison rules lol. Islam is like prison.


Fuck off roach

He said radical muslims. ISIS is actually against refugees because they want them to stay in their "caliphate"

why can't retards
A) not understand this distinction
B) not realize Ronald McDonald etc are the only benefactors

Despite its spiritual pretenses Islam just acts as the "brown-shirts" of global corporate interests.

holy shit this is great
>It amazes me that a man covers his car from the eyes of people, and to protect it from dirt, but leaves the meat of his daughters and women uncovered to be thrown to the dogs and wolves.


we don't cut peoples heads off or throw rocks at them like apes


wtf I love Islam now

Baghdad is messed up because we bombed the hell out of it, you ignorant fucking leaf.

Your retarded "religion" demands that you bow down five times a day, eat no pork and drink no alcohol. Raping children is totally fine. You cut off parts of your dicks. I know first hand how muslims behave in non-muslim countries. They all need to be put down like the rabbid dogs they are.


also nobody loves you.