He's absolutely right, you know

He's absolutely right, you know.

Other urls found in this thread:


Compared to a woman who declared war on a cartoon frog?


wtf I hate Russia now. I wish we had voted Hillary and gone to war with them after Syria and sent all our men and women to die for Syrian no fly zones.

>Its almost as if some group of people in the media and government hate Russia


>"russians hacked the election!"
>"holy shit, really? how?"
>"voting machines"
>"whoa - proof?"
>"take a look at this report"
>"uh, it only mentions some vague propaganda tactics and 'professional trolls'... wait, didnt the DNC ACTUALLY hire trolls? Anyway, there's nothing in here about voting machines"
>"WOW this guy actually thinks russia hacked the election through VOTING MACHINES. that's NOT the issue here, dumbass! Drumpf BTFO"

I-- you just-- I can't keep up with this narrative any more. So Russia hacked MINDS? or what??

Trumps gonna have his job soon and I think it will be best for the future prosperity and security of this country. I don't trust McMullin.

I wish this CIAnigger would get hit by a car

Says the living CIA plant put into play to try to influence the election against Trump.

Igor McMuffin eats shit for breakfast

It's almost as if you were pretending to be American

What's the point of keeping CTR after the election? Planning ahead for 2020? What if the Shill Hill dies before then?

>before the election
"What? How can anyone believe the US elections can be hacked/rigged? We're talking about THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"

>after the election
"Russians hacked our election"

This is just sad to watch now...

He's Implying the entirety of Americans are susceptible to intellectual manipulation via memes. What a retard.

Imagine being related to these people.

I could be wrong, but they never claimed they hacked the voting machines, just that Putin hacked the emails for wikileaks. Either way it's a non-issue

Ex fucking actly. They're just saying stuff in front of cameras. At this point, it's obvious that "Russian Hackers" is fucking nothing in terms of this election.

CTR isn't about Hillary anymore

>tfw to central intelligent to support trump and russia

Could you not make an arguement that protecting Russia will also protect the American people?

Drumpf LOST the popular vote.

>He's absolutely right, you know.
Only if you use the opposite of the literal intention. Are you trying to be ironic? How can you hack paper?


The DNC is so stupid their top people fall for Nigerian prince scams and then blame it on their political rivals.

I believe this is the anger phase of grief they're exhibiting.

>russia (or literally ANYBODY else, since podesta fell for a phishing scam) exposed how shitty and corrupt the DNC is

How do these people tie their shoes in the morning? I wear chelsea boots myself, so I never have to worry about it

can we please just sweep in under the rug hehe

I'd say they're more susceptible to being influenced by finding out how completely corrupt the DNC is. Nothing is more dangerous to the left than an informed voter (as opposed to one who merely believes they are informed).

>wahhh you checkmated me but I have more pieces on the board than you

they're trying to say our minds have been hacked by supreme russian intellectual covert online agents
russia, this ones on u
cyber police are comin

I'm literally shaking

Laura is right, it is happening!


>Russia hacked MINDS?
Putin obviously has Squads of Telepaths able to read and control minds on a large scale, Telephatic Liberators that liberate your mind from anti-Russian thoughts

Lightweight McMuffin couldn't even pull his home state. Sad!

Bet the dad will jerk it when he finds out the daughter was raped by the tol rant nigs.

We should just have Obama be president until they finally get to the bottom of this hacking thing. Even if it takes 2 years, trump is too dangerous and we all know hilldog won

omg stfu

mormons = satanic cult of non christians like catholics


>Compared to a woman who declared war on a cartoon frog
and lost


Get fucked cunt. Don't you have someone you need to kill? Don't you have somewhere you need to be?

Literally australia teir

>McMuffin still won't' STFU

Does anybody have any good shoops of McMuffin to look like a conehead?


>evan mcmuffins
>not a meme
Go to bed, Evan mcshlomo

This. I can't follow you fuckwits anymore. But, keep whining all the way to 2020, losers.

Then why do the constantly phrase it "hacked the election"? They know there's nothing there, and just trying to make it sound heinous.

what are you talking about lol

This faggot sure is a handy tool for the left

>le CIA forehead man

Imma drop this riiight here. Kthxbye.

It's fucking hilarious that putin emperor threads lead to trumps presidency being tainted by this russian hacker nonsense.

kek works in mysterious ways.


if voting machines arent the issue he should shut the fuck up and stop faggot signaling

He's not the next president and he's willing to mislead the American people to protect his CIA buddies and muh Greatest Ally.

So this is him saying he's as qualified as Trump?

The votes, americans !

It'll be a good day when the people string him up by his Mormon neck and his globalist buddies are below, lined up against the firing wall. Poisoning the masses with deflection from their desires to make the U.S a vassal state to China and Communist EU.


When is Egg McMuffin gonna be done already damn
Is this what going full cuck looks like? Damn...not even once

"2 Mommies" McMuffin pretending to be relevant..

Oh yeah?

When did "British intelligence" ever leads the US intelligence service wrong?

Look deeper lads, the Anglo is pulling your strings.

Not trying to fuck with you too hard, but in Russia, I understand many see Putin as a Jewish shill.

Given that he has constantly protected them, signed a plethora of treaties with Israel, and his best friends since St.Petersburg are jewish.

If anything the pro-Israel lobby wins big with Trump, and if he's connected to Putin, doubly so.

>Voting machines are not the issue.
>but they keep it classified
Really fucks your brainpussy


Russia had no influence in the result or outcome. Democrats put up a corrupt, political prostitute...That's why she lost.

Russia, China, India, Pakistan, lone wolves etc etc have always been trying to hack into American government. You, Evan here and our CIA produce no proof of Russia altering anything.

>be Russian president Vladimir Putin
>create plan to hack US election but don't hack the machines or anything relating to the actual democratic process
>election successfully rigged

Blames Russians

Knows who actually did the heavy lifting, but doesnt dare name infowars in fear of more people going there.

Fuck off and dont steal my pepe

Do leftiests know why they don´t want to ally with Russia or they hate Russia because tv says so?

>Hillary and gone to war with them

Honestly leftists deserved Hillary, let the stronk women fight #draftourdaughters

>Do leftiests know why they don´t want to ally with Russia or they hate Russia because tv says so?
Muh fags and mudslimes.
That's literally it.

Fuck me.

I missed this! I hope Trump Knights this fucker.

why is nobody talking about that he helped create isis? not even trump brings it up there are photos

If Hillary won they would have to go to war against Russia and would have to receive rapefugees.

They don´t deserve Trump

More like your democracy is a threat to our republic. Can someone explain to me in a rational way why Russia isnt allowed to be aunited states close ally? Yet China and Russia can?

When trump said he is afraid of rigged elections against him Obama spoke up saying its impossible to rig it. now obongo is crying russians interfiered (without providing evidence), why is nobody talking about this? he literaly contradicted himself. i though word of the most important and most powerful person on the planet is somehow imporant. how can he change position like that without being called out.

> mcmuffin

Their goal is to create roadblocks for Trump to minimize his ability to change things. Sowing dissent in right-leaning groups is a part of that, alongside pushing obstructive litigation, sabotaging international relations, releasing Guantanamo criminals, and having Paul Ryan claim the GOP is going to do horrible things to whip the left into a frenzy. They want to do as much damage as possible by the 20th.

The dems were willing to start a war with Russia to keep the world from finding out about their pedo cult.

>Dems can't use secure passwords like my ten-ear-old does
>muh Russians
>muh war

Can an user tell me what stage of grief the cucks have reached? Their trained niggers have resorted to attacking disabled people. Has King Nigger even acknowledged this?

He's going to be tried for sedition, the Russia report is literally nothing. Surprised they didn't investigate CTR's Saudi ties though...

CIA will only exist for a few more weeks.