If your country has never experienced -20C temperature, you are not white.
If your country has never experienced -20C temperature, you are not white
So, China and Russia are white?
>logic 101
>leaf manages to fuck up even here
if you cant go skiing and surfing in the same day your city is shit.
Is global warming anti-white?
Snow is Australia looks wrong
UK isn't white?
Learn to read dumbass
It was -25 yesterday -35 in some parts
Today it's plus degrees, very strange.
Alaska Aryan reporting in. also Bulgaria is not white
>tfw -12° in Prague
Kalamita jak na Sibiri.
If you've never beat up a nigger you're not white.
> -12°
> jak na Sibiri.
Pretty much any piece of land in the world at one point had been -20C
Thanks for making africa white with your cancer logic
We gud m8
You're still not white ahmed
>Thinking land and country are the same.
Fucking mongoloid.
ND reporting in
supposed to be -60 tomorrow
fuck this shit
i got stationed here so my fault
I remember it getting to -5 F = -20.6 once, not in this shitty state of NJ though.
Is australia even real?
Country is just a piece of land
Is -40 the same in Celsius and Fahrenheit or is the calculator I us3d fucked up
>tfw it's -60C with the windchill
-20 celsius (-4 fahrenheit for burgers) is exactly going on in Estonia right now.
So much about global warming and Al Gore's little fearmongering about the end of the world, kek
It is a quote from a czech song, Russianbro. And also an irony.
When I was in the Air Force they used to threaten us with an assignment to Minot.
> If your country has experienced -20C, you are white
> If your country has never experienced -20C, you are not white.
There's a difference.
>tfw burgers and yuropoors will never experience this
Last Sunday
>In Scotland
Hold yer horses, mate.
Guess Finland isnt white.
russia is white trash which is basically nigger and china is the nigger of the yellow race
>3 13 December 1981 Shawbury Midlands -25.2 °C
We still good m8, you watch the shop i'll prove to these infidels we are white inshallah
More white than your mongrel "land"
no location
its fake
>romania being superior to anyone
It was -20F here recently, convert that to gay and see what you think
well our nordic genes give us the right to act like we are superior to any other race right brother ??
if you cant run at least 5km in temperatures -15 C or below you are not white
It's good to be white.
You realize this makes all countries with very high mountains white, right? including India.
>lowest temperature ever in Argentina is -39 ºC, it's also the lowest ever in Latin America
No its not
I'm in SD
Argentina is not white though
Just outside of Bismarck.
It was -40F (-40C) last night.
It was a little cooler than normal here but North Dakota is white as fuck so no bitching allowed.
Learn to read faggot
At worst we reach -10C here,thank you based Alps.
Seems comfy
fight me faggot
Fuck you Luigi!
Warmer some places on mars negro. And people talk shit about leafs. Like to see them spend some time in Winterpeg.
>-40F (-40C)
There's not though. Those two sentences mean the same thing.
Not bad for the middle of a lake
-40 in Amerifat temperature is the same as Eurofag temperature.
Go be obscure somewhere else.
>middle of a lake
>you can see the shoreline
so that means he is not in the middle of lake?
fucking retard
He's in the middle of a large pond at best.
-18 here right now, pretty comfy, I took this pic a few days ago
I live in Florida, asshole. The most "brutal" winters are in the 40s and 50s here
The fear mongering is about a delta of some 0.K, something a store bought thermometer can't even measure properly.
Yet people are willing to dismantle their economy for this.
>tfw I have brown eyes so I can't call myself white
>feel like a liar whenever I fill out any kind of form that includes race but I'm not sure what to put because I'm not black or hispanic or Asian
>always thought I was white before I came to Sup Forums
At least I can enjoy walking my dog in the snow and pretending I'm white
It means his lakes are weak.
The Day of the Rake can't come soon enough leaf
Good morning
Merry Christmas, everyone.
Charlotte Pass, New South Wales -23.0 C (-9.4 F) on the 29th June, 1994
You wanna revise now wannabe roman?
Mmm fellow michigander here, but metro detroit so we get snowflakes compared to yoopers
Merry Christmas, Orthobro
>I can enjoy walking my dog in the snow and pretending I'm white
I'm sure he is a great doggie, but get on my level and go full white puppy
better than ours
ok ahmed
Don't lie. It snows once in every 30 years or so.
Fuck that shit. I lived in cold ass new england my whole life, I'm moving to Hawaii next month for perfect weather.
Nothing good about snow and cold. Maybe fun for a day and then its annoying depression causing bullshit.
>40s and 50s
Its not bad man
There is tons to do and the people are really nice
Really cool things go on here
>new england
jesus fuck burgerbro
>tfw anxiety, get sweaty easily
>tfw almost never matters because its always cold here
Except for summer, fuck summer
>depression causing bullshit
Thought it was less sun that caused the depression.
i can tell you get kike'd on a regular basis
come fight me irl you pussy
fucking keyboard warrior
You're just jelly you're not superior anglo's who forged a life and country in one of the most hostile places to the white man.
Being Anglo-Australian is the true master race.
> What is the concept of mutual exclusivity
Oh look, /an/'s ambassador of peace, Brutus the pitbull, is reaching out across the boards to spread her message of love and acceptance.
You go Brutus.
Why the fuck would anyone put themselves through that hell.
Seriously I truly believe the only people who live (and like) that type off fucking cold weather are autistic people who never go outside.
Uh, not a problem here then...
every year my area gets about 10-15 days with temps like this. we had 4-5 days the week before christmas with temps down to -35 and then now it's been around -20 pretty consistently the past few days
Most of the slavic countries are white trash (Ukraine, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia), even their economic statistics can confirm that.
OP here, I realized that -20 is a little too high, so if your country has never experienced -35C you are not white.
If you can't go fishing on the ice in the winter, your country isn't white
-20C is more comfy than -10C here.
Because usually when it's that cold, it's because there is no wind which would bring 'warmer' air to us.
Dry air at -20C with no wind is actually not so bad.
When i had to work outside at such weather, i would just stand still and don't move every few minutes to warm up… this doesn't work at windy -10C.