Why Trump?

I know nothing in politics (inb4: I fit right in), so please tell me why do you praise this man? I understand that he's definitely lesser evil, than hillary, but why praise him? What do you think he will do?

Other urls found in this thread:


he is hated by the Establishment and media and he stands for white identity and strong borders and stopping immigration.

Drain The Swamp Then Fill It Up With Bigger Cunts

>he stands for white identity and strong borders and stopping immigration.
But how do you know he's gonna do that? Also he's not gonna do anything against JWOA as far as I know, so what's the point?

Why dont you ask why Hillary instead? why do we have the burden of proof..

Drain The Swamp Then Fill It Up With Russians

>Donald Trump's election will be the biggest 'fuck you' ever recorded in human history

He's not in office yet and already making good on some of his promises and has helped wreck Mexico's economy just with some tweets.

It's great.

End corruption
Purge the politicised members of federal departments
Repeal Obamacare
No more regime changes or useless wars
Maybe audit the Fed
Hopefully sort out the CIA

Hillary would be a certain bet for degeneracy. Trump is the only way towards repairing the west.

we didn't want ww3 happening


Drain The Swamp Then Fill It Up With Lies

Fuck fake liberalism
Fuck the corruption
General Mattis
Jeff Sessions
Steve Bannon
Fuck china
Fuck pedos
America First
What the Fuck else

Reasons are endless


>End corruption
But how if he didn't even promise to do anything against the federal reserve which is the core of all evil in america?
>Repeal Obamacare
Why is it bad?
Yeah but see the way people talked and continue to talk about it, implies everybody thinks Trump is objectively amazing candydad.
Pls expand


Trump is the goy we have all been waiting for.

because he wasn't Hillary


>Pls expand
pls follow current events in syria and the middle east

I implore Sup Forumstards to watch this of their believed memeporer.









Federal reserve is the tip of the corruption iceberg. Back to /fit/ if you don't know this.
Obamacare has shot deductibles and out of pockets costs up very high for everyone. It's also based on lies and broken promises of a medical insuramce utopia basically
Trump is the best thing to happen to America presidentially maybe EVER
We didn't want to go to war with Russia. We don't have any qualms with George Soros hatin' putin. We want to help him end Isis.

Also. We want to end the msm.

>donald trump is a liar
>donald trump is 100% telling the truth when I say he is

Trump should really lean on Comey for at least one sacrifice before he removes him. Think George Webb put it best:
George Webb - 20170107 - Day 75p1 - Where is Eric Braverman_ Who Killed Monica Petersen_ - (08m18s) - youtube.com/watch?v=yisqDe7lmoA

He's a chaotic shitposter and will help weaken the establishment so that america can be reformed in the future.

>But how if he didn't even promise to do anything against the federal reserve


Look man I get it that you're in Ukraine and don't really give a shit about what goes on in the US, but at least google Trump's stated policies before coming on Sup Forums and expecting to be spoonfed all the information

3 storm weenies mad about Israel

Nice flag but maybe this one fits your people better

What the hell do you have to lose?

Started following that guys channel about a week ago. I try to follow but the videos are hellishly boring and I have really no clue about all the bg info


Trump has already stopped AMerican jobs leaving the country.

He has secured well paid long term jobs for a lot of average american citizens at the expense of the company owners.

Make no mistake, Ford will still prosper but it will also help a large American community instead of a few New York shareholders.

America First


Israel first.

Mad Dog

WTFIU with the Dilbert tie?

Trump will be the greatest American president ever. And according to High Level Insider possibly the last

Anyone else think hollow earth will take the presidency in 2024?

Remember Kanye tweet after trump tower visit

Destroy political correctness. It's our only chance for survival.


He's not gonna destroy shit let alone PC you fucking retard.


Hail Israel ya faggot mudslimes

So you did come here to be contrarian and not get info after all. Fucking shill

I'm just being real dude. Some things he's CLEARLY not gonna do that's just common sense.

apply liberally

Remember how we got the system to indict the fb torturers as hate criminals? Think I just checkmated you faggot

That was trump Sup Forumsyard meme magic.

He puts helpful links in the powerpoint:

It also helps if you watch the older ones copied here:

He's already damaged a lot of PC. He's the first national politician to even bring up the topic of illegal immigration in perhaps 30 years. Other politicians would never have touched it with a 10-foot pole. Now everybody is able to talk about it. This is but one example of hundreds. You are blind.

Does trump say Islamic Terror unlike anyone else in he current establishment?

That's going to change

Where's your argument. One. I've laid out a couple easily

All fucking day. Fuckin cucked swedes can't help but miss these obvious power moves


Because he's going to deport all the Mexicans that are taking jobs for less than minimum wage that Americans need. Mexicans don't just take jobs that Americans don't want to do. They take cooking, baking, construction, cleaning, and gardening jobs. All of which are much better than working at McDonald's for $7.25 an hour and being forced to work part-time so you don't get benefits. Wanna work 2 part-time jobs to survive? Tough shit. Schedules are made 2 days before the next week. Working 2 jobs is impossible in America.

Once they're deported we can give them work visas to pick lettuce if Americans aren't willing to do it. Right now, though, I think we're the only 1st world country that relies on illegals who make less than minimum wage to work in the agriculture industry. I was told the ultra-liberal Canada brings in Caribs on work visas to pick their produce. Why can't we do that with Mexicans here? They'll actually benefit if employers are required to pay them the same wage they would pay Americans. Yet in the eyes of the ctrl-left, that's "racist."

Also, he wants to limit Muslim immigration. Muslims shit up every country they come to. 12% of American Muslims think criticizing the Quran should be punishable by death. WTF? How did those fuckers get in here? We obviously have a serious problem.

How is it going to help A NORMAL PERSON like you and me? We're still be getting fucked in the ass by pmsing PC knights. In fact since the Trump candidacy we have to hide the very fact we support him, cause it's an instant hate from zombies.
PC is too strong of a movement. Just like pedohysteria and feminazism.

These shills can't even argue one point

Not one argument yet

YOU hide the fact, pussy

PC is too strong. Nice argument. We laid out facts about things actually happening and you gave another opinion. Gj. Goes hand in hand with your scared personal politics

plan of action
more jobs for legal Americans
more money in American wallets
bring it back home


Is it a good thing for agency to claim their soon to become president is a Russian spy?

I'd fire those fuckers especially if they keep insisting on that for months.

>B-but it will re-affirm public image!
B-but what about evedence?

are you jelly?

Looks like we ended thread boys


lotta crackas deyuh

> he's successful = he's a psychopath
> right mom? tell them! pls!
> they are just fucking psychopaths I could raise to power to if I just ignored muh empathy and morals but I'm too good of a person

Bump to show another thread where the shills lost

Getting tired of winning . Sad.

Hey factless faggot you're back

>Hillary Clinton literally promises the apocalypse
>Trump suggests he might actually promote peace

Can't imagine why.

Bottom row
3rd from the right
who is captain forehead
i must know

Because he literally is playing 4d chess when the media is trying to beat him at checkers.

4D chess about John Miller scandal:

4d chess about Melania's "plagiarized" speech

run the government like a business
stop regime change

Because when the whole world Sup Forums (the media, the establishement etc...) spend so much energy trying to stop him, it means he must be doing something that threatens them.

He isn't a "lesser evil". He is someone that the people identified as nefarious for the vision of the world people here hold wanted at all cost to stop.

at least it's not the clinton psychopathy

we are so tired of losing



Enough voters thought that they'd be listened to that they tried something "different".

When times are good the US votes Democrat. When times aren't so good they vote Republican.

Trump sold them a pitch of "change". They believed it and voted for it. Most voters around the world fall for this shit. Yes the Yanks are thick as fuck but not necessarily any more than the rest of our nations.

Now you'll get a swamp drained and filled with the shit from another one. Very little will realistically change. He's flip-flopping on issues like a slimy eel and is likely to continue doing so.

As long as he can gain enough favour and attention while presenting an opposing ideology for people to rail against he'll have people supporting him regardless of getting anything done.


before it launched i called hill, ted, jeb. selected not elected for the 2016 line up(happened). i saw trump bust through the fucking door like macho man randy savage. murica. a 3rd bush is more israel/saudi lube, a 2nd clinton is far fucking worse double banged by israel and china at the same time. plus in 300 million americans 2 families holding 5 runs is impossibly stupid, why not just elect a fucking queen? think the bushes are just amazing people or the clintons are just stellar, no the jews put them there. i campaigned for paul just to show they would fuck him.

KEK neither will I but probably for a different reason

Is he a good goy or bad goyim? USA still make gay sex yes?

Good. Mexican like California gay sex.

4D chess about taco bowl tweet on cinco de mayo


Ukrainy is pig

Image kek

Trump, for a lack of better options.
Praise, to explode more liberal livers and feed on their tears.

We'll said based user

Well ;^(

It doesn't even matter anymore, this man controls the markets of the entire world through his Twitter right now. Even if we were to try and stop him, he has ascended to a point that may even rival Kek.

We hate America and he will destroy America.

Have a le nap

back to le reddit

I have never posted there..
But I have come across some Reddit threads where facts were discussed. Don't see any from you here...

Hahaha retarded american do you even know who owns america?

Right now? Yeah, Ahmed, that would be your cousin Pajeet

Oh yeah and your stepsons mothers father Ching-Sang

Half of these don't even seem real. It's like being endorsed by some 18 year old's blogspot website.