Well Sup Forums?

well Sup Forums?


I will not suck on plastic.

So all the men she fucked before, she fucked through a cloth? No physical contact with vagina directly?

Fucking retarded nigger whoever made that picture

just because the candy has a wrapper doesn't mean someone hasn't opened it up and put their dick all over it before

How am I supposed to see if I like the candy if it's wrapped, fucktard?

hillary needs a hijab I guess

Do you really compare women as object you shitlord ?

>Objectifying women
Classic Islam.

Really made me think, what a great 1 to 1 comparison

you can also use this logic for condoms

Plastic doesn't taste good

Wrapped one

you get to unwrap it at home once the flies are not around
who doesnt
who doesnt
yes but at least flies wont be jerking off and taking pics of ur wifey

I find it funny that muslims compare themselves to flies

Maybe if you weren't such a smelly mudslime you wouldn't be covered in fleas

If people were actually able to be compared to food, this thread wouldn't suck massive amounts of cock.

I prefer muslims out of my country.

Whichever one doesn't explode

>A food analogy

ITT: austists who can't understand a simple fucking metaphor

60% white

>women are things to eat


there are people who fuck candies?

I eat candies
there are not many joys in my life
no AI GF
no real one either
but candies are around and I can lick them all I want

I have to unwrap it to eat it you fucking retard

But here's the thing: women aren't candy. I know that muslims consider women like objects but I think whites should have a higher standard.

>Muslims admitting they're like insects who can't resist jumping on something appealing at the first opportunity

Hijab indicates the wearer is inherently violent and intolerant, following a death cult founded by a pedophile, slave trading, warmonger. Keep it in sandland.

Well women aren't disposable for one

Id prefer all Muslims left my country.

The candy being wrapped most of the times doesn't mean it hasn't been passed around hundreds of sandniggers in the dark caves of the ghetto.

>equating muslims to flies on shit
I like it.

What's wrong with monging war? You're not going soft on us, are you?

candies are bad for your teeth

The flies represent muslims in this metaphore, right?

I prefer an unopened can of soda over a can of soda someone put their penis into.

you shouldn't drink soda in the first place

0.6% of the population isn't so bad

Maybe let our female counterparts be free fucking human beings just like us?
Freedom bitch,don't like it? Go to Europe

Change hijab for foreskin and it really shits on muslims

In islam skin is candy

So the entire argument for Hijabs is that it keeps the rapist muslim men at bay?

top cec

Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.

Don't eat candy
Don't fuck sand niggers.


because women are not fucking lollipops

>muslim men are insects
checks out

I find this offensive to me as women not wearing "Hijab" nor muslim. --no women said ever--

How will I know if the candy is wearing a vest made of C4 if it's covered in wrapping?

>all men are insects
you raw bacon

If men are flies, then why would I care? I'm a fly too.

Bacon is delicious. You would know that if you didnt have a dumb superstition.

What is the best field to study at university for a Sup Forums dweller?

I have no damn clue and I'm planning to go to one of top British universities towards some history or politics

Sorry if this is wrong category but I think fellow Sup Forumsacks have the best answers

make your own thread you retard

ah fuck I posted it accidently in a thread, move along, nothing to see here

so fucking sorry I thought I'm on main site


oh, no problem

I'd rather have a good old British lollypop


pic related

I love how the liberal left are all for covering women up when they don't have a choice to.

no human need bacon to live.

who creates these kind of completely nonsensical pictures?

would you prefer an unwrapped banana or a wrapped one? OF COURSE THE UNWRAPPED BANANA BECAUSE A WRAPPED ONE TASTES LIKE SHIT

>comparing a human to candy
>that strawman argument

classic Sup Forums

In Canada there is a cosmetiques store that only hire muslim women.


what do you say about this ?

Imagine the Devil made a meat so delicous that it could tempt you away from your faith. That is what bacon tastes like.

You must convert to bacon, or die.

Africans like it unwrapped

no human need islam to live

So you're
a): comparing women to food
b): Admitting that you're a fly
c): Saying that you'd rather eat plastic
d): Admitting that you have animalistic instincts and jump onto anything that looks remotely appealing?

k lol

> Comparing women with candy


>using canada in an argument unironically


Gotta keep those ankles looking pretty

you are incorrect friendo

oh really i didnt Know that billions lived before islam.

whatcha gonna do when the day of judgement comes for you.


The one on the left explodes at random killing people foolish enough to import them.

> I must only do something if I need it to live

No human needs to act retarded on Sup Forums to live. Stop doing it.

Unfortunately, when they shutdown the internet to everything, pictures like those will be the only thing left to see.

makes no sense. try again

I prefer a candy that's not going to blow up the whole place.


ima read shitty fanfic about sandnigger tribes n shit

> makes no sense

According to your comment here you are absolutely retarded. I don't expect you to understand when you talk random shit. Kys sandnigger

Bacon is a meme.

i hate candies, i prefer fresh meat.

Sup Forums is a feminist board

also not being inbred. Go look at your family tree and check if your ancestors were first cousins because that shit's permitted in your holy book (also would explain your mental state)

Nothing as your jewish foreskin god isnt real.

I can't believe this meme is comparing human lives to candy. Just like Donald Trump Jr.s comparison of muslim extremists to skittles! Sad.

its crystal clear you doesnt matter .

Lost war to bird

I honestly thought this was about circumcision.

>day of judgement

no such thing, allah doesn't exist

noice get


Nothing more romantic than giving foreskins as gifts.

Its one of the best, cheap meats. Its not the best meat. Duck, lamb, aligator and beef are all better if prepared correctly.


