Aus/pol/ - gimme back my centrelink cunt edition

what up lads... how are those centrelink gibs treating yas?

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It's finally fucking started to rain - we might lose those water restrictions.

>mates are hassling me all day tryna get me to come and get drunk with them
>busy in the day but eventually get into town to meet up with them after dinner
>mate has already been kicked out of the pub
>fucked on gas or something and can hardly talk
>walk back to the pub
>he gets kicked out again and the owners say they will call the cops if they see him again
>dont wanna leave him alone so walk him home
>get back to his house and he goes straight to bed
>get in car and drive home

fucken didnt wanna go out anyways

pro dolebludger here.

its pretty ordinary.

im forced to get a job now, or at least make as though im trying. a lot of loopholes closed too. got a fine in the mail like everyone else but its all been a little sketchy my end so i dont want to rock the boat and have them find out i owe them even more.

i had a good thing going. now its gone. fml.

whats up mateys, who do I gotta buy a beer for to get a handy round here ;^)

dolebludgers are sacks of shit in my honest opinion senpai. i have a friend who has been on the dole ever since he finished high school and hes like 25. still lives with his mum and his dole payments all go towards the pokies, new shoes and drugs. thats fucked and i reckon he needs a good beating to get his act together

bumpin for new zealand cricket team

bump cunts

get in here and have a yarn

best thing I ever did was start mowing lawns and weeding gardens until I made enough money regularly to tell centrelink to go fuck themselves.

What do you get in a week from centrelink? $300?

you can make that in a day if you just charge $50 a lawn and mow six lawns. They dont even need to be big lawns.

fuck you can do that in two days easy as fuck and then you can do what you want the rest of the week without feeling like a useless piece of shit on the dole.

Women froth at the box for a man that answers to no one and makes his own money without answering to some business or a boss.

Anyone that disagrees is just a lazy fuck that deserves to end up with shazza and live around abos.

How much do you make a year as a lawnmower man?