Sup Forums vs Doxers

>Hehe we can do better without IRL activism AMIRIGHT fellow nazis?

Other urls found in this thread:

first for gas 8faggers

>oy vey look at this my fellow nazis, there's someone on another forum saying he wants to "shill" here, let's doxx a bunch of people who had nothing to with this.

the idea that TRS shilled them is so damn absurd

> hey guys we have similar ideas... check out this podca---

The real mistake here was reaching out to the 8pol idiots

what forum/website can we dox the antifa fucks at? i know if we do it here well get banned by faggot mods

Lmao @ you cutting off the whole picture where they discussed the shilling.

do you have actually docs on them or are you just asking?

Doxing antifa doesn't do anything unless you catch them committing a crime.

There are a lot of antifa groups with open jewbook pages.

14 year olds pls go

no, but leaders can be targetted for good ol' pizza harassment

The rest of the image has nothing relevant except them saying how much 8pol hates TRS because they talk to Spencer.

Lmao at you pretending that Iron March is relevant to any conversation about anything.

TRS did nothing wrong and everyone who isn't a desperate Antifa damage control agent has already figured that out. You played your hand poorly and you lost.

the hatred against Spencer some people feel is absurd, and people doing that are very likely anti-fa faggots that want the far-right to return to the shadows

We hit a nerve

He's trying to cause more d&c by bringing IM into this.

I don't think they got Enoch

is the stormfag infestation finally over

You can do so many things with a persons adress
>sign them up to gay pornwebsites and recive a ton of shit
> order 347 pizzas to there house
>sign them up to islamic websites that send you quarans
>post adds on craigslist for gay sex and some fag will arive and knock at there door every few mins
>send the fags to there neighbors houses so they think they are freaks
>post adds for a free puppy
> spam where they work
> spam there phones
thats just at the top of my head

we just need a place to gather and post results and lols

>post adds on craigslist for gay sex and some fag will arive and knock at there door every few mins


mind you, they probably already do that

Explain this one away. Try not to cut all the context out this time.

They won't get Mike, he has a tech job, plus I already messaged Weev. Hopefully he'll help everyone else on TRS get their InfoSec secured.

>8niggers getting bamboozled by kikes and antifa into doxing white nationalists and their families.

Watch them sperg out here and post their rehashed pastas and "evidence" to justify their kikish behavior. 8gaggers need to stay in their containment board.

Yeah isn't it great that antifa can do that to SS and Bulbi now? Seriously autchan, you've REALLY accomplished something today. Even if they don't get fired.


b-but user muh based jews muh efforposting

> calling people that talk about the jewish question kikes

to anyone not retarded it is more than evidence 8pol natsocs are a bunch of roleplaying antifas and jews

OP is part of group that is attacking and DDoSing TRS.
This thread is pure Divide and Conquer tactics by anti-Whites.


I'm still looking for the "it's OK to dox nationalists" part. Maybe its in the next image grab.

Reminder this image and archive explains what started this shitstorm. TRS shills are counting on people forgetting who shot first to insert a false narrative and deflect. But Sup Forums doesn't forget.

There's nothing to explain. Some misguided spergs posted on 8pol and got rightly banned. The thread on TRS got locked and the guy that created it got banned and mentioning shilling on 8pol became a bannable offense. Then people started pretending to be from TRS on 8pol and now we've got a full blown forum drama that's been going on for a week and ended up getting 2 people doxxed so antifa can harass them.

> TRS shills

go back to your anti-fa run board of cancer

Only ONE of those posts is provably TRS, and none of the "nationalist jews" posts are. The creator of that macro just stuck the TRS posts among those other run-of-the-mill JIDF shill posts in the hopes that people would see them and assume they were from the same source.

It's in the 'talk shit get hit nerd' image grab.

Yep, here's thread #1 of this whole fiasco.

i will so gladly report you for harassment
fuck memkraine and fuck azov batallion

I know all the evidence. At least 4 people have been caught posting their ban screens to TRS. Wat, Lothar, and two others. Sup Forums still doesn't do multiple image uploading so come get it on 8(remove)

Funny.We are the only ones actually getting info on antifa.

There are people on this board that are legit civic nationalists. Discussing if alliance with nationalists Jews and nationalists whites is dumb, but should not be banned or called out as some sort of treason. Some people are just less redpilled about Jews than others.
This sums this drama up
Fuck Freddit. It's a cancerous, humourless and autistic website. Sad!

We could make a discord or tinychat where we can dox.

as if that mattered

like the Soviet Union, antifa can simply bring people to the front infinitely

attacking nationalists is NOT to be forgiven

these posters are Antifa leftist shills trying to devide whites
this dont fall for divide and conquer no enemies on the right. Everyone from R/thedonald to stormfront and all inbetween are our allies .

Reminder that was complete horseshit. Reminder that there being stuff you don't like on a public anonymous image board is not an excuse for doxing white nationalists. Reminder the /baphomet/ fucker who did this ADMITTED in the last thread this was always about he and his fellow 1337 h4x0rs egos and nothing to do with politics.

Lol wut. A vaugely related IRL group didn't want to say their bar meetup was a the "Offishul Nashanal Shoshalist Party Rally" and so you should dox nationalists?

You guys are doing all the attacking. Sven from TRS noted that this is a one sided attack and has told everyone in and associated with TRS not to fight back since what you're doing is designed to cause a civil war within the Alt-Right.

That's a weak excuse. Dump them faggot, I'm not gonna sift through your honeypot board of hundreds of pics and probably not gonna find what you're talking about anyway.
Or have you forgotten how to use a regular imageboard?

I miss the days when 8gag posters we're automatically banned on the spot for rearing their autistic heads around here.

im down for this

Im not here to argue with trkikes. Keep crying tho your tears are tasty.

Daily reminder that 8fags can't explain why doxxing nationalists helps nationalism at all

(((alt right)))
picture discredited ((())) meme came from TRS

you sound awfully like a lefty/pol/ users

really makes me think

Your first post is 100% correct, it had nothing to do with 8/pol/ and Sven getting doxed. Keep going 'muh antifa' though.

8/pol/ is not within the alt right, and this was in response to months of nonstop shilling.

Why do 8pol retards keep dragging their asses over here and shitting up our board? Keep your faggy 14 yo larping on your dead website.

The trkike cries out in pain as he strikes you.

> 8/pol/ is not within the alt right, and this was in response to months of nonstop shilling.

How is that an excuse?

What has 8/pol/ accomplished that TRS deserves to be punished because of crossposters?

Red Ice has a discussion with a Zionist.

8ch faggots respond by going so far right they fall off the spectrum, becoming SJW's.

Expect the internet to just understand because TRS deserved it for being more popular and successful than them.

None of this shit makes any sense, though I expect the nationalist right always eats itself eventually. Especially when it starts ejecting the deformed and undesirables from the movement.

Then wtf are you here for? I thought it had something to do with you justifying putting white nationalists' families at risk in your personal vendetta some might have possibly sympathized with before you all made complete asses of yourselves and broke the basic rules of the radical right.

You are fucking retarded if you think TRS is kikes I am sorry.

I'd honestly brain myself if I were in the shoes of an 8faggot, there's no redeeming oneself once you go there

>months of nonstop shilling.
Yeah keep repeating the same lie, eventually people might believe it. That's how you kikes got 8pol riled up.

Funny isn't it. That these faggots cry like women that their board is getting shilled then run over here and shill nonstop.

Keep crying. You messed with the bull and got the horns.

i hear sven got doxxxxxied. is this truth?

Wow, I wonder who could be behind this time wasting divide and conquer drama?

80 percent of that image has nothing to do with TRS, TRS is not pro-jew

> mfw you are not even involved in any of this and you are just a fucking leaf trying to troll 4pol

day of the rake when?

It's the Canadian shill from the last thread. He linked to a lefty website - without using archive - in the hopes of recording your IP for datamining purposes.
Don't trust his lies, and don't click his links!

It is just sad there was 0 reason for any of this
"proof" from 8/pol/ proves this. I hope people will grow out of this childish shit and focus on what matters now.

I dunno, but someone needs to grab a fucking rake.

remember goys, divide and conquer is an explicitly jewish practice

do not fall for it

get over this pedantic bullshit. We all want to see the preservation of our people and a future for white children.

> don't click his links!


Specially Google Docs link

>You messed with the bull and got the horns.
The anti TRS threads were completely filled up with 3 id's making at least 70 posts each and repeating the same lines over and over while shilling their gay twitter hacking group. Everybody who fell for this obvious d&c is doing the work of the kikes

Sure thing Commander Stryker. You really proved you were the 13373$7 today.


Fuck off antifa.

based stolen valour amirite. You lot are a fucking joke and got dealt with accordingly. I love how you had to run over to 4ch to bitch and moan and play the eternal victim.

poopy baby is nummies fo daddeh

Its literally anarchist antifa website
t.Retard who clicked

2+6 chan will now be referred to as antifachan

You don't have mods like you do over at 8/pol/ and you only managed to shut down TRS's forum a few hours at best.
People are figuring out who your little terrorist D&C group is.

They have your ip now not kidding

Its funny how a bunch of faggot antifa twats made your hero ghoul rat like a bitch. Shows the calibre you lot are.


Please go back to your site

Implying you aren't "playing the victim".
>d-dey shot first!
This isn't your fight. You've already been exposed as a leftist. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. Why do you continue? At least switch IPs and hit us with some new tactics.

Never was aware of this whole thing till I read your picture.

Jews are cool but You're full of shit. Kill yourself.


How low do you trsodomites reach?

Your website is shit, your board is shit. Never forget that leaf. You have to go back to 8pol.

>MSM bitching about White Nationalists
Of course bar had to discredit them, they would have been destroyed otherwise
Its fucking nothing, like the rest of your shit

le divide and conquer leaf

Trump please nuke them

>8gaggers are goyim to their antifa masters
You can't make this up

The jew will always out himself and overplay his hand; it is within his nature

Dude there are literally 5-10 of you on fullpol making the board unusable with your constant shill cries of "TRSODOMITESSSS." You think that's a win? You think this whole thing is a win for you? You think TRS is going anywhere? You think you've acoomplished anything but fucking over your own board, the board I was proud to call my own until you pathetic fags ruined it with your high school drama and unforgivable doxing?

I am so glad this place seems to still have it's head on right. It's been a long time boys, but I'm glad to be home.

>This isn't your fight. You've already been exposed as a leftist. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. Why do you continue? At least switch IPs and hit us with some new tactics.
muh antifa muh iron march muh who ever else trsodomites can conjure up.

Fuck your faggot forum and every last one of you name fagging e-celeb worshipping cunts.


Epic just epic

>Its funny how a bunch of faggot antifa twats made your hero ghoul rat like a bitch.
...according to themselves. You have already proven you are willing to lie shamelessly.

Agreed. The site really went downhill after Hotwheels patreon got shoah'd in late '14/early '15, and it's a fucking tragedy how bad it is nowadays.

>Dividing something that was never united
Keep shilling for those donations.

the leaf is an ovendodger