Antifa jews vs Sup Forums continued

Antifa jews vs Sup Forums continued


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The post below me has to post their dick

lads im going to post my dick

Calling my 8gag friends to doss you

TRS convinces Sup Forums to turn turn on 8chn and at the same time convinces people who don't believe this that they're just like us because they supposedly got doxxed by antifa
>"look how relevant we are guis"

>TRS start shilling their bullshit on Sup Forums and 8/pol/ DAILY, creating artificial discussion about their forum and pretending that people are interested in it (see: )
>people leak the raids
>TRS gets assblasted and abandons shilling on 8/pol/ due to the autistic hornet's nest it is
>continues shilling here by forcefully memeing that ugly "alt-right" faggot and their unfunny "civil nationalist" memes
>continues to create several DAILY threads related to their autistic circlejerk, even if the mods constantly 404 them for viral advertising
>people get mad and dox them
>they blame "antifa" and create threads to swerve opinion against 8/pol/ by calling them "antifa"


Reposting it


Antifa and 8ch have nothing to do with
They try to make 4ch and 8chgo against each other
Iron March got triggered hard by not enough purity so they thought doxing is a valid way
fucking traitors and kikes
Dont let the Info that it was 8ch and Antifa become mainstream


TL;DR for those who don't know
An outside operative, more than likely one or multiple of these
>WewSpartan, poo in loo moderator of /baph/ on 8ch
>Paid doxers from Jeff Giesea via Peter Thiel
>Friends of Common Filth

Convinced 8/pol/ moderators (or just paid them to believe) that there was a concentrated effort on TRS to change 8/pol/s central ideology. So people began posting Dox that antifa has not been able to ever find for years of trying and some even emailing it directly to antifa.

The mods then ban you if don't like doxing of pro-white activists.

TRS can't meme.

This thread again? Fine.

These are the people who are fucking with Ghoul

FB Page: a

Name:AB Khim
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Server @ LeadBelly: Contemporary American Pub
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Jade Guinevere Myatt
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Lifeguard @ Armbrust Family YMCA
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Marc Momo Whitlock
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Deli Clerk @ Baker's

Name: James W. Craddock
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: First National Tower
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Brian Franck
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Hebro Tinner @ Standard Heating & Air Conditioning

Name: Julie Hoscheid
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: International Agent @ Travel and Transport

Name: Nate Van Fleet
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Barback @ O'Leaver's
Drum Teacher @ School of ROCK

Name: Matthew Bryan Parker
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: University of Nebraska at Omaha

Name: Kaden Trosper
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Hi Times Liquor Mart

just like when hailgate happened. leftist faggots swarm Sup Forums to scream 'TRS SHILL!' at everybody

everybody can see through this shit

Who is this Iron March hacker?

Again probably not directly, don't go accusing other people on the ideological ethnic nationalist wing unless you have proof.

TRS is a bunch of faggots. They got what they deserved and no, it didn't come from antifa.

Nigger, they literally shit on /baph/ and this is what happened. If they didn't shit on /baph/, they wouldn't have gotten doxed.

Hi Antifa, go gas thy self

>the 8nigger posted the same copypasta again

Your kind aren't welcome around these parts boy. Quit trying to suck up to us you obvious kike shills.

I think at the end of the day the main overarching point is 8pol is nothing but a source of drama and shit. They are like gossiping teenage girls who happen to also be retarded and do anything you want with the slightest bit of trolling.

8pol is shit never forget.

>white people with families deserve to have their lives ruined because I said so
Get fucked antifa.



I know where you guys hang out in SF and Oakland

11th and Harrison, SF

3rd street, Oakland

Valencia, SF

with all the TRS/BOIPUCCI threads we most certainly still have a mod problem on Sup Forums

who cares about all these other groups of faggots

These are the people who are fucking with Ghoul

FB Page: a

Name:AB Khim
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Server @ LeadBelly: Contemporary American Pub
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Jade Guinevere Myatt
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Lifeguard @ Armbrust Family YMCA
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Marc Momo Whitlock
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Deli Clerk @ Baker's

Name: James W. Craddock
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: First National Tower
School: Active @ Metropolitan Community College (Nebraska)

Name: Brian Franck
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Hebro Tinner @ Standard Heating & Air Conditioning

Name: Julie Hoscheid
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: International Agent @ Travel and Transport

Name: Nate Van Fleet
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Barback @ O'Leaver's
Drum Teacher @ School of ROCK

Name: Matthew Bryan Parker
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: University of Nebraska at Omaha

Name: Kaden Trosper
Org: Antifa Nebraska
Work: Hi Times Liquor Mart

>204 posts
>about a podcast that is popular enough that it gets 10's of thousands of views weekly
>on a board with 106 MILLION posts

>Nigger, they literally shit on /baph/ and this is what happened.
>inb4 I don't have to give proof lel lel just believe my D&C

204 OP posts

Let's not forget pic related is in there.

Might be possible check pic and link:

>haha ur jus antifa xddd look at how relavent TRS is were basically white nationalists but for normies haha streamlined haha were one in the same with evangelical, hitler, and ron paul all in one basket

They comprise primarily of gamergate retards who ran away from this place to go hang around an obvious kike honeypot for years.

I'm not too surprised they turned out to be even bigger autists than us, and now they're the kikes lapdogs.

How can you be so wrong?

get lost shabbos

>they aren't full blown nazis
>better dox em

Let's be absolutely clear. If you're doxing nationalists, you are the Jew. If you're doxing nationalists, you are the fag. If you're doxing nationalists, you are with antifa.

At no point in Sup Forums's history would this be up for debate. 5-6 morons who got played like fiddles by leftist trolls of one kind or another aren't changing that.

>Friends of CF

M8 I don't think his people are competent enough.

He attracts a lot of baptists and some orthodox. And I don't think random slav would give a fuck enough about the TRS and I don't see a baptist being competent with computers.

i just copied hungaribros post and it works quite well.

This place has 3300 OP posts per day

Dox Common Filth and this will end, every time someone from TRS gets doxed it comes from somebody who obsesses over Common Filth or is Common Filth himself. After the storm of anti-white shit he posted on his youtube and continues to post following his ban from TRS hes cultivates a mishmash of fundementalist christians and antifascist illiberal communists to attack TRS.

What about David "Appletree" Brotsky?

>haha dude they're on the same end of the political spectrum as us and are directly trying to lower our standards of ideological value to theirs lets just all be happery campers in the same boat and ignore the fact that there are huge gaps between what they believe and what we believe as well as ignore the fact they're trying to convert us.

M8 we don't dox Neocons. Since TRS is further right than Neocons and I don't know anyone who is far wing aproving of doxing it shows you are antifa.

Look anywhere from David Duke to CF and Cernovici and nobody would prove of that.

Is that the faggot who is obsessed with dog dicks?

Every time I find his dox being posted on twitter its by somebody who follows him, they may not be directed by him but they are all fans of his.

keep in mind this is just TRS, not even richard spencer or altright in general.



it was Sup Forums all along haha

>people actually believe this shit
>doxing people because you wrongfully believe they are pro fag

>what is the Overton window?

I don't advocate doxxing anyone who isnt a commie but i'm just pointing out that the whole 'its antifa theres no other reason for this conflict" is autism.


>fans of him

Are you sure. Everyone who doesn't hate fags hates CF and would gain a lot from blaming him. Further more if you do doxing you are not really christian then, which goes against CF's Christian fundamentalism.

forgot pic

>newfag 8gaggers got baited into being puppets for antifa

It's not autism if in the previous thread you even admitting to not browsing 8chn before anti TRS appeared.

Which leads me to think Gommie.

The same thing you kept memeing about last thread that i invalidated by pointing out that the alt right will just get gradually more left wing as time goes on.

A group within TRS called american vanguard is a good example of this
>start of fascist
>lower standards and become altright
>members are more moderate on average
>group becomes more moderate.

I enjoy common filth's content

Well they are as dumb as pigshit so is it any surprise.

Antifa was doxed as well to prove a point. TRS is infiltrated by goons. bulbasaur is a fucking nerd. TRS faggots poked the wasps nest and are surprised they got stung.

>Are you sure. Everyone who doesn't hate fags hates CF and would gain a lot from blaming him.
There are plenty of people on youtube and twitter who hate fags as much as he does.
>Further more if you do doxing you are not really christian then, which goes against CF's Christian fundamentalism.
And watching gay porn isn't?
>implying CF is consistent

>The same thing you kept memeing about last thread that i invalidated by pointing out that the alt right will just get gradually more left wing as time goes on.
>Gradually more left wing
>All the civic nationalists left last month

I'm not a gommie its just i've hated the altright since it started being shilled here so i hopped on the opportunity to have fun calling out cucks and not being memed for it.

I enjoy him and TDS too
people take this shit too seriously.

>and are directly trying to lower our standards of ideological value to theirs
Here's an idea: don't join them.
Wow, that's difficult!
I'm not Iron March-tier but I'm not exactly ok with doxing them because of that.

The only reason I could understand trying to ruin TRS is if they were openly trying to co-opt your movement. At worst they were shilling a bit.

>mods on Sup Forums
>reply to nigger hate thread once (ONCE)
>this happens

>tfw we made a false flag against ourselves and deteriorated one of the best Fashy communities in the process
Fug DDD:

No it's not "just antifa." It's a group of people who post on 8/pol/. What their other affiliations are? SA, CTR, /intl/, /baphomet/? Who knows who cares. Who is benefiting? Antifa. So it's either antifa or, more importantly, people getting played hard and effectively working for antifa. Either way, they suck.

This basically.

Long term is what i'm talking about here lad. Even if it were to somehow get right wing wouldnt this invalidate the normie pandering shit anyway?

Who FUCKING CARES. Alt-Right isn't a shilling topic, there are people who actually like the idea. I don't, but that doesn't make it evidence of LE TRS SHILLSTORM

These are the same people who were claiming a week ago that Stormfront was launching some grand crusade on Sup Forums to turn it into a nazi haven. It's 110% bullshit, and all of the stupid faggots who threw a tantrum over it are looking dumb as SHIT right now.

those bans are rare tho


>There are plenty of people on youtube and twitter who hate fags as much as he does.

Not really m8. Even on the right it's not seen as a good thing in the west.

>And watching gay porn isn't?

What are you imblying now?

I never thought I'd live to see the day plebbit get surpassed when it comes to autism and faggotry.

8gaggers seriously need to fuck off.

>implying Sup Forums isnt an antifa honey pot.

This place has been kiked, if you're not regularly being banned for calling out the ZOG your doing nothing to stop them.

Fucking this. The only people we have doxed are blatantly obvious sjw's that get people fired

Even if i don't join them other people will, it still effects the board. Thats like saying gays dont effect you just ignore them.

You guys at 8pol must love him then considering you're all hardcore faggots.

It is evidence though, the same type of threads pop up every day, it isnt just some anons defending themselves.

The thread was deleted immediately after so I'm sure that mod banned everyone in it. Funny how that thread got deleted and people got banned but nigger cuck threads and boipussy threads stay up. The mod here is compromised.

>wouldnt this invalidate the normie pandering shit anyway

Not if the Normies get more right wing which is the fucking plan you idiot.

Because the Turner Diaries are not going to fucking happen, especially not when most copies are covered in untermensch cum.

>Convinced 8/pol/ moderators (or just paid them to believe) that there was a concentrated effort on TRS to change 8/pol/s central ideology. So people began posting Dox that antifa has not been able to ever find for years of trying and some even emailing it directly to antifa.
> a concentrated effort on TRS to change 8/pol/s central ideology.

>8/pol/s central ideology.

We're dealing with autism levels that shouldn't even be possible.

RIP TRS. A candle that burns twice as brightly burns half as long.

Why do you care that some people like TRS. I learned about TRS from Sup Forums and I have listened ever since. TDS was one of the best ones.

I have seen nigger hate threads get archived recently

whoever that faggot was we tired him down

>Nigger, they literally shit on /baph/ and this is what happened.

/baph was always shit, Nigger.

There are 20 times more threads against TRS than there are shilling TRS MINIMUM

>Sup Forums
>Antifa honeypot

This place has been raided by asshurt lesbian antifa since the Right Wing Safety Squad threads and that faggot Spaniard who keeps making communist threads.

Thats rich coming from some alt-kike cock guzzler.

Here is the ex intern from the daily shoah.

When you have a problem with shilling you ban terms or get their mods to do their fucking jobs, you don't fucking dox them (not the right-wing ones anyway).
You're a faggot and you're effecting the quality of this board, I'm not going to dox you now am I.

but... did you know... THEY DIDNT WANT TO GAS ALL GAYS!! MUH JESUS!!!!!

But then you wont be able to move the overtan windows because it will cut off newfags. There nowhere for them to go but ruining their purpose. Either it will go left wing which will most likely happen (theyve recently had lots of advocating for jews), or theyll somehow go rightwing in which case theyll justr be as you say larpers.

Iron march had nothing to do with it. 8pol has been astroturfed by kike shills spreading d&c however they can.

The 8niggers small brains can't seem to comprehend this single fact. They'll continue to try and justify this by saying they got shilled. Therefore white nationalists and their families deserve to suffer.

That is maximum kikery in action.

I'm not the fag posting pics of dudes asses. That's you leaf. Why don't you take your Canadian ass back to the land of retards at 8pol.

> christians would destroy Front National because its vice president is gay

of course

Because people are shilling them here in a mass coordinated movement.

and all of those threads are filled with people claiming theyre just like us and that were two eggs in a basket.

never advocated for doxing.


Proper christians would.

That's still not evidence of a fucking conspiracy. What if it's just a troll? What if it's someone genuinely trying to start a conversation? How do you know this is all coming from TRS? The numbers don't add up dude.

Frankly my kneejerk reaction from all of this is to support the Alt-Right LARPers without reservation from now on. My criticisms have been silenced because whatever pisses off the cucklords responsible for this is objectively good.

>Shill your alt kike crap
>Get your teeth kicked in by the h8machine
>hurr durr on 4cuck about it
Im proving a point you trkike sodomite. You alt-kike rats messed with the wrong people.

no surprises, Christianity is the enemy of Nationalism

That the current Pope wants arabs, and that the crusaders destroyed Constantinople is not an accident

Seconded. There is no fucking debate to be had here.