What is Sup Forums's opinion on Jordan B Peterson?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Jordan B Peterson?

fuck drumpf, fuck white people

The embodiment of Pepe



Sup Forums doesn't deserve him

an interesting fellow

what's with that painting behind him? seen it a few times in his videos.

A good guy. He's right about most things but I think he's a bit too far left/egalitarian.

Interesting guy, found him recently and watching a lot of his lectures on his youtube channel. As an atheist he's one of the few people that I've seen who has a reasonably rational view of religion.

His new years message was heartbreaking, I just hope the guy is OK. seems weighed down by the ability to actually think clearly about the work he does.

Another classical liberal thinker.

Because we were really running short on those kinds of people.

It's the cover of a book he has written. and his profile pic on his twitter and youtube

he really believes the nazis killed 6 million jews on an industrialized scale with rail carts and giant ovens

other than, he's cool

that is a good thing. these people stand in the way of right-wing action and only naysay and fingerwag the far left as they continue their reign of terror unopposed.

was it created to be the cover of his book or did it exist beforehand?

This. What he talks about goes probably over the head of most here, except "SJWs lol".
Sweet book btw, will buy it sometime.

I like him.

I think it was created for the cover of his book because I can't find it anywhere else

To be hasn't it wasn't any kind of achievement, Aztecs had higher rate of kills per minute than any concentration camp Germans had when they opened some temple back in 1487, and all of this with stone knifes.

>To be hasn't

Rewriting posts always end like this

So they contribute fuck all to the political doscourse?

What sort of change have these athiest classical liberals like Sargon of Akkad, Richard Dawkins, Lauren Southern, Christopher Hitchens actually brought to the world apart from filling their bank accounts from their book sales. You already have cunts in this thread searching his book up on Amazon right now.

My point being; it's all the same shit we've seen before.

>Lauren Southern

Some user posted caps of her """"""book""""""" last night, absolute 1st draft blog-tier horseshit.

My opinion is that his work in Maps of Meaning will be the final redpill to save Western Civilization. He's a great guy.

peterson is offering people a means to sort themselves out internally and in so doing become able to affect society positively.

the alternative to this is the nihilism you see on the left and the totalitarianism you see on here, both of which will end horribly for everyone.

One thing I noticed about him is that he looks at almost everything with a broad perspective that lacks ideology, in fact he talks specifically about ideology being very bad and generally filling a hole that's left behind when critical thinking is gone.

He does have some left leaning beliefs, I was just watching his personality lectures and he's discussing IQ and society, and how once income distribution gets too bad the rich are essentially on the run from the poor and pretty much not free, you have to gate yourself into a community with other rich people. Now I'm more right wing for sure and fine with natural hierarchy but can see sense in this idea. You're rich until the masses are downtrodden enough they just revolt and pull the whole system down.

>hurr both sides are dumb

We fucking get it already.