Red pill time bois

Is there a red pill on napoleon and french revolution? I was taught it was a good thing in school, but given the lies people are told about the holocaust i´ve grown curious

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>Red pill me on X. (with no extra content or input of your own)
This is against the rules.

>I'm too stupid to do my own reading on history and form my own value judgement on it, pls spell it all out for me and tell me what to believe.

Make like a Brazillian hooker and go fuck yourself.

Napoleon was Hitler without Aspergers, he shouldve won

Maybe wait until your population increases so you're not outnumbered 2 to 1 or 3 to 1

Napoleon and French revolution are two completely separate things to begin with.

If you want to look at the not so bright side of the french revolution look up for the Terror and the war in Vendée.

There's a few red pills on the French revolution in the book Liberal Fascism, even if it can be quite a cuckservative book at times.

Napoleon was Italian, not French. ;^)

napoleon was the greatest man ever that's all

I know that Beethoven was a big fan until he kind of started calling himself "Emperor"

Georges Washington was English, not American

>I was taught it was a good thing in school
it was a leftist revolution that says it all
it was the first and biggest of the 3 revolutions that shook europe to its core and ushered in the age of modernity

I still dont get if pol is Christian or atheist but i know napoleon was anti religious wich made me fond of him ex(shooting up Leonardo Da Vincis the last supper)

What he said, your herd mentality is on par with libart students.

>integrate or gtfo

oy vey david ! we need to fund his ennemies now !

i tought pol was NatSoc that means we care for people with our values and virtues, im just somebody looking to get enlightened by our fellow Nationalists. Any way i already got a book out of this thread that i will defenetly check out

Napolen was an apostate of Islam.

When he took eygypt from the British, he declared to all the Egyptians that the French were now Muslims. He did this to make it easier for him to rule over Muslims.

Dont do the opposite, sverige

Sup Forums is not a unique entity, it's several thousands of edgy high school kids jerking each other off.
Any way that book is biased as fuck.
It looks like you only want confirmation of your own biased beliefs and not true information anyway, if you want Sup Forums to tell you what to read.
A real overman would find himself the most reputable sources, preferably from different political sides, analyse them and reach his own conclusions.

Napoleon and the aftermaths

He destroyed the order of Europe, the HRE
This was a forum to discuss important matters
Declared himself emperor then, by taking away the crown from the pope
Went to Russia in winter, that killed almost his entire army
Wasnt accepted by the Prussian, Russian, English and Austrians, so they revolted and beat him in the end

New order was established, which was more fragile
The different countrys England, Prussia, Austria and so on, went their own ways
Paving the way for more disputes
France wanted Germanys east clay
Russia south east Europe
1. World war started

Why the English went to war with us, I still dont know

French Revolution was a leftist chaos eruption.
I don't know about Napoleon though.

To my understanding, the French Aristocracy was living in ridiculous opulence while most Frenchmen and women lacked the basic necessities such as bread.

Whenever there is a shortage of food, there is a window of opportunity for a change in powers. Many French scholars who were classically educated by Plato and other Greeks took this position and rebelled against their monarchs and established a republic.

As far as I am concerned, it was justified. Why would someone be loyal to a government that can't even keep them fed during hard times?

Had they been complacent and just let half their countrymen starve, they would be no better than Communists. Keep in mind that this same problem of food shortage is what caused the National Socialist revolution Of the Wiemar Republic.

Weimar Republic*

how is it biased, and i say pol is a natsoc board because its the ruling political ideology here but anyway if you have some unbiased books to recommend feel free to point them out

so was napoleon a reaction to the french revolution?
>being the revolution a leftist one napoleon was Frances Hitler in some way

Go listen to the international Jew study hour on YouTube.

The king and the nobles didn't live in crazy opulence compared to any other nobles in Europe
The problem was that France was in debt to a lot of people and new taxes needed to be raised
This is why the king Louis XVI asked the nobles, the clergymen and the bourgeoisie to reunite to agree to several laws, the bourgeoisie representing 90% of the french population
The problem was that the votes were 1 per group and the clergy always sided with the nobles meaning most of the pop never had anything way to influence the government
Long story short, the bouregoisie declares itself a new assembly alongside several nbobles and clergymen who agree with them
They let the king in place, still let him have important power and money but he decides to flee with his famiyl and asks Prussia and Austria to attack his own troops
He gets caught and later rightfully executed ofr beign a traitor, after; after that the revolution starts being shit and The Terror starts until Robespierre gets executed
It's at that time that they decide to imitate the ancient roman government and put consuls in power, 3 to be exact, Napoleon being the most poweful one.
He then proceeds to take power and agrees that most of the ideas of the french revolution were great and should be kept which he does through the Napoleonic Code which is the basis to this day for most of european justice systems. He does also understand that it went too far, telling the extrems to fuck off.
He wasn't yet Emperor, a title he has access to after asking through a referendum, winning the title thanks to the support of most french people who only wanted stability at this point

There is always an opportunity for change in powers, when the elite let their people die off
Now the west is flooded by foreigner, who are preparing to be the majority
I hope revolution comes soon

>Based Robespierre.rar

you forgot the overly corrupted Directoire before Napy

Yeah but I sperged enoug halready, shit is complicated