Has anyone here had experience with psychics or even had a psychic experience themselves? I have trustworthy friends who vouch for a reader in my area and have also claimed to experience minor psychic events.
Are we capable of connecting to knowledge and being that is entirely a-priori? Or is it all bullshit?
Been reading Guenon and Evola recently so I'm interested to hear what you guys think.
No. I only believe in what can be tested and proven. If you magical powers suddenly stop working when people stop believing in them, you're a fucking fraud
Luis Smith
It seems to be a no-brainer YES when on LSD. I've had experiences while not on LSD with my gf. This in a state of rem sleep.
Evan Phillips
Money is a fraud then. Finnish friend, I am Mickey Mouse and you are Donald Duck. Will you fight or perish like a dog?
Isaac Cook
I believe in Kekvoyance
Nathaniel Rodriguez
kek wills it
Julian Harris
>Money is a fraud then. Technically, yes. Money is really just paper after all.
Henry Edwards
>hinidda Kek does speak in mysterious ways
Adrian Thomas
Nathaniel White
Nonsense. The only truth there is, is memes
Reality is nothing but an extension of memes.
Connor Bennett
As fragments of God, our collective consciousness does indeed shape reality
Samuel Brooks
>Been reading Guenon and Evola
Then you should read Guénon's book Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion and The Spiritist Fallacy
Most of this new-age psychism, spiritualism, spiritism, auras, past-lives hogwash can be traced to 20th-21st century Theosophy of Madame Blavatsky. Guénon was highly against all this "phenomena" and exposes both the spiritualist and theosophical doctrine in these books. Guénon also rejected the idea of reincarnation.
Carter Wilson
Mickey Mouse is a manlet, opinion discarded
Zachary Perry
>I'm an idiot and I have trustworthy friends who are also idiots.
Levi Perez
Jose Rogers
Psychics are gypsy scum that use the power of suggestion (much like John Edwards) to manipulate their patrons. Paired with cold reading they simply play a mind trick on you, manipulating emotions for money.
There is no legitimate claim to or practice of this outside of the lower class of people. Seers or clerics with visions suffered from mental illness and needed to be culled rather than coddled, historically speaking.
My sister's name was Tara. Her boyfriend shot her because she refuses to get an abortion. Both her and her unborn son died. Shame that, but it happened. Went to a seer in Asbury Park. New Jersey. World famous fortune teller/psychic. I simply requested her to "tell me about Tara" to which she ventured into a belligerent rant about treating my girlfriends better and she forsaw our relationship picking back up some years down the road...we'd have children etc etc etc.
Don't waste your time and money on gypsies. I learned my lesson.
Ayden Jenkins
The clairvoyant in question told my friends stuff they didn't even know and had to ask their parents about.
One friend was told that her mother had lost a 7th child (bear in mind she has 5 siblings and didn't even mention this or give her full name to the psychic). She asked her father about this and he admitted that her mother had a miscarriage between her and her younger brother.
Again she didn't know this. The psychic had his eyes closed the entire time as well. He wasn't reading her for a reaction.
Wyatt Rivera
I dont believe in anything supernatural. J. Krishnamurti (who is considered a genius) was a person completely rooted in truth and was very legit. He spoke of ESP and healing. But he spoke of these things in a very scientific way. He said when you dont live a normal way of life you heal different, you sleep different. Mind you the senses are involved in such health which is why he also spoke of ESP. When he spoke of ESP he simply spoke of its literal meaning. When one lives an uncommon, but sane and healthy life their senses are no long being worn down and degraded by the unhealthy and unsane way of life that is common. This makes the senses more sensitive. TO understand what he meant was very deep but he always spoke about the confidence of being an outsider and when we dont have that confidence we are tethered to the normal way of life. And therefore our health and senses are tethered to that unhealthy way of life.
He was a very smart man. Possibly more genius than einstein although he claimed he didnt believe in such measurement. And i agree.
He also said that ghost were rubbish, that he didnt believe in god and that UFOs werent currently an important thing to be concerned with.
Hes all over youtube.
Angel Perez
>about 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, and more than 80 percent of these losses happen before 12 weeks.
1/5 chance at being right. At least the gypsy says things that are commonly correct or good estimated guesses.
Levi Myers
BTW im the guy that wrote this:
Why dont we as Sup Forums, as Trump supporters, have the initiative to rid our countries and the world of this evil known as BLM, hatred towards whites, globalists, sexual violence towards us by our own women and so on and so on?
Its because we dont have cohesion and unity between us, which is what they want. When we are pursuing pleasure, when we have mental security that we fall asleep in, when we have our ambition or egotism and we feel rewarded for being pat on the back by blacks we dont have this kind of cohesion and initiative, which is necessary. Without this initiative and its resulting movement of cohesion and necessary action amongst us we are inevitably fucked. It may be 4 years, it may be 30, but if we dont fuck these people when we have the chance, we are invariably fucked.
We must rid these people. Fuck em, they deserve to die. I think most of us can agree on that.
But when we try to one-up each other, when we are arguing amongst ourselves and vetting each other (for example throwing rednecks under the bus while feeling proud to be pat on the back by blacks) we're fucking our whole race. That is not intelligence.
We need to fuck these people and fuck them hard.. We dont have time for cuckservatives.
P.S. Those black people patting you on the back are laughing at you behind your back.. we all know this. Lets stop lying to ourselves and fuck these people hard.
Levi Brooks
>Are we capable of connecting to knowledge and being that is entirely a-priori? Or is it all bullshit?
not at all, i was with a gypsy last night and she told me, son, tomorrow you will be shitposting and you will run into op who is a fag but he does not know it yet. Op, gypsy told me you going to have gay sex next week.
Wyatt Powell
I know this is going to sound autistic but I swear to god I've had a few instances where I could see what was going to happen. No matter how hard I tried to fight against it the scenario I saw always happened. Trying not to say or do what I saw me do in the "vision" was a weird as fuck feeling, it was like I was paralyzed from doing anything other than what was shown to me.
Since then I've had a fear of destiny and that everything we do is already predetermined.
Kayden Phillips
>No, seriously, me and my friends are fuckin idiots.
I believe you, user.
Dylan Wilson
So its guesswork and cold reading? With some luck involved?
David Lee
I had a feeling you were going to make this thread OP
Ayden Cruz
BTW i forgot to mention that J. Krishnamurti also said that the brain, which is the mind is basically no different than a muscle. A muscle can be worked and it basically has no boundries if we know how to work it. It can be brought to pristine healthy and strength. The brain is also like this, but we dont understand it and understand how to bring it to pristine optimization. In our minds we are tethered to the way of life which degrades the senses through wear because we dont understand the factors involved, just as the caveman did not understand how to be an athlete or body builder. This also explains why there are idiot savants and why they are autists. Now, autists are not normal and their mind is not cohesive to what is normal.. It lacks the adjustment and understanding of social skills and what is involved in being normal and the adjustment thereof.. We know alot about this here.. To see the connections between these things is very interesting and important.
Daniel Gonzalez
Yes. It's a scam. Don't invest in it.
Hudson Martin
You should introduce yourself to U.G Krishnamurti.
>He was unrelated to his contemporary Jiddu Krishnamurti, although the two men had a number of meetings.
>From 1947 to 1953, U.G Krishnamurti regularly attended talks given by Jiddu Krishnamurti in Madras, India, eventually beginning a direct dialogue with him in 1953.[note 4][5] U. G. >Krishnamurti related that the two had almost daily discussions for a while, which he asserted were not providing satisfactory answers to his questions. Finally, their meetings came to a halt. >He described part of the final discussion: And then, towards the end, I insisted, "Come on, is there anything behind the abstractions you are throwing at me?" And that chappie said, >"You have no way of knowing it for yourself". Finish – that was the end of our relationship, you see – "If I have no way of knowing it, you have no way of communicating it. What the hell are we doing? I've wasted seven years. Goodbye, I don't want to see you again". Then I walked out.[5] >After the break-up with Jiddu Krishnamurti, U. G. Krishnamurti continued travelling, still lecturing. At about the same time he claims to have been "puzzled" by the continuing appearance of certain psychic powers.[5] In 1955, U.G. Krishnamurti and his family went to the United States to seek medical treatment for his eldest son, and stayed there for five years.
Joshua Butler
Do you think the person entertaining you for 30€ is someone with supernatural abilities?
Gavin Mitchell
I assumed it was extreme perceptive abilities. To the point it may as well be supernatural.
The kind of thing where you can look at someone for the first time and instantly profile their personality down to a tee.
Zachary Carter
I went to a card reading hot friend last month. We had fun, while she was talking I recognized my own preferences on the choices i'm making, the week after we fucked like rabbits. best 20€ I've spent in my life
Dominic Jenkins
I already do.. Ive been keeping up with him for 20 years.. He is pretty bright but nowhere near as serious as J. Krishnamurti.