Why is everything produced under capitalism better?

Why is everything produced under capitalism better?

>knick knacks and gizmos

Everything produced by communism is trash. Any Marxist influenced music is trash, it's like a bunch of kids made it.

This alone proves the communism is a childish ideology. As kids your parents try and enforce the "share with everybody" mindset, but it never works. Communism is just that, someone trying to tell you to share everything, but you intuitively don't want to and understand it's bad for you.

So basically communits are kids that never grew up and their music sucks

Capitalism today is Jewish
Communism today is Jewish
Socialism today is Jewish

We need to revert to a protectionist economy that benefits the people and not the internationalist Jewish elite.

i'm hearing Jewish voices and i like it

>Everything produced by communism is trash
someone clearly hasn't watched enough soviet cinema

*Soft Polyushka Polye is heard off in distance

Competition. Or our military to protect industries.


lol get fucked

they had literally no special effects or CGI

i could literally make a better movie on my iPhone (a product created from capitalism)

i bet even the camera the commies used to make their gay ass films were produced under capitalism

hammer & sickle cucks make me laugh

i hate communism, but cretins like you don't incline me to enjoy capitalism's effect on culture either

>pick sides

Hurr. We have a mixture of both you retard, and it works well.

We have a public healthcare system that is subsidised, but not fully funded for people, for instance.

There's private competition and a public system.

Fuck you. The free market does NOT work. The "compete with everybody" mindset doesn't work because they just end up ganging up on the little guy.

And yes I will fight you, you dumb nigger. If you're too dumb to even spell properly, you can't argue anything about economics because you know nothing.

Fuck I hate other New Zealanders on the internet. Why are we so fucking stupid?

>taking a moderate position on anything

typical New Zealander, yah nah she'll be right mate, I don't wanna believe in anything unless it upsets someone, where's da rugby next up mate?

Typical Sup Forums New Zealander, wants National and Act to rule the country and only the jews and foreign investors to have any money here.

Corporations rule! Anyone else drools!

Typical shill, can't make a decent response so he has to attack the person instead of what they were saying

Fuck you shill.

National socialism is the only thing that works.

>communist music sucks
tip jej m9



>all these assumptions


you have yet to present an argument to my original thesis

you're why this country is not taken seriously.

kek these guys are anything but that

ask tom caremello how his LA mansion is or how comfy the tour bus is

shut up you whingy faggot


>they aren't communists
they're anarcho-commies, even better

It's a race to improvement.
Shit products can't compete for people's attention unless they're properly cheap, but when everything's forced to be properly cheap there's nothing that can be any good.

I did you dumb shit. Go back and reread my comments.

Fuck off pussy. Take your handbag off you girls' blouse, and get off your high horse while you're at it.

lolol no you did not, you just said

>nuh uh we have both we da best

Because under communism everybody has to get one. Retarded university students think that communism means that everybody gets an iPhone when the truth is they're going to get an Xing Pingpong uPhone and the next model won't be distributed to the masses for the next 15 years


Rather "food".
And no.

>Any Marxist influenced music is trash, it's like a bunch of kids made it.

In capitalism however stuff like clothing etc. is actually produced by really poor people including children on the other side of the earth. Aka your own personal slaves. Funny isn't it?

>bread sandwiches are better than McDonalds

lol I don't believe anyone who says this kinda shit

Stop being a faggot.

You're why people continue to think we're irrelevant.

>MY high horse
Crack up alright mate.

*sips vegemite*

and I prefer it that way

we just need to get rid of faggots like you and NZ would be great again

>special effects
Do you have ADHD?

Also, in response to , the Soviets wanted to censor such films, hence why the directors tried to immigrate to the west.

>wanting to watch black and white old cunts talk about shit

no thanks

also since those RUsskis were making movies under a government that hated them, they weren't even really communists

therefore, communism was literally incapable of making movies

automatically discarded.
i don't want to work in a gulag and then go home to no entertainment. fuck that shit.

>they had literally no special effects or CGI
>what's battleship potemkin

Sergei Eisensteins movies where pretty advanced in the effects department for the time.

Say about the reds whatever you want but they weren't bad at using visual arts or musical score to get a point across. Hence their massive influence among dumbass artists and leftists in general.

Anything with practical merit they were absolute shit at though. Unless it was of any use to the military.