Can we discuss Britain?

How do we save Britain? Its clear your govt. isn't going to try to stem the tide of immigration, so what can be done?

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nothing, it's over

but we will be a good source of happenings soon enough

oh they will user,there is a reason they dont want farrages help with trump

they know if they fuck up the support will move to ukip and labour are dead

the underclass whites will give immigrants enough mild racist abuse to make them feel slightly uncomfortable eventually they will get the message

Come on you twat, britain is still what, 83% british? I'll propose something myself.
>anti-migrant/anti-ethnic marches
But muh laws
Your invaders don't give a shit whether they offend people or break the law, neither should you. If they can hold a march calling fir islam in Britain surely you can hold a march for a Britain for Britons
>pic related

just because our media never reports them doesn't mean they don't happen

Can you further explain why they don't want farage abd trump working tigether? I'm curious. Also how is UKIP? Are they growing?

England is 70% white and UKIP still only got 12% of the vote

The people won't wake up until it's too late
They're all too comfortable watching telly and getting drunk

Nothing, just accept it and give up

>Your invaders don't give a shit whether they offend people or break the law

Neither do the police. That's the issue.

Police even shut down the protest about the paedophile sex trafficking done by Muslims.

Nothing can be done, reminder to tell American mongoloid LARPers like this to fuck off when they call us weak for not having an armed butterknife revolution against the government

Almost every single American ITT here who talks shit about "BASED NIGE" is a the_donald immigrant who's been here for less than a year

UKIP aren't growing, they're doing horribly

Nigel Farage has failed to get elected seven times

Any Americans ITT who seriously want to learn about the decline of our country should buy and read "The Abolition of Britain" by Peter Hitchens

Britain is not in a situation where it is in decline and can be saved, it is in a situation where it has already died as a serious country (helped along in this process, actually, by Americans)

By callig you " weak" for not resisting the current situation in Britain, I'm notbtrying to imply that America is any better, we're fucked over here, I'm trying to saybthat you guys need to go out and physically remove these people, be nasty to non ethnics, harrass them, make them feel unwanted, maybe if we did these things in our country things would be a bit different

It's easy to say that when you're sitting on your fat arse at home wanking off over beta fantasies of some uprising or another

Maybe you underestimate the sheer sheep-like temparament of everyone in our country because you have the optimism of Trump. Nobody cares. NOBODY. Sure, they'll say they don't like immigration, but that's it. It doesn't matter if you complain as something is happening and do nothing to oppose it. We're done for. Brexit was an anomaly - Stop insulting us and showing your naive outlook towards Britain by thinking we can actually do anything. We don't even have a nationalist party

You'd literally be thrown in prison with a bunch of Muslims who'll melt your face off with boiling sugar water if you were to even cross the street to avoid them.

Our law system is pathetically capitulating to these people, and the government is on the look out to get any dissent weeded out at the source.

Our police and law are both shamefully oppressive and at the same time totally absent. The only time they care about the law is when someone that's not them upholds it.

>storm fag

Not only that but the entire establishment of politicians, councillors, police, judges, the whole media, are totally in favour of what is happening.

So if they need to arrest a father who is trying to save his daughter from being gang-raped, or arrest a girl who's GETTING raped for being disorderly, then so be it,

every time on Sup Forums

>user posts about how the people of [other country] should rise up while eating cheetos in their room

That kind of stuff only brings more laws and restrictions crashing down on the right-wing
See: National Action

Absolutely fuck all gained other than a criminal record and your life ruined

>optimism of Trump
I don't have optimism about Trump actually. Hes already talking about letting the "good" illegals stay, and LEGAL immigration, which is the bigger issue, isn't even talked about. White newborns have been a minority for the padt two years, its ogre. I'm thinking of jumping ship soon, maybe go to Australia.

I had no idea it was like that in Britain, I assumed that at least some people were concerned for the future. That some people (other than NA) wanted a British Britain. I'm sorry, didn't know it was that bad.

You should get The Abolition of Britain, it accurately explains how our heart and soul as a country has been scooped out and it was written in 1999, so you can add nearly 20 more years of apathy and horribleness onto it as well as mass immigration

I don't want to sound LARPy, but it seems like the most improbable option of covil dissidence is the only option for you guys at the moment other than letting it all burn

>maybe go to Australia.

Australia is fucked too mate

>I assumed that at least some people were concerned for the future.

Lots of people are but there's literally no options available to us. Outside of a total eradication of the entire establishment and all people involved and defensive of it, THEN a total removal of the invaders themselves...There's no options besides that impossibility.

It's all over lads.

Post the current state of the UK.


We have something similar called The Dispossesed Majority, it was written in the 70s and it talks about how America has been controlled by minority inffluence since the turn of the century, and how the immigration act of 1965 would only make things worse, by destabilizing the country and eroding our culture. In the 90s the same author wrote another book called the Ethnostate, where he says America is done and the only steo forward is to establish ethnostates in America

How bad is it? I heard the migrants, who are mostly chinks jewing the property market, are self contained to the cities




Fuck thats sad, could you guys burn it? Or kill a pig and leave the corpse on the steps?

There are no whites in Australia

This is just a pathetic case of police cowardice. It has nothing to do with whether these are actually 'weapons', but they declare them as such so they can then report on all the 'weapons' they removed from the streets, so they can pretend they're doing a good job.

Same with why they'll arrest a sperg for talking shit on twitter, but wont dare even pretend to care about Islamic rape and sex trafficking gangs.


What do the different parts of Britain lok like? I know Scotland is like 93% white, hence why they're ok with immigration, hows Wales? What about England? Is it just the cities or is your countryside kek'd too?

Nice try Abo, why don't you crawl back inti the dream time and fuck your mother

> police cowardice
Are they afraid of being called racist? Or possibly being killed?

Most Brits are sheltered faggots who have been brainwashed to a point where they had forgot everything about self preservation, they're dangerously close to a police state.
Nothing can be done, they will burn just like Sweden and Germany.

This might sound retarded, but could you just wear a mask and some gloves? There gas to be a way around your CCTV

Foreign born population

Whats the situation in Australia look like?

the CCTV cameras in your house will catch you putting the mask on, silly

This is just delving into moronic LARPing territory now

The only reward you'll get from doing something like that won't be some mass uprising of white people spurred on by your example, you'll just get murdered by Muslim gangs in jail


Dark green = 20% or more

I don't know if this is a joke or if hes serious

as always, west country is best country

I wouldn't expect a "white uprising" out of this, just muslims fucking off. I heard about a village in spain that was getting an unwanted mosque, so they killed a pig and buried it in the construction site, and the muslims fucked off

More British = immigrants/cucks

People have been doing these marches in the streets for decades. The establishment doesn't care and the populace thinks they're scum.

Britain started declining a long time ago and there's so much inertia that nothing that can be done to stop it now, anymore than Rome and Greece can be restored to great civilizations.

>South West completely white
God save Dorset and the rest of the South!

The Muslims number in the millions m8

They'll say the first, but it's likely more the second. But their fear is not an excuse to allow literally thousands of teenage girls to be raped over decades.

We're a half-police state. It's anarcho-tyranny, where the law breakers can operate with impunity, and the law abiding are oppressed and subject to terrible treatment from the state.

Shit man I feel bad for you

Spain isn't Britain.

And why would they "fuck off" when they know the state will protect them no matter what they do?

It's a literal breakdown of the social contract. And all of our politicians are cut from the same rotten cloth.

If we were to clean the establishment of these traitors it would make the French Revolution look like a paper cut.

Elect a Muslim nigger twice.

Oh, wait, that's what America did.

>spain isnt britain
The point I was trying to make was that muslims are weak that prey on the weak/weaker when push comes to shove they run and cry, thats why theres always such a big fuss over islamophobia whenever an incident involves a muslim, thats why they can get away with nearly anything in your country, because you people and mistly your law enforcers allow then to

In no way am i say america is any better

>that muslims are weak

That may be so, but they have the entire establishment behind them. They can be as weak as they like with the government, police, and media, backing them up. In fact it's, as you say, to their benefit to appear as weak and fragile as possible as they boost their numbers enough to take over an area while STILL getting the support of the system.

So how do we stop this? How can we take away their establishment support? Any ideas?

No, fuck off

Being British is like being one of them lads in an ISIS video waiting to die.

When dumb kids see those videos they say, "Why don't they do something instead of sitting there."

They don't know what it's like to have the hope drained out of you, to be permanently confronted by your impotence, to be crushed when you show even the slightest resistance, to be given the choice between an awful death and a totally horrific death. They don't know what it's like to be British.

>So how do we stop this?
You don't. It's what the entirety of the establishment want.

>How can we take away their establishment support?
You can't. It's what the establishment want. The government WANTS to tax working white couples so they can barely afford two kids, while letting Ahmed live on benefits with his eight kids paid for by the others.

>Any ideas?
Nothing that doesn't involve mass executions. But the problem will solve itself in a way, because when the Muslims get democratic power they'll replace the entirety of their supporters in the positions of power with their own people, and all the politicians, policemen and journalists will be on their knees with a knife to the throat wondering how their friends could turn on them so.

The UK has no future, it's fucked just like Sweden, Germany, France and Belgium. It'll probably last a little longer due to leaving the (((EU))) though. By 2040 the majority of the fighting-age males in the UK will be Muslim.

We're all fucked. And what's even worse is that if a country tries to un-fuck itself it will be attacked by all the others.

Perfectly put

we have a shit ton of indians and chinks. and confined to the cities doesn't really mean much, there isn't anything to speak of in aus outside of the cities. at least we don't have heaps of muslims.

reminds me of this quote:

"By your democratic laws, we will colonise you. By our Quoranic laws, we will dominate you"

source: Union of Muslim Organizations in France


Who would you say is worse, abd who would yiu say do you have more of?

>what can be done?

Nothing. Not for Britain, nor for any other country. Globalization will happen, all you can do is delay. There will never be a race war. The white man dies with a whimper, not a bang.

Hows portugal looking?

Oi you fat kuffir

This is the United Kaliphate

Allah save the caliph all glory to Allah and his messenger the prophet Mohammed pbuh

You're going to need to hit rock bottom first, when the third world spreads from the cities to the country side and you've got sharia in the streets, maybe just maybe, we'll come bail you out.

I am seriously hoping for a Russian American alliance that removes all the kebabs from Europe.

The only thing that can save us now it a total systemic collapse.

87%, almost all immigrants are in London. Remove London and we skyrocket to 95%. Remove Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, etc and we basically have none left at all.

welfare state with mass unemployment and an aging population. a nice combination. At least we have hot chicks.

>I am seriously hoping for a Russian American alliance
Fuck off back to Plebbit you retarded LARPer

london will never be removed. it will only spill over onto the rest of the country. it's already full as it is.


everyone just votes tory, and even still will in 2020, its sad to say that 60% white burgerland is more based than bongland

On the plus side, the muslims are cheerily slaughtering each other - as they do all over the middle east, of course

It's simple: we wait for the bad times.
Now I'm gonna stick my neck out here, I'm gonna paint a picture of what I think is to come, and maybe it is too specific, but it should give you a general gist of what I'm trying to suggest.
I've seen countless threads about the US pushing for war with Russia and the occasional Pacific skirmish with China, thinking World War III will be just a clash of powers. World War III is going to be rather different. World War III is going to be the 'clash of civilisations' of the Sam Huntington sort--we are importing thousands upon thousands of persons from an entirely different civilisation, completely parallel to the ways of the West, and we live in a time of luxury, so we can afford to dick about with being PC and progressive. We can afford to drain our heritage away and gorge ourselves on consumerism--we've become so comfortable that we can indulge demented SJWs, who are only a symptom of a much larger problem.

More I want to hear this

Now, immigration. When the Second World War ended, the West submitted its racial consciousness and gave way to a proto-PC worldview in which everyone is equal and that we should do our best to help civilisations that fall behind us, and so we began importing non-Western peoples, as if independence for our vast array of colonies wasn't enough. We are under the impression that they have supposedly integrated: they have not. They have their own cultures, their own dialects and areas exclusive to them within the major cities. Black kids hang around with the other black kids, and white kids hang around with white kids, as well as the occassional black. There is overwhelming evidence that segregation on the lines of race and culture is almost unavoidable--just the other day I saw the BBC ranting about "monoculturalism" in schools where you have parents sending their children to schools that are exclusively white and schools that are exclusively brown or black, respective of the child's heritage.

Fuck off back to Brit/pol/
We all left to get away from your fucking tripfaggotry, take the hint and stay in your containment thread

Why does this matter? What does this have to do with World War III? Well, the migrant crisis has played wonders at importing mainly military-age males and sometimes their families into Europe, where they live among us, completely different to us. ISIS will die down with Trump in the White House and Putin in the Kremlin, I'm confident. ISIS will go, but like the Japanese knotweed, it will crop up again and grow. About 2500km from where ISIS is right now Pakistani nuclear weapons. Pakistan is an unstable state prone to some military sympathies with the Taliban and other fundamentalists. Could ISIS get their hands on nukes? Probably not. Could the future Caliphate? Likely. How would a Caliphate come about? The War on Terrorism will die down; the Islamists will know that they can't gain power via civil conflict and terrorism anymore, and will simply use the electoral system. It's just a matter of where they will crop up.

My guess would be Turkey, possibly Libya too. Libyan nationalists would be itching to regain the independence they had under Gaddafi--an end to the tribalism between the three provinces could be a "neo-Gaddafiist" force, rife with Islamic fundamentalism, and this will sit opposite the Mediterranean. As for Turkey, NATO's days are numbered, as is the EU, and Turkey will be off its leash as it moves further and further away from its republican constitution, further towards a peculiar state built on elements of neo-Ottomanism, pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism. The past two world wars were fought between the big powers against 'problem states' Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, etc. and going with this scenario, an Islamic alliance could be formed between the emerging anti-Western powers across the Near East and North Africa.

World War III in this manner will start with such powers exploiting regional friction, such as in Bosnia in Europe the the Caucasus with Russia. Once war with these powers begin and we're barreling further into a world war again, the civilisational tensions within OUR own countries will become all the more apparent. When in ten, twenty, thirty years time we are racked with even more non-Westerners, in a post-Trump West, Europe and America will be a little more aware of where their Muslims' allegiances lie. As soon as they start acting on behalf Turkey and Libya or whoever it may be, then we will be ready to begin deportations of entire communities as they become fifth columns for the enemy. Also, this will likely be after a great economic hardship, thus we will be less tolerant of leftist Utopian bullshit.

How did you become "red-pilled", user? I'm guessing you started to view things in a certain way, noticing that yes, we are noticeably different to the other races and cultures that live among us, and you realised that it is only natural to remain separate. You stopped denying it and subconsciously working around it in your head and saw the world as it really is. You shed your virtuous left wing worldview in return for a much clearer yet, some would say, darker worldview. In a post-war world with this scenario, which I believe will happen in one form or another, then the grounds will be far more fertile for the return of racialism to the Overton Window.

It's just an idea though.

Race war, when?

Basically, wait it out and once the opportunity arises take control?

Sounds good.