Why are American girls such coalburners?

Why are American girls such coalburners?

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Jew brainwashing, my Texan friend.

Because 56%

So, if the Jews started to "brainwash" Australian girls (via media), they would fuck abomales? I don't think it's that simple

Why are these women not being told that they are a disgrace to every ansestor they ever had and are throwing away centurys worth of work trying to improve the jean pool??

Their families probably don't see a problem with that. Let's not forget that most popular sports in the States are basketball and handegg (where 90% of players are black)

Yo, bump

USA did a huge mistake when they decided to be nice to negros.

They should have exterminate them and punish everyone that tried to help them.

What do you think about the American tacoburners, dude? Are they abundant?

What's that Nigromancy?