Say it with me:
Say it with me:
When your ideology is so good the only arguments against it are straw man memes
theyre funny tho
>the rape of children is good
>When you use the initiation of force as an argument against an ideology arguing against the initiation of force, and your ideology can still not be debunked
What's to prevent some truly monolithic sized companies basically forming nation states and exploiting people worse than the government already do?
Trump and white people
i mean that's what's happening right now anyways so yolo
What would be the checks and balances of power in a libertarian state?
Now, I could be wrong here. But I have this strange feeling that you didn't type this as a joke or bait.
I think libertarianism has its noble elements. Capitalism and meritocracy are arguably white cultural traits.
However, as it stands today, libertarianism is just a containment ideology used by the left to draw membership away from white nationalist groups. Marxists can work with libertarians, who are willing to flood white nations with leftist-voting shitskins for the sake of "muh liberty". The end result is that the libertarians will end up getting replaced and out-voted by the same system they support.
Libertarianism is basically Jeb Bush.
Well if someone would forcefully remove property that they do not own most people would rise up, and even if they succeed feudalism was not as bad as people make it out to be.
Libertarians are passive liberals.
Both libertarians believe in atomization of man, materialization of reality, and indifference.
Modern liberals believe in a billion genders all based on how individualism see themselves. It isn't collective or it would just be one gender. Also when Muslims kill people they believe "not all Muslims" saying the individual is separate from Islam. Finally, diversity is individualistic. It seeks to end all group preferences so that we become a blob individuals. Appeasing to BLM and Islam is to attack the "dominant" groups like white straight males. Though this fails because people always want and have group preference.
Libertarians want the same but through voluntary acts. The Modern left uses the government to speed it up.
As a libertarian I agree. We need physical removal en masse.
Nigger taxes are the reason we left you
great fucking job importing niggers
Fuck off thats the south that fucked us up
You sound butthurt northern nigger
Well you did a nice job of keeping them and betraying everything your founding father fought for.
The NAP only applies to people.
>nationalist libertarians dont exist
sure shlomo
is Hoppean Snake Memes /ourguy/?
for sure
I giggled
It's not a "straw man" when it accurately portrays the ideology. None of the ancap ball memes have been debunked.
Hoppe will always be /ourguy/.
OC bls rate
What will keep the bosses from returning to 19th century and practically using workers as slaves?
The fact that it isn't efficient to do so
Holy shit
I love you roadless frog
I love you roadless frog
They aren't arguments, just jokes.
To all those guys who think libertarians don't support the existence of government, they do. Libertarian theorists as Nozik or Hayek defend the existence of an small government, whose only functions are the defence of freedom and human rights related to freedom, as freedom of being, movement, property or righteous exchange between individuals.That means that the only functions of the state would be policing the individuals so no one steps over the other, For example: a big company abusing its power to expropriate someones property, someone stealing someones property or someone killing someone without reason, which means the highest violation of others liberty.
That being said, I want to say that I'm not a libertarian, but most people here get the theory wrong, most of the libertarian theorists dont defend the extinction of the state but they limit the extension of it.
does anyone have the spreadsheet for what all the balls mean? there are like 50 of them
Wrong. In an AnCap society, there is no need for roads, because everyone owns their own VTOL.
Hoppeism is best ideology.
everyone lumps libertarianism with dude weed and no roads without looking at it as a general perspective. libertarian practice is not a final solution.
as a libertarian I'm down with enforcing borders, there are real issues etc which sometimes need intervention if they are dangering the property of the citizens. that being said, I'd rather have open borders without any social benefits like we did back in the day
also, federal income tax is theft. if someone doesn't understand that, they have more research to do.
Fuck Nozik, why is he even being discussed in academia.
>implying we do not have the same, but subtlier thing today
Btw, another thing I don't understand is why this attack to liberalism when people doesn't even know what liberalism is. Let me explain. The US constitution was founded on liberal ideas (there is a lot of influence by John Locke in the writings) Liberalism overall is founded on the defence of the individual rights(as property); the defence of the free market, and the defence of freedom or liberty, being the highest of human rights. When in the past 50 years you Americans started referring to social democrats as liberals?
Why "fuck Nozik" and why shouldn't he be discussed in academia? (I'm just curious, not defending him. I would like to know more lucid authors)
American political theorists on both sides started using "liberal" to refer to advocates of positive liberty, which lead to people having to use "libertarian" to describe those who believe in negative liberty
I don't know why it happened, but that's what it is
Aeronautical Socialism: Every person deserves at least one helicopter ride.
Its just as George Orwell described, this is an attack on language. this is a long point but basically it leads to the subversion of our educational system and definitions.
Words don't mean anything objective anymore.
but not you see "conservatives" trying to defend classical liberalism and there is a clash of definitions of the word liberal. remember alot of this site and media resources are either ignorant or blatantly disregarding definitions of ideas to suit their own needs or (((narrative)))
we are losing the culture war because "culture" doesn't mean anything objectively anymore
i don't hate him outright, I just think other people like Ludwig Von Mises should be discussed instead
thats why pinochet is too left wing for me, he should have privatised the mean of helicopter ride
Bugs me out because the one who made the distinction between positive and negative liberty, Isaiah Berlin, was a pure liberal and a strong defendant of negative liberty, even more he related positive liberty to fascism and communism.
Yeah I partly agree with your approach
(I can't believe we are having a good civil conversation about politics on Sup Forums)
>Ludwig Von Mises
and I agree with you
sometimes Sup Forums does that.
also commies arent humans so libertarians cant violate NAP dropping them from copters.
>is there an an-cap ball about dropping commies onto someones property, violationg the NAP, which in turn causes a SAM battery strike to your whirly bird, crashing it onto a corporately owned farm, etc...
I love you roadless frog
but commies are humans, like it or not
(i know...)
nope, not while they are in a helicopter
The funny thing is that our Traffic minister has a plan for introducing road subscriptions..
i love you roadless frog
That was a great post
Anarcho-Capitalism is the red pill Sup Forums refuses to take. It's okay lads, it also took me a while.
Anarchism for the masses is for edge-cuck fedoras. Classical liberalism is where it's at.
>most people would rise up
This is literally the check against state overreach already, the issue is complacency.
it doesn't matter, just focus on helping yourself
the economic collapse is like the genesis flood narrative, only a few will keep their wealth and everyone else who where economicaly iliterate will drown.
The world wealth transfer will benefit ancaps, and, sadly, central banks that also are gold holders.
At this point you might as well go full 1488, its rose by any other name. Most libs and ancaps shun Hoppe as "not a real libertarian" because of his extremism
>national libertarians counterbalancing anything
so insignificant it hurts
which is why going 1488 is the only logical conclusion in today's context