Every time they get in office, they increase the deficit massively and then when the Democrats take over, they say "Look how high the deficit is!" and blame it on them. Happened with Bush and it's going to happen again with Trump.
You're argument falls apart when obomba had the same 8 years as any other president and somehow managed to double debt on all the former presidents combined. He literally didn't slow it at all. And don't come at me with you're shitposting when obomba has a vacation tab of nearly 100 million.
Parker Fisher
>Every time they get in office, they increase the deficit massively You mean like Obama just did?
Lol comprehension is not you're strong point for this article.
>As a reminder, don’t get the deficit twisted with the debt. They are only related, not the same.
>the more important question is if Obama has put the government on a path that will keep deficits stable. "And the answer is no,"
>The deficits have largely come down as a result of the improved economy for which Obama cannot assume full credit.
Only an idiot would use a source that can prove himself wrong.
Easton Martinez
All I needed to prove was that the deficit did not increase under Obama. And this is true.
Connor Phillips
>all americans are fat dumb fucks and they all are worthless
You see, that's why
Owen Powell
What? The first post specifically mentioned debt increased under Obama. Now you're claiming you only had to say the deficit didn't increase. Where is your leaf flag you slimy fuck?
Alexander Walker
That's rich coming from a kangaroo.
James Perry
At least the republicans spend it on shit, the democrats just give it to bankers
Cooper Lopez
Obama is a nigger. /thread
Jayden Adams
get some new tea leaves familam
Zachary Reyes
Deficits do not matter when there is the ability to print currency and attempt to artificially zeroing inflation.
Also the 2008 bank bailout which Obama voted for along with the near Trillion $ omnibus appropriations bill that was attached to the 2009 budget ending in Sept. of that year drastically skews all this talk about "deficits".
Look at the debt and the inflation bomb hiding in the investment/securities banking world and try to attempt to say Obama's policies were golden. If you think this, then you are a fool.
Nicholas Collins
>what is interest
Yeah, that tends to happen with debt, it spirals. If only Republicans handn't borrowed so much.
The deficit is the only thing the president can control. Bush increased it, Obama decreased it.
Deal with it.
Brody Edwards
That's just plain wrong you ignorant bong
Lincoln Perry
Are you stupid? Obama has added more to the national debt than any other President.
Logan King
David Evans
Pretty sure you're thinking of Ronnie Reagan (thanks, Star Wars!), although with a brand-spanking new wall on the way, that may soon change.
Logan Bennett
The president actually can't control the deficit either. That'd be the House. The Deficit is also completely irrelevant--it is the Debt that is important. Guess who increased the Debt?
Robert Morgan
No, he's right. And you're wrong. As usual.
Nathaniel Reyes
You're gonna have to come up with a better constructed argument rather than just pictures. But you pretending to know American politics was good for an early morning laugh. Thanks
William Lopez
are you fucking retarded? The deficit and debt are intrinsically linked. The bigger the deficit, the faster the debt rises