>tfw you realize your country is truly a third world shithole
People go crazy over opening of some shitty fast food.
>tfw you realize your country is truly a third world shithole
People go crazy over opening of some shitty fast food.
let me guess, the mcrib?
How is McFoxy?
Meanwhile in Bosnia...
Don't worry, the same happens in the US :^)
If you are an Ukrainian qt I can take you to Austria and make you live in prosperity (food every day, real coffee, sometimes meat).
Oh dear. Are people really that excited about a McDonald's opening?
Your country makes me sad.
>Ukraine still lives in 1990
is Poland the only good Eastern European Country left
I guess they offered discounted or even free meals so it's understandable.
Stuff like weekly garbage disposal you can count on, independent from whether the mafia is happy or not.
Just go to your red light district if you are that desperate
ill do better
Da nu nahui. There is a fuck town of Macdonalds in Russia I thought that there would be a crap load of it in Ukraine.
Would never settle for a girl that took miles of Arab or Nafri cock.
>sometimes meat
>Naples is Italy
Wew lad, the sooner you realize you are a caveman the better
The exacly same thing happens to us,
We are like Slavomericans with this.
I don't want her to become a swollen up greasy babushka.
belarus is doing ok just a bit on the poor side
pretty comfy. if only they knew what was coming
Our women have muscles too, can you handle it?
You are too picky my friend. If you want to be picky you need to be rich, tall and handsome. The rest of us need to settle for fatties, whores and crazy bitches.
When college students from my country keep failing a subject they go on erasmus to Poland so you tell me
I'll show my blue book with an eagle on the cover, then I'll kidnap her and protect her with my ar15s
They missed the 90th stage. At the time when in Russia people crowded at McDonald's, lived in poverty around the robbery and total corruption when sold absolutely everything, and the law and the rights almost nothing decided, when the salary was just enough to pay off public services, in Ukraine people lived in relative prosperity. Now, on the contrary.
Well, I'm tall so I should be able to get a mentally sane, non-whore fatty?
Now you all can get your daily burger land experience true joy like the rest of us.
LMFAO Ukrajina is literally Africa but girls there are actuallly hot
living the american dream
How tall are you?
1.95m, not lanky either somewhat muscular. But not handsome.
Its because you may act like you hate America but your people live their lives wanting to be us.
>tfw you realize your country is truly a third world shithole
fun fact: McDonald's, dunkin's and other junk food here are very prestigious to go with friends
At least your girls are pretty hot
American propaganda is the most disgusting shit ever.
It warps your mind to such insane levels of unreality.
Welcome to the "liberated" side of the world. Here! Take a burger! Be happy! Shut up!
>tfw you realize your country is truly a third world shithole
You figured it out because of a fast food and not your economy being at the level of moldova, a revolution and war?
You are dumb even for a ukrainian
Ukrainian women belong to Turks and blacks.
I lived in Kyiv a while, loved it.
Your country is shit, but your capital is great.
bydlo gonna bydlo
this is why the west (and everyone else) shits on these eastern yuropean animales
>I thought that there would be a crap load of it in Ukraine.
There is one every two metro station in Kyiv. From Pozniyaki to Pecherska Plosha.
not surprised desu
any aryan guys want a ukraine waifu? im taking offers no fat asses tho
Dont worry bro just come to lithuania, most of our old gen know russian. And it is better living than in ukraine or belarus.
I in my company hire lots of ukrainians to work for me, its a pain in the ass, but I do it for bros who r willing.
Dont go to polish they mistreat everyone, they are assholes.
They are illegal migrants?
Remove your flag, please.
is this the first mac donalds in your country?
They are legal, we dropped corrupt bulshit 10yrs ago.
Thats why its a pain in the ass.
Believe me if I could o would change flag but I cant be bothered to go full political activist
Come on now, Ivan.
>sometimes meat
This video - the best answer to the question: "Are Russians white?"
I don't hate America.
I make my own burgers all the time, it's amazing.
But macdac is still a shitty fast food.
Relax, I'm just memeing.
I knew it's a shithole my whole life.
Kiev is a bloodsucking cancer city.
At least somebody got it :^)
Chernigov is better, i think.
In terms of the spirit of city, architecture.
We got it, itsjust that most of us didnt find it funny
Care to elaborate? It was nice for as long as I was there, and I met lots of nice people.
>population: 300k
Maybe it's a nice city, but I like big ones. 1m+, usually.
I get bored in small ones.
>the fucking kgb guards mcdonalds
top kek
>(food every day, real coffee, sometimes meat)
>sometimes meat
I'm not saying it's bad, it is the nicest city in Ukraine.
But Ukraine is too centralized, and Kiev sucks a lot of from other regions. So other regions are lacking, even though they produce a lot, too.
They are called MVD aka police Ahmed.
ycпoкoйcя пидop
>They missed the 90th stage.
>in Ukraine people lived in relative prosperity.
That's not true at all...
I just love old russian towns and cities, they are cozy and has a historical spirit. I live in St. Petersburg, but can visit Novgorod and Pskov, which are nearby. It is a pity that the standard of living in Pskov is significantly lower than in St. Pb.
In Ukraine Kharkov and Kiev is not bad, i think, but there are no such spirit.
I was in Ukraine once, there were cows walking across the road, people were driving ladas and even saw two horse carriages. 'Tis truly a marvel of a nation.
Fuckin based thought process there.
I know that feel bro.
Over here McDonalds literally gets last place in good fast food restaurants.
My aunt and uncle - the scientists, they live in Moscow. In the 90th they literally did not have enough to eat, they eat almost nothing but porridge and bread. My grandmother from Ukraine (Kharkov) sends them food, since she lived in relative prosperity.
My mother worked in an advertising agency, so we lived well.
I'm not saying that Ukraine had lived very well. But in many cases better than Russia, have enough money for a different meal, there was no permanent social and political upheaval.
>In Ukraine Kharkov and Kiev is not bad, i think, but there are no such spirit.
I like old imperial parts of the city, shame it's not maintained properly. But soulless commie stuff overwhelms, it's true.
The only good about Ukrainians is that they assimilate almost instantly. The lack of true national identity real does its thing I guess.
god damn that shit will make the whitest fucker of all time nig out
We have 74 McDonalds outlets, so you're not alone.
>sometimes meat
All pro-EU, anti-russians
Actually European McD's are held to much higher standards than the US counterparts. My US friends were amazed that McD's food can be non-disgusting. Not to mention the sanitation in a US McD's vs here. If you remember the toilrt scene from Trainspotting, that's literally how a McD's toilet looks like in the US.
I remember when they opened the McDonalds down the road from my house. It was a £2m development, about 30 people work there.
Everyone was fucking there. Kids love that stuff. Kiddies sports teams do in on weekends, young people like going there, take their girlfriend out someplace.
>no such thing