(((They))) Really DON'T want you to smoke weed

There must be something with marijuana, because this board always has anti-marijuana threads.
Never anti-alcohol threads.
Never anti-smoking threads
Never anti-cocaine threads
Never anti-prescription abuse threads.

Just threads with cherry picked pictures of hippie stoner kids and "weed = degenerate"

WHY don't (((they))) want you smoking weed?

Honestly, it red pills the fuck out of you and awakens your sub-conscious and "inner voice". The voice in your head that says "hmmm that's a bad idea, don't"
(((They))) call it "schizophrenia"

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com.au/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=marijuana prostate inflammation

fucking leaf

weed war gives the ability to lock up niggers

White people like weed too.
Want whites in jail, getting killed by nigs cause they wanted to smoke a plant?
Who are you to tell someone what to do with their body?

This is literally what hoteps post on Facebook. Replace "(((They)))" with "The man" and it fits perfectly.

(((they))), "the man", same difference

I smoke weed regularly, i tell myself it helps getting more and more redpilled and to connect to the All. It works for me.

>Literally wanting to have niggers on institutional welfare

And that's trips of truth kiddies.

Disregard the flag, I'm a Weed Wizard of KEK.

I smoke cuz it gives me knowledge.

You should have capitalized really instead of don't

The shills can't dispute it, so they try the racist tactic since this is /pol

>hur dur niggers and weed so weed need be banned

i Think through redpills faster and clearer when i'm high

Because the globalists hate weed. They think people should not smoke the herb jew because it's a drug that let's you see reality.

A wonderful drug would like marijuana would certainly be banned by the globalists and the elite if they had the power to do so.

Actually one of the reasons I smoked initially was because it silenced the extra voices in my head, made it quieter.

>The hotep red-pill pill is the alt-right blue-pill.


Weed makes you a stupid fuck, there is nothing redpilled about it, if you put it in pill form it would be the definition of a bluepill

Because they're illiterate morons who don't realize it's criminalization has resulted in holding science back. It's wonder drug tier: used for PTSD for vets, used for AIDS patients, used for cancer patients and etc. etc. etc. etc.

The idea that weed is degenerate but alcohol and cigarettes being fine is a retarded right-wing relic of the past. It's truth denial and totally silly

>all west gets Basic Income
>legal weed

Revolution status = canceled indefinately

Good idea leaf. Let´s work on those gun laws while we´re at it aye? Dirty hippy commie.

I guess it helps your conciousness to break out of the conditioned restrictions your subconciousness sets for your thinking. So it helps deprogramming a marxism infested mind if you get high and expose yourself to redpills.

Cannabis oils for people with MS, cancer or epilepsy I can support

The rest can go fuck themselves

In certain uses and a sense of overall understanding among high IQ persons, herbal supplements in plants like Cannabis further the realm of understanding.

This is artificially done to the same capacity in Nootropics and Neutricuticles taken by the hyper wealthy (silicon valley types).

The EU has already began banning and or elevating the nootropic market to prescription only status, while some compounds are fully banned.

Speak for your self faggot.
I'm toasted as we speak.

yea but it could also bluepill you if you're looking somewhere else.
also check muh captcha


so what, they're bitching just gets more people interested.

pol is 1000x better when stoned. helps you appreciate just how fuckin great this timeline is

Are we speaking though?
Captcha: select images with grass

Get your pseudoscientific bullshit out of here. Weed can be fun, but only an idiot would deny that it dumbs down your thinking.

>pol is 1000x better when stoned
can confirm especially redpill threads

Oh shit

i wish they would fucking legalize it here, goddamn mafia making so many sheckles doesn't make it possible tho

>WHY don't (((they))) want you smoking weed?
Bc weed gives you the state of mind (((they))) do not want you to be in: peace, love, friendly behavior.
(((They))) (they are satan puppets that's it) want you to be and live in fear, hate and so on. They want you to feed satan with this distructive emotions.

Says who? The idea it dumbs down your thinking is as silly as thinking it opens your mind. That's an ancient myth from the past used to keep it illegal, I believe.

You don't even know bro. Came on Sup Forums while rolling on Molly. Best time I've ever had here.

>There must be something with marijuana, because this board always has anti-marijuana threads.
>Never anti-alcohol threads.
>Never anti-smoking threads
>Never anti-cocaine threads
>Never anti-prescription abuse threads.
I remember being your age, (about 15) and discovering weed. I made threads about it everywhere and I was a weed evangelist like you. Then I grew up when I was about 22 or 23.

Pot doesnt redpill you cunt
Pot makes you mellow and dopey
Pot is bluepilled

meth is the true redpill

pretty sure why pol is so against weed is because weed is normally a social drug, you smoke weed with your bros. also you need to know someone that deals weed to smoke it, so all the socially awkward motherfuckers on this board have a hard time getting some. Sour Grapes situation.
although with weed being legalized its possible pol will turn around on it. Although if you are a Sup Forumsack then I figure you aren't going to be dumb enough to post about how much you love to toke up unless you are baiting.
also black people are known for smoking weed so can't have that.

Not me. Whenever I'm blazed all I can think about is how cool WWIII will be.

Maybe bc you're kike?

weed makes you sensitive so it's a double edged sword,
(((they))) don't want you sensitized to race but do want you sensitized to cuckoldry, it gives you a 50/50 split and (((they))) don't like them shitty odds

Who smokes weed? SJWs, hipsters, and neckbeards. Weed is for degenerates.

Exacty this. Every anti-thread you see is always some militant authoritarian faggot (usually with Aus flag, probably American Military in Aus)with some dumb ass stoner meme comic who acts like a self righteous cunt and raves like a lunatic.

Like, just chill the fuck out you autistic nigger. Dayum.

Don't be stupid, there are plenty of legally legitimate reasons to lock up niggers.

I use marijuana to treat my migraines, but I honestly don't see the recreational appeal. It makes me feel really panicky.

>be productive goy
>work 10 hours a day goy
>be fast goy
>buy that 4k ultra mega giga TV goy

OP is a cunt. Smoke up goyim!

Stay woke, don't let (((them))) take over

>brother-in-law's dad got agressive cancer
>refused chemo therapy
>refused castration
>started taking Cannabis oil
>fast forward 4 months
>cancer levels are down to 0.2 from 850
>doctors refuse to believe that the his alternative medication was the cause of his recovery

I'm seeing more and more stories with this, and now I've witnessed in close family. The evidence is staggering, just stop posting shills.

>never smoked weed
>couldn't care less about people that smoke weed
my dutch friendships are probably to blame for this attitude

>just stop doing your job shills

Smoking just for fun like I do probably isn't great, but cannabis oils are amazing medically due to the complete lack of horrifying side effects. I reckon the resistance is from drug corps who don't want something out there that's so cheap to make anyone with a greenhouse could do it at home.

>Refuse chemo
>Take le weed oil instead

This is why people are against it. Never has orally ingested marijuana oil ever been found to reduce humans in humans, or even in any animals, but muh staggering evidence. I've seen studies where stuff like cannabanoids being injected directly into or beside cancer sells in vitro, but none of the cannabis oil stuff. Chemo has an extremely large body of evidence proving its effectiveness.

Muh antocedal evidence though. Muh snake, I mean Cannabis oil.

If you need to smoke weed to be able to think for yourself, you're probably an underage chimp.

Weed's for relaxing. It doesn't enlighten you, everything you've ever "thought of" when high, is incredibly fucking stupid.

when you're stoned you pull up weird or insightful thoughts, and you remember those thoughts. so a percentage of your learned experience and opinions can come from drugs. since pot makes you question intangible structures like governments, corporations, and see the meta of it all, they don't want those realisations becoming ingrained in your psyche too much. keep making them think they rely on you by prohibiting access to this thing that makes them question you

>Who are you to tell someone what to do with their body?
Second post in and you already exposed yourself as a jew. Dropped.

I get very anxious from weed, so i had to give it up.

My roomate's personality deteriorated so much, i''m saving money to move out since he's becoming literally impossible to be around.

It really depends how you use the drug. If you binge the same way an alcoholic binges then yeah you probably will slow yourself down. Stop shilling Redpills are none refundable bro they're for life like herpes.

Shit I should hope weed oil doesn't reduce humans in humans. That would be inhumane.

>MFW my former genetics professor claimed the guy who discovered PCR(who he indirectly knew and went to the same school as; berkeley) was driving while stoned on the Golden Gate Bridge(won a nobel prize)

So, uh, how's that a stupid idea again?

Though I agree with you that you don't need to smoke weed to be able to think for yourself. I think a lot of people say that because they're so often told how bad it is because ILLEGALLLL DR00GZ, then they actually try it, enjoy it and learn how safe it is as a recreational drug(one of the safest on the planet) and realize "huh, maybe I was lied to and should rethink things more often"

it's always
health issues
mental issues

the conspicuous absence of other substances and behaviors being targeted does raise questions...
>as does us patent #6630507

Probably alcohol companies, they've funded anti ecstasy smear campaigns before too

It makes you less productive, by making life easier to be content about, that is all there is to it. To (((them))) we are nothing more than the labor we provide, we're not even pawns on the chess board, we are cattle. You whip horses to make them run faster, beat dogs to make them fight better, and deprive humans of the simplest pleasures in life. In doing so (((they))) create discontent which they then use to sell a lie, (((they))) tell the bored and frustrated masses that they would feel happier and complete if they owned a house, a car, 'designer' clothing expensive watches and so on, should they ever attain these material goods that won't fulfill the individual the individual will be told that they're just not complete enough yet that they need a second holiday house, more cars and the cycle goes on.

All (((they))) have is a carrot on a stick, a lie, (((they))) hate the effects of weed because it stops them from being able to sell you something you never really wanted, of course that won't stop them from taking control of this resource, taxing it and pushing all kinds of legislation that forces us to have to by it from (((them))) at comically over the top prices like the ones people pay now during its prohibition.

it causes prostate cancer
google.com.au/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=marijuana prostate inflammation

only low iq retards with boring lives need to smoke it

raging Sup Forumstards think they are sticking it to lefties when they're just perpetuating Big Pharma, DEA, prison lobbyist and neo-con goals.

Well the fact that you think being stoned in one particular moment led to that specific discovery, already shows signs of stupidity.

Ideas are formed over time in the background of your mind, and just because circumstance has the idea finally pop out when you're "stoned", doesn't really mean weed had anything to do with it.

This is the same type of logic drunks use when trying to defend what they said when under influence, as if any of these light drugs can affect personality to that extent.

>Honestly, it red pills the fuck out of you
If it did, all blacks who smoke would have committed suicide.

It would have been another shoah (for real this time)

Well he didn't undergo chemo and he's basically fully recovered, but nice shilling anyway.

Real life is against you. I might add that his cancer spread to the bone-marrow and would've continued it's aggresive behaviour, if not for le weed oil.

kys you filthy drugged junkie disgrace

This guy, but

>It makes you less productive, by making life easier to be content about

that's not particularly great either

Strawman. You're going back on your initial statement.

>everything you've ever "thought of" when high, is incredibly fucking stupid.

He thought of it while high, and it was an extremely groundbreaking idea. I didn't say that he had the idea "because" he was high. I said he had the idea WHILE he was high. I didn't say weed had anything to do with it, other than he had the idea whilst he was high. I didn't imply that weed "opened" his mind, which is how you're misrepresenting my argument.

I've noticed it's been a Brazilian shitposter that's been the most anti-weed recently.

I don't see you bitching about booze, meth, coke or heroin, Jamal.

Probably just a lot of angsty underage b& who resent their peers for not being able to shut the fuck up about it.

Not really OP, this board is also strongly against SSRI's and other antidepressants.

Both alter your brain chemistry forever or at least for a long time. Both fuck up your motivation systems and make you more easy to control, to keep calm, to quieten. Since Sup Forums is doing everything to wake up men from their betafication, of course weed gets a horrible rep.

Alcohol fucks shit up sure enough, but most people can handle a couple of glasses and not turn into couch mussels. It's also a very white thing to have decent wines and beers.
Most people here would agree that tobacco is a nuisance and as part of going /iron pill/ you should get rid of it.

>Implying I'm not in the middle of a wake n bake right now

if you're gonna smoke tobacco then you should only be having the occasional cigar when you have a night out or something

It's a test you faggot.

If you're such a degenerate you can't resist smoking the herbal jew, you're a useless human being and belong behind bars. It's a great way to filter away the trash of society.

schizophrenia general guise, move along

The ones that get caught may as well be niggers. You think selling weed is the only thing they get in trouble for? Some already have warrants for other shit but get caught for after running a stop.

I smoke everyday but I don't fuck with "hood niggas".

We are all pretty retarded for buying it though
You can apparently grow that shit and not get poor

This. Weed makes you vulnerable. Breaks down your defences.

It's a wonderdrug. You mad bro?

>m-muh degeneracy

>It's a great way to filter away the trash of society.

Huh. And here I am thinking that you're a piece of human trash in our society for claiming to "know" what is and isn't degenerate, or what is or isn't unequivocally good for someone and society. Too bad you can't lock someone up for being completely retarded.

A lot of the cucks are just sour grapes about not being able to get it because they have no friends or connections tbvqh leafbro.

smoking weed and taking psychedelics is the rite of the white man... expand your mind broder

It's not about what it makes you when you smoke.
It's about the fact that this plant has been part of the Planet from way back, so why are some even allowed to ban it. I don't like people telling me what can I do !!!

Canadians are KEK's chosen people, I believe you.


weed lowers test

that's all you need to know

>CIA and Government use drugs as a method of warfare to injure populations in times of war, such as in the cold war.
>No dude, it's the government that wants to keep them out of your hands, open your third eye dude.

It's like human catnip.

Get off the cucknip, faggots.

Weed legalized in Maine

Look at you you faggot leaf. We get it, you're high.

Just stop, nigger.

>weed expands the mind
>might help with problems, real problems inside of you
>doesn't give you a headache
>no side effects
If you smoke yourself retarded over a span of 2-3 decades after doing it daily you're just as self destructive as the next door addict who is into gambling, drinking, hard drugs, etc.
Simply know that it is the feeling oppossed to being sober is something you can get addicted to but after a day or 2 of feeling shitty you're back to your old self.
If you're weak minded and easily lose control, go overboard with doing things, start to obsess about things I wouldn't suggest it though.
You'd only fall victim to yourself but it's far more innocent and helpful than most other vices.

i.e. I've written most thesis papers, etc high and always got good grades, experiences and proccessed much more info within a shorter timespan, better to have a goal, something set up as a purpose.
Otherwise like most people you just fall on the couch, watch tv and get hungry.
So you do nothing and create nothing, why get high I'd ask myself?
>To feel good
Get a hobby, go paint or work out or something.

Weed's great. Alco or nicotine can't even compare. To say nothing of some chem shit like meth or spice.

I think it's Sup Forums trying to rob you from every single piece of joy you have in your life and replace it with receiving delight by fucking up other people's lives.
Seriously,what's happening?Did normies took over?

That's what ((they)) want you to believe.

Good point OP.

I got redpilled around the same time I started doing weed and LSD.

Weed doesn't make people stupid. Stupid people smoke too much.

I like smoking the herbal Jew but I cannot fucking stand the stoner culture or this faggot. Smoking weed doesn't make you cool or anything.

The only countries with stoner culture are countries where it has been illegal.
It's always been hip to do illegal shit.

Over here no one bats an eye if you smoke weed except old people or snobs.