any ahmed from FR? how's life going?
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abdul's ongoing assimilation. resistance is futile.
%perc children having muslim name.
Thanks Hollande for your over indulgent political program regarding to immigration
don't be mad ahmed. we are slowly opening up our wombs as well.
Aren’t we all Mohamed ? Europe is cursed and doomed since a long time anyway
Tell me, have the French surrendered?
i like it. very universal and sounds good, we will all become race of Mohakeks. we can teach each other eyesis home cooking recipes.
Based Creuse and Lozére
we all did sven from the land of Mohakeks.
>deflecting a direct question
No better than a politician.
our strong womyn will save us
make no sense why would we end up third.
and why japan at number one ? and lol spain ? maybe catalunia if they abandon ship.
I asked if your question was ironic or not, I didn’t deflect in any way, so ?
I'm a french of strain and I feel so bad for my country
yeah. was probably done by fr jew. sorry mohamed.
I'm franco-arabic, the blood of celtic warrior and
mujahideen are flowing in my veins.
Actually France is 22th :
well as czech your shit is fucked already, IDH is more about infrastructure and social advencement so it could make sense that we are up high. because our government sort of ca
also britcucks are going down, i really want to believe.
it's a projection. and it's jewpedia. both of these things have little lie in them. don't expect much.
member what obama said? chose hope 10 times in a row so you could remember it better? then he bought a new teleprompter.
don't hate. kys. try it a few times.
Daily reminder the race war shall commence in France.
in your abduls dreams.
life is shit in Provence, it's filled with niggers and muslims, what used to be the most chill and comfy place in France became its worst shithole
Havel, with "In the shadow" israel inscription ?
That is similar of this nazi collaborant descendant, robber of the nation and the Grand Liar, the Humanitarian Bomberman... Keep him fry in hell...
(and not much surprise he was a great friend with Clintons, even sometime arround when they supported the Rwandan genocide. Which did not make him any problem be a great friend (or rather servant) with Bushes too...)
Sometime I call it a "Havel syndrom", now suffered by mr. LHalik also - full mouth of "Truth and Love", while all his deeds are just full of "Lie and Hate", serving the destruction...
Allahu Akbar, this will be the century of the faithful. Oh woe be upon you Germans, you French, you Swedes, for we will give you fertility. The infidel will assimilate or die! TAKBIR!!!!!
i don't think you overestimate a little. i don't think that havel really cared or worried about geopolitics given the state our country was in.
yeah, we centrainly did have wikilinks to tell us the obvious now. you may call it whatever you want, but spitting on havel is like spitting on hitler.
kys. traitor.
>hungary, poland, fucking CUBA and the UAE actually surpassing sweden in 9 years
i kek'd a little
very nice. sending coordinates to my missile silos. say goodbye to me.
For ex. this one, Havel with Clinton, just three months before Clinton's ally Kagame started genocide in Rwanda with 5M victims (if counting victims in neighbouring countries in following years too).
And warmonger M.Albright, who was interested and profited much from Yugoslav wars, that which Havel supported (by his "Humanitarian bombing" and related UN votes, by allowing NATO fly-overs etc...)
For those who do not understand what is wrong about being friend of Clintons, see this:
> Clinton cash - the full movie
> spitting on havel is like spitting on hitler
That's nicely said...
Rather as spitting on Heydrich (great friend of Havel family), but the difference is not large now...
are you really shilling against havel? this is preposterous. pics with foreign leaders is generic. associating havel with clinton games is so fucking from different world. cannot even comprehend the ridiculousness of this.
that's the path they've chosen.
Half of work is us climbing from commie damage, half is they turning into enriched shitskin shithole.
Now you understand, just convert or else.
I converted. No I throughly enjoy killing kuffirs and raping your whores.
Allah is the best
so what? making new friends is important and given the past Heydrich had, the experience was invaluable to our nation's future. it could be questionable, but you need to keep your enemies close, which he apparently played gloriously.
nice one ahmed
cataluña leaving means immediate depression, for both sides
...but spain will remain in the union
...and cataluña won´t
...and their #1 trading partner is... guess it? spain
you fuckers will be in the shitter, or close, or, much better, still hold that contempt for all of your neighbors
this could actually work. use the same tech as they are using on us. but i've heard they methods of preaching are literally brainwash permanent. you will not be my friend.
means no data.
>You are not my friend
Soon enough infidel. I'm not even European, but an American. Whenever I found over to your cucked shacks of countries, I hey treated as a sort of demigod, even after I beat up, kill, and even rape your women along with the migrants. Which many of them are surprisingly friendly with me. Face it, THIS is your future.
Oh, and btw, I'm not leaving the EU anytime soon. Fuck your decadent culture.
i'm already living like this ahmed. room is even bigger so could be considered upgrade. feels like home. come soon.
You guys are fucked.
Means too low to be relevant in that case.
Once we're done improving Sweden, Germany, France, UK, and others, we'll come over. Us believers in the one true religion need a home too you fucking flat shitters. Europe is ours now. Why should I ever have to go back to America?
France is fucked, nothing new under the sun.
yes please come. our womyn are sluts anyways and deserve only the best class of le mohamed gods.
Yeah, they even gave us free clothes in France, I got this phone in Germany. Fuck you secularists. I was one once, now I've joined a real party in your home countries and do as I please. Jail sentences are not bad either. You're jail cells are wonderful to live in as well.
Nice thread, good goyim, nice memes.
Bunch of retards
There's your problem right there, you Europeans are self pitying to the point of masochism. This in turn becomes a focal point in your obvious depressive and psychotic episodes while we muslims do as we please and you cucks can't touch us. I really do hope Merkel wins a fourth term. Someone has to pay for me.
Oh good, finally someone brave enough to come and insult people over the Internet.
France is saved, muslims are dead, and victims are raising from their coffins, a bit groggy from their long nap.
i think that it's still interesting experiment on democracy.
1) demoralize people by consumerism
2) push as many people as possible
3) see how democracy rule will work out. if the new arrivals will overwhelm the obedient, silent, complacement majority.
it's quite fun, like from some game.
define muslim names
Reminder that the UK is one of the fastest rising in the HDI and Japan is falling.
>Australia getting pipped at the post buy Japan
Un fucking likely cunts.
Heh, in France like in America, the obedient majority will vote for a candidate a bit grumpier than the others, maybe a bit stricter.
Then what. Minorities aren't going to stop stealing, and muslims won't stop raping.
And at the end of the day, they'll be bred out.
America is 60%, France is 70%, in a few decades the whites will be a minority, and that will be the end of it. With almost no violence, simply overwhelming propaganda and breeding.
Join the future, I converted, you should too. Islam is a religion of peace that teaches obedience of wives to husbands, inhibits degeneracy, and overall builds a stronger society.
Or else
i don't even know why would anyone play this game. so easy mode given the resources they have. they could just kill us now without going through the trouble of breeding us out that fast, but probably because they always need to jew some one, so the players need to stay, but retarded, unable to even compete.