Do you live near any gangs?
No yuropoor, the 5 gypsies that bother you aren't a gang. I'm talking th real deal Holyfield bloods crops Latin kings.
Do you live near any gangs?
No yuropoor, the 5 gypsies that bother you aren't a gang. I'm talking th real deal Holyfield bloods crops Latin kings.
Yea, they're all over this island, especially Morningside Heights, Washington Heights and Harlem.
maybe some motorgangs but theyre always just passing through.
chechens and afghans form classic "street gangs" here, but its a rather new thing and our generous wellfare keeps them quiet.
Bandidos, Hells Angels, 10 other MC gangs in my town.
I would say they are a gang because
1. Tattoos that symbolize belonging to them
2. Deal heavily in drugs and other crime
The difference is that bikers don´t really give a shit if you don´t directly fuck with them. There is no direct threat to you even if you would be their neighbor
i thought most of the gangs in morningside heights at this point were trust funds
/516/ over here, my area is full of illegal central americans who shoot and murder each other
Live in a place called Ranui. Place is notorious for gangs. Many incidents have occured where people have been beaten to a pulp. Never encountered this myself because I'm white and stocky, so they think twice.
maori gangs?
There's MS13 around here but you'd only know if you're in to that kind of shit.
Why are there so many MCs in Europe?
Aren't they finding bodies on a daily basis in long island?
I would say it is less risky here.
Our prisons are a joke. Our sentences are a joke. And our Police are actually more afraid of the bikers than they are of police.
Fuck no. Aside from bikies who are just senile old men and their bogan fans. They pedal low-quality ice that other bogans cook in sheds out bush.
Basically if you take a special-needs class and dress them in motorbike jackets, that's our gangs.
Maori and Polynesian.
>Do you live near any gangs?
Yes they're really close
Glasgow knife gangs mostly. Pretty much white niggers. Although they tend to just kill each other instead of innocent people so at least that's good.
>no yuropoors
Fuck your cosplayer gangs burger.
If you're gang doesn't have guns you're just rough school boys.
yea I know some folk nation and gangster disciples
Lately here it has been on vogue to buy land dirt cheap in problematic neighborhoods and build gated communities there. My apartment in the 10th story overlooks a shanty town.
Got Hells Angels and Outlaws here. They get along pretty well and keep our small population of spics and dindus from starting gangs.
I've seen MS13 painted on a fence one time but I think it was just kids, any gang that tries to move in gets shut down pretty quick.
Bikers gangs are pretty redpilled aside from the drugs, I wish they would team up and try to get rid of nig and spic gangs
Orange county here
Yes I do. Its like whatever. The skin heads and the Mexicans usually team against blacks.
This is the biggest gang in my city, who are known as 'CIA'. For close to 5 years they've been in a deadly rivalry with the local crime lord known as 'The Big Guy'.
Probably but I'd never know it. I never understood these guys that advertise they are criminals.
In Birmingham, AL and fuck yes.
There are a lot of sub-gangs affiliated with crips and bloods that peddle cartel drugs and have daily tit-for-tat murders. Plenty of dindus have killed children in drive-bys.
I'm not really worried about my personal safety because I CC all day every day and they don't target whites too often. You just don't know who is carrying a gun here so it's gambling on your life.