Does Sup Forums believe in psychics or clairvoyance?

Has anyone here had experience with psychics or even had a psychic experience themselves? I have trustworthy friends who vouch for a reader in my area and have also claimed to experience minor psychic events.

Are we capable of connecting to knowledge and being that is entirely a-priori? Or is it all bullshit?

Been reading Guenon and Evola recently so I'm interested to hear what you guys think.

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No. I only believe in what can be tested and proven.
If you magical powers suddenly stop working when people stop believing in them, you're a fucking fraud

It seems to be a no-brainer YES when on LSD. I've had experiences while not on LSD with my gf. This in a state of rem sleep.

Money is a fraud then.
Finnish friend, I am Mickey Mouse and you are Donald Duck.
Will you fight or perish like a dog?

I believe in Kekvoyance

kek wills it

>Money is a fraud then.
Technically, yes. Money is really just paper after all.

Kek does speak in mysterious ways


Nonsense. The only truth there is, is memes

Reality is nothing but an extension of memes.