Give me your ideas for advancing the human race, be it social, scientific, economical or political, share your thoughts on the best ways for us to overcome the large scale problems humanity faces in the "near" future.
I'm interested in exactly what percentage of Sup Forums believes we can/are changing for the better. Do you believe that you as an individual can contribute to overcoming our racial/religious divides?
If so, what is you plan, education path, dream job that would allow you to contribute?
( Astrophysics student, any position in ESA/NASA desu)
How much do you even care, also why?
Are said divides even relevant in the context of technology's exponential growth, are we too degenerate to focus on higher goals that would benefit our whole race, or is the dying out of old beliefs an imminent side effect of the advancement of our collective knowledge?
Which group of people would you say is the least conscious and self analytical, which group of people holds the most archaic beliefs, do you believe planet wide progress is impossible/extremely hard if those people die out?
Out of all the paths we could take in order to transcend into higher beings, which would you define as the most urgent or the most potentially fruitful? Pic related, Jupiter's moon Europa hosts a vast ocean of liquid water under a relatively thin ice sheet. The crater free surface of this moon suggests that Europa undergoes periodical crust renewal, due to the energy generated by Jupiter's tidal forces.
>Which group of people would you say is the least conscious and self analytical, which group of people holds the most archaic beliefs, do you believe planet wide progress is impossible/extremely hard if those people die out?
Which group of people would you say is the least conscious and self analytical, which group of people holds the most archaic beliefs, do you believe planet wide progress is impossible/extremely hard UNLESS* those people die out?
Jaxson Harris
sterilization eugenics
Xavier Wright
>Do you believe that you as an individual can contribute to overcoming our racial/religious divides? no, i am too dumb >How much do you even care, also why? a lot, because earth is shit >Which group of people would you say is the least conscious and self analytical, which group of people holds the most archaic beliefs muslims >Give me your ideas for advancing the human race, be it social, scientific, economical or political, share your thoughts on the best ways for us to overcome the large scale problems humanity faces in the "near" future. as much cash and resources for science as possible, that's the only thing i can think of. > Out of all the paths we could take in order to transcend into higher beings, which would you define as the most urgent or the most potentially fruitful? transhumanism, become cyborgs etc. extremely prolonged life span if not indefinite, could make us not need water/food/air.
but we all know it won't happen, this planet is hopeless
Ethan Allen
Do you believe that requires a large scale regime/movement or even a dominant national/political power in order to execute said idea?
Are you talking about allowing only healthy-intelligent humans to breed, or just a certain race?
Michael Kelly
Sadly, i would have to agree.
Grayson Walker
i wasn't even meme'ing, it's true as fuck
Joshua Ward
Would you say genetic engineering is the way to go, or should we transcend our human bodies altogether and focus on transplanting our consciousness in robotic/bionic bodies?
Adrian Nelson
Regardless, the first step is taking the trash out of the genepool.
Chase Young
Does that require initial violence, or even an all out war per se?
Nicholas Edwards
That's simpler, and solves a lot of problems right away instead of in 70 years so why the hell not. Probably cheaper too, unless you have some kickass virus lying around.
Nathan Scott
Don't forget kickass viruses go both way in terms of harm, so....only the higher humans should have access to the cure?
Lucas Robinson
i would just go full human upgrade into robotic bodies, a lot of negative stuff would become obsolete, like hunger,pollution,air,water etc. However we should leave the "brood" so humans can continue to grow. Let's say a huge group of males and females with superior genes to expand on humanity. That would be prestigious and very important role. They would become robotic by the end of their lives.
Hunter Robinson
bamp for bants
Alexander Harris
It would seem various groups of people are active at various times, not a lot of them now anyways. Still: Do you believe that even feelings would become obsolete at that point?
Christopher Gomez
>Do you believe that even feelings would become obsolete at that point? dunno, won't know before it happens
Nolan Parker
Liam Walker
It's obvious enough that we need to tame the sea first
We are stagnating at the moment because we aren't doing shit. Increasing welfare isn't a noble cause that can motivate people
Leo Thompson
>1 Incentivize geniuses to have children
(I know that even though cognitive and behavioral traits are largely heritable, extreme genius IQ largely isn't passed down from parent to child, but it will increase the chances)
>2 Disincentivize Africans, Bangladeshis, Indonesians, Arabs, and South Americans from having children
(Though let's keep a small crop for their human biodiversity in case some disease affects Whites and Asians that do not affect them)
>3 Work on GITS NAO transhumanism
>4 Nuclear power everywhere
>5 Space exploration
>6 Space colonization
>7 Thwart the death of the universe and/or universe hopping
>Inb4 faggot reads too much anime and reads too much sci fi
Jason Lee
>If so, what is you plan, education path, dream job that would allow you to contribute?
Unfortunately I'm just a bean counter accountant, with some side investments, but plan to do some pooled angel investing later on in life for legitimate research
>How much do you even care, also why? I care enough to worry about it on a daily basis, but not enough to go back to school for physics to become a mediocre lab gopher
>Are said divides even relevant in the context of technology's exponential growth, are we too degenerate to focus on higher goals that would benefit our whole race, or is the dying out of old beliefs an imminent side effect of the advancement of our collective knowledge?
The main problems IMO are 1. Demoralization among the West. We weed to get back to the same ethos has by the the Space Age USA and USSR.
2. Wasting time, resources, and energy on people with low ROI
>Which group of people would you say is the least conscious and self analytical, which group of people holds the most archaic beliefs, do you believe planet wide progress is impossible/extremely hard if those people [don't] die out?
Toss-up between Subsaharan Africans and Muslims. The former are less conscious and analytical, but the latter hold steadfastly to their archaic beliefs to the point of terrorism and war
>Out of all the paths we could take in order to transcend into higher beings, which would you define as the most urgent or the most potentially fruitful?
The most immediate is soft-Eugenics for the people that cannot make it in the new world, and instilling an invigorating philosophy for those that may but have embraced Nihilism
Alexander Jackson
>advancing first you need to kill off the (((elite))). Nothing advances when you have people actively trying to destabilize all civilization. then seperate everyone, every race gets an enthostate and nobody can immigrate. You can travel but cannot live permanently in a foreign land. People need to realize diversity is not our strength, its our greatest weakness
Samuel Russell
Your view seems to be a pretty comprehensive and analytical one, that being said, i don't think your current job and education level should discourage you from learning more. If you really care and wish for a deeper understanding of physics and related sciences, the internet is pretty much the most powerful tool you could wish for. Truth be told, a degree goes much further in the way of achieving the position you want, but you can learn just as much by self education. Being aware of how little you know, and how much you want to know is a huge step in that direction, so keep on the self analysis user
Parker Turner
You can travel but cannot live permanently in a foreign land. People need to realize diversity is not our strength, its our greatest weakness
Truer words are hard to come by, unfortunately, your opinion is a rare one, as the number of replies to this thread relative to the post time would suggest.
Cooper Perry
Daily space thread on pol I'd bump
Looks like space travel is gonna be private (Elon Musk) not nationalist (USA vs Russia [vs China]). Nation states have failed to prove that they wish to move past their own borders - unless it's to raise a flag and claim a tax.
ITT: many people speak of "trash" in the genepool. There's no such thing, evolution is blind. One man's genetic trash is another man's latent abilities. The deeper the pool, the more beautiful the blossoming.
I agree that part of the problem is demoralisation - by that we lack a utopian ideal that drags us humans forward to a better future. We seem only to be able to imagine an expansion of the problems of present-day Earth. Thus we need to build a positive vision for the future (PS. 'Muslims' aren't a race with a defined set of characteristics. There are also many races in 'Sub-Saharan Africa, some see it as the cradle of humanity)
No eugenics needed, just moar space threads
Jayden Gomez
>ITT: many people speak of "trash" in the genepool. There's no such thing, evolution is blind. One man's genetic trash is another man's latent abilities. The deeper the pool, the more beautiful the blossoming.
I strongly agree with this point. To observe the evidence of that claim you have to look no further than mathematics, take Ramanujan for example, a self taught genius who helped deepen a number of fields in math, off the top of my head his work on infinite diverging series is one of the most remarkable achievements of the human mind. Once you take into consideration the fact that her had no real infrastructure, no valid school system and no "privileges" to work with, you can really conclude that higher intellect is really not endemic to a certain race or geographic region. That would be a strong benefit to the growing human population, the fact that no matter how "bad" and "uncivilized" nations might seem, the potential achievements of it's members cannot be guessed simply by assuming they adhere to the average quota.
Eli Wood
free/dirt cheap energy generation or extremely efficient batteries
anything else is just spare change at this point
Evan Bennett
Abolish religion
Alexander Rogers
Globalism, one world goverment, world peace.
Nicholas Kelly
Exactly how much do you believe religion hinders us in the way of progress?
What's your stance on spiritualism? What would replace religion, education and self consciousness about our place in the universe? I agree we need to centralize our efforts to improve, we need to unite. Mind putting forward some possible ways that could be achieved? Are we already headed towards that, do we simply need time to let us grow and become smarter as a species?
Aiden Jenkins
I hear these arguments sure. But what will we do with all this power? 3D print 1000 cheeseburgers a second, thus dis-empowering our liberty further? What could you achieve with an uber-battery that you can't feasibly achieve now?
The deeper issue being addressed is the ideas which pull us forward, the shared dreams of our species - or of our biosphere [if you're hippy enough]. As well as the place of the individual human in this maelstrom.
>Is the universe tending towards self-awareness? >Is entropy going to dampen the flame of life? >Will my laptop run out of battery before i solve the captcha?
Sebastian Nelson
Remove liberals.
Jason Nelson
>Do you believe that you as an individual can contribute to overcoming our racial/religious divides? By not caring about religion and by raising my kids to become MINT >If so, what is you plan, education path, dream job that would allow you to contribute? Studying Chemistry, haven't decided in which exact direction i will orientate >( Astrophysics student, any position in ESA/NASA desu) basically everything MINS/STEM economical,medicaland educational jobs are also important >How much do you even care, also why? I devote my life to learning >Are said divides even relevant in the context of technology's exponential growth, are we too degenerate to focus on higher goals that would benefit our whole race, or is the dying out of old beliefs an imminent side effect of the advancement of our collective knowledge? Not everyone is made for science. Not everyone is interested in it. We need people who do the basic jobs and sustain the force equilibrium which makes poor and uneducated people where they are. The third world needs time. >Which group of people would you say is the least conscious and self analytical, which group of people holds the most archaic beliefs, do you believe planet wide progress is impossible/extremely hard if those people die out? I don't know much about people in other countries. >Out of all the paths we could take in order to transcend into higher beings, which would you define as the most urgent or the most potentially fruitful? Genetical enginering, non darwinian evolution, birth control for the people who are incapable of beeing self-sufficient, general birth control- not more than 3 kids as you can't raise them in a adequate way. technological progress Don't see a authorization for religion desu but also ne need to forbid it. Its like smoking
Andrew Howard
I sincerely hope that someone gets atomic energy really going. By this I mean compact reactors, thorium or fusion it does not matter. Its imperative to have enough energy because advancing anything requires energy, and the energy-density of nuclear power is the key to many great things. We just have to figure out a way to extract this power more efficiently than its done today.
Daniel Cruz
This. Also, what is the role of life as a mere property of matter, what is the goal of sentience, aside from the obvious inherent goal of life; The continuous and repeated dissemination and renewal of genetic information. Could sentient being be the ultimate goal of the universe? Suppose we overcome the problems of today, and prosper for millions, heck, billions of years, eventually stretching our influence further and further into space, what goals will drive us then? What worlds and dimensions will be the stuff of our dreams once we reach interstellar/intergalactic space?
Point is, life is an amazing thing, and it might very well be up to us to keep it around, and kick start a new era of evolution. We know too little to be so pessimistic about what can be
Cooper Gonzalez
Religion is an ever receding antiquated explanation for the world. It sees science as a threat since it demystifies many of the things religion offered supernatural explanations for. Because of this religion is usually anti-science, more or less depending on the religion. Christianity weaponizes its perceived monopoly on morality to change public opinion and defund/make research into certain fields impossible. You can see this with stem cell and certain parts of genetic research, as one example in between many. Islam is just cancer, both for science and socially. No need to go into detail there. Judaism basically has the same problems as Christianity, only it's more tame from what I've seen.
Brandon Bennett
I believe fusion is the way to go, in terms of clean, "safe" nuclear energy at least. We need to figure out how to recreate the required pressure equivalent to large scale gravitational forces observed in stars. My bet is magnetism is the way to go about it.
Angel James
your pic reminds me of pic related
Sentience has no goal, it is an emergent phenomena. Speaking of phenomena as sentient themselves is animistic. I'm not against animism or spirituality, but I feel it is more ointment for the human condition than divine light seeping through the cracks. >kick start a new era of evolution Were you not here for the current year? The memes have actually taken over. The cycling of information through time is not just limited to being carried by genes solely. Life on Earth was the vehicle for genetic replication. Human minds became a vehicle for new replicators to come to the fore - memes. These ideas, transcend the individual mind, propagate themselves and have an evolutionary sphere of their own. We are also reaching the stage whereby informational memes can be spread without humans, through computers and AI. Therefore the goals or ideas 'we' will have in a few thousand years, a few thousand parsecs away, will be radically different, almost unrecognisable to us today. However their tree of evolution will have its roots in today, the present. That's why I want daily space threads, to fill the 'memory pool' (to borrow a blockchain term) with positive ideas and new frontiers.
Science is a religion - religion requires BELIEF, as in science. Feel free to disprove, but go for quality of evidence, not quantity ;)
Brandon Moore
>to fill the 'memory pool' (to borrow a blockchain term) with positive ideas and new frontiers
That's precisely why this thread, and the one yesterday was made. Pic related
Alexander Nguyen
Lucas Brown
Bump for Transhumanism
Oliver Fisher
>Give me your ideas for advancing the human race, be it social, scientific, economical or political, share your thoughts on the best ways for us to overcome the large scale problems humanity faces in the "near" future. >I'm interested in exactly what percentage of Sup Forums believes we can/are changing for the better. >Do you believe that you as an individual can contribute to overcoming our racial/religious divides? >If so, what is you plan, education path, dream job that would allow you to contribute? >( Astrophysics student, any position in ESA/NASA desu) >How much do you even care, also why? >Are said divides even relevant in the context of technology's exponential growth, are we too degenerate to focus on higher goals that would benefit our whole race, or is the dying out of old beliefs an imminent side effect of the advancement of our collective knowledge? >Which group of people would you say is the least conscious and self analytical, which group of people holds the most archaic beliefs, do you believe planet wide progress is impossible/extremely hard if those people die out? >Out of all the paths we could take in order to transcend into higher beings, which would you define as the most urgent or the most potentially fruitful? >Pic related, Jupiter's moon Europa hosts a vast ocean of liquid water under a relatively thin ice sheet. The crater free surface of this moon suggests that Europa undergoes periodical crust renewal, due to the energy generated by Jupiter's tidal forces. >Showing all replies.
HAHAHAHAHAHA you Speak of Science...
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Luke Cook
bump for patterns that repeat throughout the universe
Jack Torres
> (You) >Kek'd
Rothschild Moneys HAHAHAHAHA
Jeremiah Taylor
Bump for fractal verse
Ethan Taylor
Before the space revolution will be the transhumanist revolution, which we are edging into at the moment.
Humans have to get accustomed to modifying their bodies. We already have prosthetic legs that allow people to run faster than any natural human body, virtual reality devices, chips that monitor our condition and alert emergency services, and metal exoskeletons that let us lift many times our own weight.
Soon we'll be meshing the nervous system into prosthetics and cybernetics more intricately and we'll see some incredible advancements. >Genetic modification makes the rich stronger, faster, healthier, better looking, resistant to disease >Organ replacements, artificial organs, and modified organs push our body's functions into further efficiency and prolong our lives >The majority of jobs are replaced by machines, the human population reduces, and universal basic income becomes the norm >The elites eventually form an immortal separate species that can change into different bodies as they please >People live significant portions of their lives in virtual reality >Self replicating drones make up 99% of space research and economics, they seek out resources to build more of themselves and spread across the galaxy like a virus harvesting resources and exploring >AIs flood the Internet and produce content on their own >The brain is linked to machines that can print visualizations as images, forever revolutionizing all visual arts
Or, we'll go into regression, or hackers/disaster destroy the transhumanist utopia.
Xavier Richardson
>Or, we'll go into regression, or hackers/disaster destroy the transhumanist utopia.
I sweat that brought me down so much...such a contrast to the heights we could reach. What would you say are the chances of us actually succeeding in transcending our current bodies/beliefs? Obviously if we do, it's gonna happen in the next 50-100 years.
Camden Clark
How likely do you think it is that the top 1% is going to turn into immortal super-beings while everyone else is herded around like farm animals?
John Ortiz
>regression Humans are already shown to be a regressed juvenile form of hominid. We have a lack of body hair [some of us], we have a cranium that is impractically large, we take many years to become self-sufficient. It's called neoteny.
>hackers hackers act based on certain principles (memes), even if they are wild and far from the norm they still reflect change in a dynamic system.
>disaster disaster, even a mass extinction event, hasn't stopped the process of evolution on Earth. Eucalyptus trees wait for a massive wildfire to ravage the forest, the heat causes a cycle of seeding and germination which means after the fire, rises the phoenix (new trees). This is true of many species, a disaster meerly widens the niche for evolution.
Don't be a scared of change.
Mason Carter
Asher Sanders
Abolishment of the state and creation of an ancap world, the state is the most dysgenic enforcer ever known.
Carson Williams
Nathan Wilson
please clearly define progress or advancement.
Samuel Foster
As shocking as it may seem, i don't find it that likely. You see, knowledge and information in general have a way of getting out to the masses, sooner or later. Big, life changing advancements will be so beneficial to the human race, that it would make virtually no sense to apply them to only 1% of the population. Mainly because at that point, immortal super-beings would have to be omnipotent or near omnipotent in order to achieve everything they desire on their own, and that is a long ways ahead of us. That being said, i would strongly agree that the one percent are currently surely benefiting form medical care applied on no one else. Also, i can't seem to picture a process in which every human being would be gifted with a new robo/bio body and basically a set of super powers, meaning at least half of "us" won't make it into the "chosen cycle"
Chase Barnes
Carson Stewart
Sterilize all those with an IQ below 100
Andrew Evans
>Do you believe that requires a large scale regime/movement or even a dominant national/political power in order to execute said idea? Nah, we just pay niggers to get sterilized. They are incapable of thinking about the long term and will do it for a quick buck.
Sebastian Sanders
Isn't that like trying to drain water from a boat by drilling a hole in the bottom?
Easton Morgan
>Do you believe that you as an individual can contribute to overcoming our racial/religious divides? Yes i do. I'm not important, I won't be, but change starts from me. I can't make demands or whine unless I'm working hard myself. Also: to take pride in own race and country, but respect others. We're different, and that's good. Instead of mixing everyone and making everyone equal, we should exploit these differences, to make most of it.
>What is you plan, education path, dream job that would allow you to contribute? I'm a forester, and I think further education in this faculty is my dream. Also, I want to teach others in the future. We shouldn't focus only on understanding other people, but also on understanding and caring about our common home. In my opinion, if you respect and care about enviroment, you do so about humans. Don't confuse me with some green-retard, because I'm talking about mutual benefits here, both for us and the planet.
>How much do you even care, also why? I care a lot, even though I am aware, that I'm unimportant. And why... Tough question. Reomantic reasons I guess, I'm very naive and idealistic.
>Which group of people would you say is the least conscious and self analytical Any kind of extremism. World is not black and white.
>Out of all the paths we could take in order to transcend into higher beings, which would you define as the most urgent or the most potentially fruitful? Bioengineering, biocybernetics. As a species, we are going to be obsolete soon in comparison to our technology. Augmenting our mental capabilities and strenghtening our bodies (I mean our immune systems and such, no fuckin superman superpowers) may soon be necessity.
Deals with the foundations of human nature in wanting to explore, the necessity of humanity cultivating these foundations, and also what is needed in many areas of society to actualize its potential and make exploration possible
Owen Miller
and why should i believe that this guy has it all figured out?
Xavier Jackson
And yet, selective breeding allows to focus on certain path of development. If you speak of mathematics and probability, then you should know, that even probability can be directed to some extend.
Josiah James
That's quite a comprehensive outlook on our predicament, way to go, user, way to think!
Parker Taylor
based polebro. you have great forests! pic related. the Pole who made it in2 space
next OP please don't bait racists just 4 bumps plz
had a look through, no offense if you're the author, but it reads like 'one man's treatise on the problems of society
Hudson Foster
>yes goy there are definitely other planets out there
Cooper Mitchell
Eliminating the filth holding us back is the best way to advance our species.
David Morgan
>even probability can be directed to some extend.
That's quite right, but still, direct evidence that higher intellect is in principle a trait that can be passed on is yet to be found. Approaching the problem from an evolutionary stand point, a certain trait won't get passed on from parent to child if it's not intimately beneficial for the survival of said offspring. Also, this in no way means that intellect cannot be a inheritable trait, it just isn't in most cases.
Aiden Nguyen
The real question is if you are ready to understand.
Discovering the fundamental tenets of human nature is a "crazy kook manifesto on the problems of society"?
Carson Lewis
Australians BTFO
Benjamin Sullivan
Jose Jones
Reminder that space conquest remains an utopia in the current state of the human body and of our healthcare capabilities. This is why those who speak of transhumanism are probably right, even though a lot of us including me are deeply skeptical on the implications. But it will be the price to pay to move on, most likely.
Eli Reyes
>Probability can be directed Proof/evidence? I'd be interested to see something on this. As I see it, probability is good for using in models, yet unhelpful when applied to ""real-life cases""
so you are the author. post the full text and i'll give you a full review. but you haven't 'discovered' any tenets. the animal vs cerebral debate in humans is a pub-tier discussion. same for your equivocation on greed and power. but i hate to be too harsh, at least you pondered, you wrote, you permutated
yup, unsolved issues include >human lifespan vs. distances in space >long term radiation exposure
Elijah Hill
Well, yep. I've heard a story about ugly genius, who wanted his children to be both intelligent and beautiful, and ended up with ugly, stupid kids. Anyway, I think it CAn be passet. Look at selective breeding among dogs. Some races are more intelligent, some are less.
>a certain trait won't get passed on from parent to child if it's not intimately beneficial for the survival of said offspring Well, we can make it "intimately beneficial fir the survival" by not letting mentally handicapped people breed, and use genes of those "superior". Nature and evolution does not see the difference. And why should it? Naturally, not breeding equals with death, weaker ones die out without offspring. I guess we could do the same with our species, however I'm just speculating
Mason Brooks
I thought the Serb shill was just going to go to Canada, too bad he's so short he'll be -6 feet tall by the time the Right-Wing Death Squads arrive.
Jayden Sanders
1) The first thing to do would be let third world shitholes fend for themselves and deport all illegal citizens.
2) remove liberal ideals either by deportation, execution or imprisonment
3) invest heavily in science and technology
4) as third world shitholes collapse, invade them for increased resources
5) eventually create moon base for a jump off point for future space colonization/exploration
6) eventually condemn libshits to asteroid mining
Easton Russell
It's not only radiation. Bone mass dramatically reduces in space, to the point where a several years mission is likely to make the astronauts rachitic, affecting their health for life. To my knowledge this is the biggest hurdle (distances may be reduced by new propulsion technologies, and there's heavy work being put into radiation management)
Owen Russell
>6) eventually condemn libshits to asteroid mining
>I'm interested in exactly what percentage of Sup Forums believes we can/are changing for the better. Define better. I'm pretty okay with current trends but I love watching how other people, preferably far enough from me, suffer.
>Do you believe that you as an individual can contribute to overcoming our racial/religious divides? I'm pretty okay with divides. Unless we meet aggressive aliens they are beneficial to humanity in the long run same way as biological mutations in human genome.
>If so, what is you plan, education path, dream job that would allow you to contribute? Sit and eat popcorn.
>How much do you even care, also why? Not much as long as there is no nuclear war.
>Are said divides even relevant in the context of technology's exponential growth, are we too degenerate to focus on higher goals that would benefit our whole race, or is the dying out of old beliefs an imminent side effect of the advancement of our collective knowledge? Old beliefs will die or mutate and new will come. History has many examples of that.
>Which group of people would you say is the least conscious and self analytical, which group of people holds the most archaic beliefs, do you believe planet wide progress is impossible/extremely hard if those people die out? As long as people dying do not count in millions I don't care.
>Out of all the paths we could take in order to transcend into higher beings, which would you define as the most urgent or the most potentially fruitful? Stuffing the idea of "higher beings" up the OPs ass so hard that he will choke on it. There is currently at least two approaches to practical immortality being probed (genetics and cybernetics) but they don't have anything to do with "higher beings".
Frankly I would have preferred more resources given to people working on space propulsion and related technologies. Humanity desperately needs a new frontier be it Solar System or better yet stars.
Diversity is a strength as long as it is maintained properly. But "multiculturalism" actually kills diversity because it melts groups and cultures together transforming them into bigger monocultures.
Cross-pollination with ideas and genes through travellers/media is okay. Mashing cultures and nations together until what is left is some kind of brown shit is not.
Jose Allen
So much nihilism. Do you really do not care at all, or trying to be edgy? Sometimes I wonder what goes through head of people who really don't care. Minds without greater ideals
in the case of the American frontier "Every generation moved further west and became more American, more democratic, and more intolerant of hierarchy. They also became more violent, more individualistic, more distrustful of authority, less artistic, less scientific, and more dependent on ad-hoc organizations they formed themselves. In broad terms, the further west, the more American the community." Ray Allen Billington, America's frontier heritage (1974)
Frontier theory is interesting, more space causes a diffusion of power, into the hands of the people. This, in the American case, spurred a rise in violence and self-organisation. Both of these things are 'good' for evolution; although they may not be as fun for the individuals on the frontier.
Benjamin Kelly
it bugs me that i think this pic is edited. i had nearly the same pic as a background and it was a full picture. someone added the dark area at the bottom to it instead of it being really getting dark.
Aiden Smith
a) Build the friggin' space elevator. b) Build reasonable cost orbital factories/stations. c) Factories build space freighters. d) Freighters tug asteroids into near-earth orbit. e) Harvest ores and build more elevators, larger stations, ships and factories. f) Repeat steps a to e
Adrian Lee
They make the fundies in America and African Witch doctors look like philosopher kings by comparison.
Ayden Walker
Frenchie doesn't quite get "indigenous"
Levi Martin
Those ideas are horrible.
Robots would do asteroid mining far better.
Isaiah Cruz
What's the point of having said "farm animals" in any other role besides pets? Even now many physical tasks are given to robots and this trend will continue. It's much more beneficial to have upgraded humans as your support and entertainment. Artificially stunting their development will mean that group without such limitations will have good chances to pull forward leaving you in the dust.
Joshua Turner
Low. The elite would want everyone to be wired into the system and be unable to survive without the science-social net. If the lower class were left fully human, then they could hack and crash the system without destroying themselves.
Justin Bennett
I'm not actually nihilistic. I just think that all this talk about "better world" and "higher beings" is complete bullshit. While centralisation of world's resources and powers can be beneficial in the short term but unless there is a project that absolutely must be undertaken as fast as possible there is not much benefit to it in the long run except for some people exploiting this power.
If people don't see a reason to cooperate and achieve some mutual goals trying to press them together through outside forces will result in an "explosion" which will fuck up one trying to do it (and everything in his immediate vicinity). Unless said "explosion" is your desired result there is no point in spending time and resources on such a project.
Jace Walker
>Remove Jews >Shekels no longer the most important thing in the world >Mankind advances the way it did at the beginning of the last century before the (((monopolies))) came about >Pure coincidence
Lucas Turner
>A moon called Europa >Europa It should be a home world for people of European Ancestry only. Seriously though, if we just kept the majority of everyone from every race from cross breeding and keeping half breeds to a minimum along with encouragement of etho-nationalism and scientific advancement, we could end up having a planet for each race. A homeworld for whites, a planet for blacks, a planet for Indians, East Asians, Arabs, "Native" Americans, yeah bruh, they can ALL have their own damn planets
Tyler Scott
>Robots would do asteroid mining far better.
Probably, but the idea is to set up extraterrestrial colonies, societies, cultures, frontiers....
Earth is getting too small and humanity cannot survive as a monoculture.
Adam Hill
Diffusion of power, diffusion and mutation of cultures, new ideas, more merit based choices in family creation. Creation of isolated pockets that will develop through their unique paths instead of along Earth-based. And so on.
The big problems are going to be obsolescence of the working/middle class. There will be a tipping point where it is cheaper to run machinery/ai for so many former jobs that the owners will just accumulate wealth faster and faster while the workers can't earn anything since they are in no demand. This will almost certainly happen during this century.
How do we deal with this? Well the violent ways are
1. reduce population to the point where we can maintain a welfare status quo, probably through war or possibly disease.
2. Violent uprising against the owners. Which would just delay the problem since new owners would pop up while the technology still exists.
3. Destruction of the technology/knowledge base. Most likely with a religious cleansing of academics.
The less violent ways are;
1. Making technology that allows someone to compete of at least provide for themselves available to everyone.
2. Basic income + taxation to the point where profits can't accelerate. Probably not possible to enforce.
3. Reset of the economy, through space colonisation.
Bonus option: Have an ai be an owner with the imperative of enforcing rules on the owner class in the interest of the former working class.
Are we on the way? Probably towards the violent options at the moment, and who knows maybe those are the best option at least for the few who can benefit.
Samuel Butler
I want augmentation
I want to be impervious to harm.
I want bullets and mortal man made weapons such as firearms , explosives a thing of the past when used against me