Just played this game of chess against a /fit/ user and was pretty happy about it (computer says I played perfectly), so I thought I'd start a chess general on Sup Forums.
Play me here
Just played this game of chess against a /fit/ user and was pretty happy about it (computer says I played perfectly), so I thought I'd start a chess general on Sup Forums.
Play me here
/tg/ maybe?
No bump.
Sometimes there are good chess threads here. It's an aesthetic game, and a hallmark of Western culture.
New game
pls respond
I would like to make chess a hobby, but dont know how to really get into it. Any tipps for starting literature or similar?
Nah. I will not play you on lichess. I will ask you for your rating.
Chess for Dummies is actually a decent book. I used it in conjunction with just playing lots of people online at really low skill level to get to 1100-1200 (beginner tournament level).
Warning, you will be really terrible when you start.
For literature you'd nee.d first to know the names of the squares. I guess starting with youtube videos "commented blitz" games will help you. There's a nice series called "climbing the rating ladder". John goes over his thought process when playing.
I personally like his videos.
CFC rating is 1930 (subtract 100 for FIDE estimate, I think), lichess rating is 2150.
You're way stronger than me. I'm about 1400.
thank for the answers, will look into that
I tried playing online a little already, guess rating is/was around 1300, I played in rl a bit when I was younger
Just never got into theory at all, always thought it doesn't make much sense playing online against real people before doing that
[GreenTxt]>A Fucking Leaf![/GreenTxt]
move nigger I aint got all day
I've played chess recreationally for years, never been in a tournament or anything like that. How do you go about determining your rating?
Go to a tournament and you're given a rating. Alternatively, if you play online most sites generate a rating, how accurate they are relative to national and international rating systems (which give titles) is pretty random though.
Game 3
Oh, you're given a rating AFTER you play the tournament. I got good online and it was a pretty nasty shock for my first ever tournament opponent (a 2100 expert) when I held a draw against him as an unrated player in a 4 hour game.
A lot of chess websites use that system and will do a fair job at ranking you depending on your performance against other players.
Check'd and thanks
How long have you been playing chess?
Pretty long. Started playing online when I was 18 and I'm 25 now. I go through spurts of disinterest though, I got to a decent level online and then didn't play for years. When a club opened in my town I got motivated to play again, and now I'm hoping to make master before I graduate.
Gg. Didn't mean to submit draw. I thought it was give up
not a bad game desu
Game 4 - lichess.org
I'm on my phone and i fucked up twice with misclicks. Was a good game though. You got me keen to start playing again.
Ye, i could tell you're not a total beginner. Take it a bit slower in the opening lol, i think you had actually gained time by move 8.
i wanna play
lol, what am I looking at here? I don't remember playing this.
its the little nazi in you
I was actually banned from chess.com for denying the holocaust on their forums. Really pissed me off because I like their live chess server.
>denying the holocaust on a ches forum
lmao really?? When did they ban you?
Yeh. They banned me like a year ago, right after I was posting in a thread about concentration camps. I also had the Death in June logo as my forum avatar and people were calling me a neo nazi and I got banned. It was about a year ago.
You're such a cutie
just registered there. Didn't play for years and i'm pretty sure i never got beyond basics. After loosing the first game in about 30 seconds i won the second one by ramming everything in his opening. Didn't expect people with a rating of ~1500 would fall for shit like that but probably its just a coincidence.
Lichess ratings are a bit inflated (150-250 points over USCF for sure), but 1500 is still relatively good. You played pretty alright, no major blunders. Your opponent shit the bed in the rook ending which is REALLY common, lol.
>play this
>get my arse kicked every game
>ok no problem
>load up windows chess
>put the difficulty on the hardest
>load up lichess
>i pick black
>so my opponent is white
>I pick white in my windows chess game
>copy my opponents move that he made in n lichess
>use the windows PC counter move in lichess too
>win 20 games in a row cheating this way
>get bored
Have not played since.
Well ya, that's not really playing chess user.
It warms my heart that swastika you made for me medpack
>beady little Anglo eyes
Is OP still around? I wanna give him a bashing.
i could warm other things too, emu
I lost a game in a humiliating way and called it. I'm super tired anyway, it's like 6 am here and I've been up all night.
Are you a babe?
>thinking there are women on the internet
What's your lichess username? I'll add you as a friend for a game later today
make a game, ill beat you
Yeah right what was i thinking. Can i come to Switzerland and fuck hot girls in small country towns?
I'm not good but not a total beginner
noone is welcome here
Hey jew I talked to about marrying a jewess:
Remember when I beat you the first game in under 10 moves, you beat me the second, then you claimed I had no chance the third game and I sent your ass to the gas?
Good times schlomo, we should do it again sometime
I don't recall any of this happening. I am also not a Jew.
I'll book flights for say May. Two weeks oughta do it mate. What town are you in legend?
Mid may go to town and the pubs and look for an Aussie bloke. I'm 6'2 and will look out of place. See you then champ.
til then mate
Oy Oy Oy
Will Magnus Carlsen save the white race?
6 move smothered mate trap:
1.e4 c6 (Caro Kann)
2.d4 d5
3.Nc3 dxe4 (Main line)
4.Nxe4 Nd7 (Smyslov variation)
5.Qe2 Ngf6 (Fatal fuckup)
Regained the chess title from whites at least, and he has an almost perfect record against the only other, aside from Anand, non-white top 10 chess player so that's not likely to change anytime soon.
He is a self-described (((social democrat))), I rooted for Karjakin during the WCC match
That's too close for comfort.
Shogi or chess?
I like Karjakin too, and it was a super classless and douchebag move for Kasparov to say what he did after the match ended.
Play on the website OP has linked.
Watch your games and try to spot where you have made mistakes (the site has a good chess engine and will tell you a better move)
I also like this youtube channel, because he goes over old games in an entertaining way:
hey family can you explain one thing to me
i never went deep into chess
love to play a few games here and there
but i keep hearing that if you know
all the eh formations and counter-formations that it's more or less it
is that true
is chess really a game about strategy or is it just knowing all drawn up moves and their counters
where are you?....we can rape the aussie together
White to play.
Difficulty: easy
Memorization is a meme and only becomes truly important at international master level which 99.9999% of players never reach. Nearly any other type of chess practice would be more beneficial to a club players game than just memorizing opening lines.
kek will drive through there in half an hour going to brugg
Are you Chinese?
Knxf6 check, Bxf6
Qd5 check - white wins material
Ive lost to this a couple of times in bullet
Play with me