The count of Frozen

it was cold night in Europe

Russia: 5 dead (frozen in cold)
Polaken Plumberstan: 160 frozen 12 children
Germany: 15 Frozen (homeless and 2 drunken polacken)
Romania: over 40 frozen (still counting)
Czech: 9 frozen
Slovakia: 3 frozen
Moldavia: 2 frozen
Bulgaria: 6 frozen
Baltic: (lit lat and incestonia) around 20 frozen
Finnland: 6 frozen
Norway: 1 frozen (actually he was just drunk and felt into cold water. heart attack fishes had breakfast with meat
Sweden: 3 frozen
Danish: 3 frozen
Ukraina: over 6030. still counting.
France 6 frozen
Britbong (no stat but around 10 accord social care)
Spain: 1 eaten by roaming dogs
Italia: 2 Hobos
Switzerland: 9.
Australia: 6 hobos and 1 tourist from Netherlands.
Belgia: 3
Netherlands: 4.
Portugal: no stats.
Balkans: no stats at all.


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just defroze them and they will be fine

I'm confused. Why thank America for people freezing to death in Europe?

>Polaken Plumberstan: 160 frozen 12 children
So what exactly went wrong here?

Also don't forget to pay your carbon tax to combat global warming

ukraine kek

>"refugees" betting on cryogenics
>migrating to the future for more gibs
oh god, nowhere is safe, not even the future

drunken villagers. cant afford taxi.

>there is no climate change!
>lolololol only warming counts


Is this Winter-chan's doing?

>Netherlands: 4.

That kind of thing shouldn't happen here, warmth is a civil right in this country and shelters should have opened up to take care of these people.

>Germany: 15 Frozen (homeless and 2 drunken polacken)
No mudslime dead from cold? I bet you offered your bed and your wife.
>Portugal: no stats.
No one ever dies of cold here

pretty comfy in Utah atm

Thank you Winter-chan!

let it snow


Press F to pay respect

All those brave men dying because of climate change, you could have prevented the global freeze Sup Forums


Because we did climate change. Remember to blame us again when the sea level rises.

You mean global warming which is real and happening right now.


Imagine, someone at Disney has a model of Elsa he can play with. What a lucky guy I wonder what her panties and feet look like

>No one ever dies of cold here

does. you are just more south. also dying of cold includes old jesers getting heart attack when going from hot spot into cold weather.

>So what exactly went wrong here?
Central Europe got really cold, really quickly.
Temperature over here in the last few weeks didnt go under about -5c, but we had about -20c last night.

If the world is warming up, how can it be getting cooler?

>Spain: 1 eaten by roaming dogs
holy shit man seriously

Do you have any sources?
It was cold as fuck here ... like -35°C but I found only one death in Czech Republic

out out out

>tfw I'm still walking around with a t-shirt while shitskins lie on the ground freezing to death all over the streets


seriously. why should roaming dogs refuse alcohol marinated meat lying near the road? its not even canibalism dude.


kek mate

>6 hobos

I'm actually sad about this desu, I know these type of guys and most are alright or unfortunately schizophrenic. Probably were local guys because all the gypsies "disappeared" when winter started.

many elsa pics are from tumblr
what do I care where they come from
or you for that matter

here -24c was the coldest one dead who burned his house down in some village

ice melting, oceans cool down

random bullshit with no valid source.
Kys faggot.

And then your frozen balls will drop to the ground.

It is -4 here in Greece and having a headache every time i go out. Also i hate snow, because i hate wet socks.

drumpf worsens global warming

>a "right" against nature
yeah, good luck taking it to court buddy

can someone post pics from tumblr of elsa and anna lezzing out?


>I'm actually sad about this desu,

why should this be sad? Gruppenführer Gunter just forgot to keep the fire going in the hobo hole and everyone went asleep into happy dream death. it is not the worst death for hobos.

That ain't too bad



>Poland 160 frozen
Calling bullshit. It's -20 degrees here during the nights but if the dead count was anywhere close to that number it would be all over the news. Especially with the kids: that never happens, only people that freeze to death during nights are homeless drunks.

Where the fuck did you get those numbers from
fucking retarded nigger

But wouldn't that put the blame squarely on the shoulders of DEMOCRATS!!!?!?!??! This cannot be!!!!!

hehe. around 400 died by burning their houses in Ukraine. no russky gas anymore. they try to burn shit and stolen wood. cant handle fire and die by poison gas or burning house.

I hate this fucking style so much.

German spreading lies as usual, please die
>since beginning of the year, around 21 people were frozen to death, mostly homeless

you are everything that is wrong with humanity condensed to one cancerous nation
please get outbred to oblivion faster by those submhuman filth you invited, world will be much better

Did russia cut off ukraines gas supply again?

This. There'd be media blasting this and probably even Duduś would make a comment.
Yet there's nothing.

>Calling bullshit.

stop using words of plumbing

fuck you liar
you are no better than a jew

We rarely go below 0º and our homes have no heating at all. Energy is also expensive so we stay indoors with some blankets or go to the mall.

>not editing the file name before saving it
kys kthxbye


We do not even have to kill you and rape your women now
you guys are so used to get fucked in the ass so when no one invaded you cunts for a while you asked turkey to rape your women
beyond pathetic
in 100 years the closest synonym of being inbred idiot will be german

still not a single source ?
nigga you should stop living in your fantasy.

morons refuse to take it at all. seriously. ukies president walzman informed that ukies are using now european gas from slovakia (which slovakia gets from russia) they even pay 250% more for it.

ukies are depending on red cross which puts out heated tents in the towns so old geezers and families can at least sleep in warm. around 1350 dead in ukraine because some of those tents failed to keep heat.

> be Russia
> have biggest city in Europe
> have biggest population in Europe
> have the coldest clima after scandinavia
> just 5 people die
And people say that vodka just lets you "feel" warm but doesn't keep you warm. Kek
I think that i will buy some vodka today.

Freezing to death while inebriated seems like the proper way to die for some. I can't argue with that.

oh you
don't be like that

The Ukraine says that they don't need russian gas and that they have enough of their own.
This is obviously not the case. But why should the pro-EU oligarchs care?

That's because when a normal human freezes, he dies. When a Russian freezes, he just needs to be put in the warm for a while and when he unfreezes he instantly goes back to cyka blyat vodka stalin.

They're just too drunk to count them all.

>We do not even have to kill you and rape your women now

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA seriously plumber. we literally fucked you for 5 years in WW2. (there was no polish female between 14 and 50 which hasnt roled over german soldier) most of our whores are polacken and you are trying to tell me what?


relax. russian got cold earlier. evolution already took its part there days before.

nigga it's false , don't you understand OP is trolling without any valid source ?

you should stop believing everything you see on Sup Forums and start to ask questions Krzysztof


German logic, just let it go

>being this butthurt

oh someone actually triggered you because your whole post is pure bullshit ? go back and prep the bull before he fuck your mom hans.

apply cream to burned anus, plumber. germanistan bringing the heat.

Alcohol freezes at a much lower temperature than water.

no it does not. I am an academic.

He's right though, people don't freeze to death in The Netherlands seeing how we are a first world country.

It was -4°C last night here. -10°C in some places in France.


Nobody froze in here even when it was -40 some days ago.

Even the best social security system can't save old people who go out for a walk at night, fall down somewhere, can't get up and die in the cold because nobody finds them (thats the usual frozen death we have here).

you are reading wrong reports.

Wtf, what shithole is the place in the pic

>i hate snow, because i hate wet socks.
Your choice of boots sounds really, really off to me.

Looks like that might be a US speed limit sign.


This was during a snowstorm in Raliegh, NC. They are not used to snow and there are your typical "I know better than anyone else" libtards you find in all American cities that end up doing this kind of fucking embarassing bullshit.

Source: I live in Western North Carolina.

Looks like Alaska.

But people in Alaska should know how to drive in snow. So it could be somewhere else in Murica too.

Do not believe you krautist, the girl in the front is fat so it must be America

Was it cold? I noticed a chill, not big coat weather yet though. I suppose the immigrants notice it more.

It hasn't been awfully cold here recently, we had a -2 night or something but that's it.

top kek retard at fines.

Actually a lot of old people here die of cold because all our houses are build to be cool in the summer, so they aren't prepared for the cold at all.

Join that with a lot of old people too stubborn to leave their stone, non-insulated houses and you have a lot of dead old people.

Probably more than any non-extreme cold country per capita, actually.

>Source: I live in Western North Carolina.
God bless you user.

>polaken plumberstan
it is -23 celsius where i am right now.



Siberian reporting. Never saw so warm winter, now it is only -9C (it is -25 -30 C usually this time).


>Also i hate snow, because i hate wet socks.
>the debt is so bad Greeks can't afford shoes

ukraine numbers are true?