>You will never be this brave
You will never be this brave
wtf i hate drumpf now i am a hillarymissile
>ugly hand
is it gay or trans
So brave
wow... you sure thought that building a lesson.
How can dumpf even manage a recovery
She's so intolerant and racist!
>Far away
>No threat
Perfect picture representing the stereotypical libtard. Next step, cut off their fingers
People doing this are stupid and attentionwhores
"Look at me, im flipping my finger at a building in a free country that allows me to this. Just look at me, I'm such a rebel I have the guts to flip off a building and posting it on facebook for attention"
Drumpf is finished, even little girls hate him
Trump hater does not know true courage
Love Trump's Hate
I hope that's a Mexican tourist and not some faggot illegal alien that escaped Mexico just to flaunt their pride in the country they decided wasn't even worth living in.
>I'm gonna flip the bird at Drumpf tower exks dee stunning and brave!
Fuck off, if you want to do something, then at least harden the fuck up and toss a rock through the window.
Teaching your kid to hate
Parent of the year right there
Shop that guy leaning on top giving the finger to the child.
When they do it it's not hate, it's righteousness. Also, there's no more childhood anymore. Society is beyond the point of return fucked.
This guy?
To true man we are fucked when this is what is shown to kids
>getting trolled
>A lot of anti-Trump protest just in front of his door.
>Far Far Far Faraway someone give a middlehand.
An asian-american friend of mine did just that and posted it on FB just before the election. Minutes later she was like
>pleeease why are white people so hatefuuul
In b4 Ted Mosby kills this bitch for flipping off an architectural master piece.
Yeah. Put him over the dead kid in the water (which they moved for a better picture btw) plus the POV flipping the bird.
I'm sure in the coming years you could probably have a massive collage of this shit.
more like ywn feel her finger deep insider you.
I hope you're not white/still friends with this person.
Pointing a finger to a building
what the fuck is that guys problem? why is he even in that country first of all, and why is sticking his middle finger in some dead kids face?
>throwing a grain of sand at an elephant
but its all good, i know this is just shitposting
Thicc spicc
He is following his dreams
I don't know. But he can't keep getting away with it.
As a straight huwhite man, it would be a death sentence.
He must. Be. Stopped.
Drumpf will never recover, this is just the opening that Jeb! needs
>tell your kid every five minutes how bad Trump is and how he will kill every non-white get the US at war and what asshole he is
>be surprised when they don't like him
>take a picture of it and say "LMAO NOT EVEN KIDZ LIKE DRUMPF THAT MEANS HE BAD!"
>You will never be this brave
Wow so brave.
Standing like 60 feet away flipping of a building without showing your face.
In which the person you don't like isn't even there, its just a property with his name.
Give her a medal of honor.
Fuck war heroes she's the bravest.
Rare photo of Trump and founding fathers
Not even 60 feet lad, she's standing on the bride across the river. Atleast 100 yards as I recall
I-is that nailpolish from wal-mart?
You are like a little child.
Also sage for bait.
To me the funniest thing is stumbling upon some one doing this. Imagining them holding the phone for the best shot is hilarious.
>across a river
>across the street
Must be getting in practice for when they have to shake their fists over the wall